There are so many men out there that need help.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
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I came across a sub-reddit that has left me in shock. Some of these stories are so depressing, I barely even know where to start.

Exhibit A:

While at work, I day dream all day long about my beautiful wife...loving, kissing, ****ing... and when I get home from work, she's not there.

There is this woman who is indifferent to me, who could care less about me, she keeps me around because I pay the bills. She looks like the vixen in my day dreams, who wants to tear my clothes off and **** my brains out...but when I get around her, I feel like... ****.

I would rather be alone and not have sex, than be married and hope to make love to my beautiful wife who doesn't think of me that way.

This is my story, this is my dead bedroom.

We have cats... and she lets me drink beer... and I have nude photos of her that I masturbate too.

She has her own story, I bet she has a **** story to tell of her own... she did tell it to me... He was the best lover of her life... but he couldn't commit... hence me... I havn't been laid in 6 months.

I plan never to get laid again, not with this woman.
Exhibit B:

I'm sorry. I'm pissed, and I don't know where to start. I apologize for the rant. I'll try to keep it focused.

Not much progress has been made with the wife. We've had discussions about sex and lack of her effort and interest.

I really do try to do romantic things without expections of sex. I spend time watching shows she likes, play video games with her, hang out with her. Yet no effort is given from her to please me, other than cooking dinner or breakfast at times.

It's almost like she doesn't like sex anymore. I try complimenting, flirting, or playing with her. But all I get is a giggle, a 'thanks'(literally), and then ignored. Years ago she made provacative and sexy photos for me. Now, the lingere is balled up in her dresser.

I begged her to do something sexy with me one time. Once, recently she put one some lace-like panties on, in the complete dark, and under the bed. Really?

The other night, I guess she was wanting sex. But not sure. She went to bed naked. Normally, with this weather, she is bundled up. I just ignored her, and went to bed. I'm tired of fighting for it.

I've been fighting for sex with her too long. I don't know how the the DeadBedroom people who last longer than 2 weeks survive without killing or ripping somebodys head off.

I am about to the point to looking for sex on the side, and I'm scared that I'd actually follow through with it. Either for spite or enjoyment. I love her and everything else, but sex is just so boring when it does happen.
And of course, no one gives advice that is anywhere near helpful. Just a bunch of clueless blind people bumping into walls as they roam in the dark. Sad...

Maybe, at least, they're desperate enough that they would be willing to take the red pill without putting up too much of a fight.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
He is weak, the marriage is broken and he isn't doing anything about it.

He needs to either

1. Leave. In some form.

2. Resign to having a mistress.

Plain and simple, a man (and a woman!) has needs. If they aren't being taken care of and the issue isn't being addressed, then it is time to act.

This man is being a pvssy.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
iqqi said:
He is weak, the marriage is broken and he isn't doing anything about it.

He needs to either

1. Leave. In some form.

2. Resign to having a mistress.

Plain and simple, a man (and a woman!) has needs. If they aren't being taken care of and the issue isn't being addressed, then it is time to act.

This man is being a pvssy.
FYI those are two separate people I quoted.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
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It all sounds just like my last marriage. I put up with it til my little one gets old enough to legally specify that they want to live with me, not her. She doesn't care much anyway. She's all about work, and her friends there. nothing else. That's why we separated, prob. more soon. It's been a long wait, but she ain't gonna ruin my kid.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
iqqi said:
He is weak, the marriage is broken and he isn't doing anything about it.

He needs to either

1. Leave. In some form.

2. Resign to having a mistress.

Plain and simple, a man (and a woman!) has needs. If they aren't being taken care of and the issue isn't being addressed, then it is time to act.

This man is being a pvssy.
Agreed. But specifically, what could he have done to fix or prevent this?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
There are also a hell of a lot of guys who have completely given up on women, I can think of over half a dozen. I am referring to single guys of course. While we may have hypergame and the hookup culture there is a hell of a lot of guys not hooking up at all. Seeing fewer and fewer guys who are with the ability to approach women. Even for myself it recquires a lot of efforts most of my friends don't even bother.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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LeftyLoosey said:
We have cats... and she lets me drink beer... and I have nude photos of her that I masturbate too.

I know a guy that is in a situation like that. Its really kind of sad, its not really about blame either, its not his fault its not her fault, its just the product of 2 people that do not have the skills or know how to make it work.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
st_99 said:

I know a guy that is in a situation like that. Its really kind of sad, its not really about blame either, its not his fault its not her fault, its just the product of 2 people that do not have the skills or know how to make it work.
the guy has to take his share of the blame though, its his own life that is dripping away, he is accountable for his life


New Member
Jan 5, 2013
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020204 said:
There are also a hell of a lot of guys who have completely given up on women, I can think of over half a dozen. I am referring to single guys of course. While we may have hypergame and the hookup culture there is a hell of a lot of guys not hooking up at all. Seeing fewer and fewer guys who are with the ability to approach women. Even for myself it recquires a lot of efforts most of my friends don't even bother.
its kind of depressing.....


Nov 4, 2010
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inasilentway93 said:
its kind of depressing.....
it is, but I can identify with the sentiment.

I am one of life observers, I dont say much, I watch absorb and learn.
ar work, personal life, media...I see and hear women spout crap. guys do this too but I dont want to sex them up.
its never been easier to gauge womens real character than it is in these times.
I smile and cringe at the same tike as I see Female friends, family, pledge undying love for their SO, split up, bad mouth them, fcuck other guys, and basically move with ease from one to the other. you learn their code and its got to the point I really cant take the majority of women seriously, do I want them in my life? not really


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
A lot of those guys could seriously benefit from learning relationship game, as well as screening better ahead of time so they don't end up with a woman who is using sex to bait & switch them into a dead bedroom relationship. Married Man Sex Life gets recommended there pretty often, and for good reason.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
backbreaker's true motherfvcking stories lol

no seriously, not even my wife's friend, one of my wife's friend's friends who just comes over from time to time to bum free food and ****. she's pretty cute though.. she's actually Chinese, which i find interesting because she is a good ole fashioned american slut lol.

anyway she married this dude a few years ago.. i mean, total loser. he's a druggie he's been to prison a few times.. the girl herself is a school teacher and is realtivy intelligent. she's tiny and unlike most chinese girls, she's got a nice little figure to her. a solid 7.

anyway so she falls for this guy, arries him, they have a son together and she never could keep him "Home" the dude makes no bones whatsoever about going out and ****ing skanks or what not and she just deals with it. the answer to her problem in her twisted mind is to start partying with her husband so that he wont' have a reason to go out. so she starts popping pills about a year ago and she hit the skits, QUICK. what little weight she had she lost, she lost her teaching job which she loved and was pretty good at.

about 10 months ago the husband gets popped for some **** and has to go to jail. the chinese girl dives deeper into the pills and eventually someone calls DHS and gets her son taken away from her. i actually felt bad for the girl.

now this is where the **** gets interesting. she files for divorce. she starts going to meetings or what not, even calls me and asks me for advice as everyone knows i do the AA thing and she seems sincere. she puts back on some weight, and one day about what.. 3months ago one of my friends took an interest in her. again.s he's not stupid at all she can hold a real conversation and she comes off as.. who can i put this.. wholesome.

anyway, i tell the dude beucase i see what is about to happen.. 1. she's too new in recovery dont' do it. 2. she's an alpha widow. she's a textbook alpha widow. and he goes no man you dont' understand she's changed and she messed up and she wants her kid back and lol, "you are an ******* for not believing in her".. this dude called me an ******* for trying to protect his ass.

seeing my advice was not going to get anywhere i just sat back and watched the train wreck.

so she moves in with him after like 3 weeks of dating lol.. yes not even a month. about 3 weeks ago the husband gets out of prison.

so we are in an AA meeting what.. like 2 weeks ago and i see the ex /seperated husband in the AA meeting and i already see what is about to transpire. after a few meetings now they are sitting by each other in the meetings and talking. she's been A okay up to now but now the new boyfriend is saying she's spending a lot more time at AA and she isnt' coming home until later.

so about 5-6 days ago.. i think it was monday he gets suspcisious and checks her phone only to find pics of her that she sent to the ex in nothign but a thong and texts going back and forth about how she misses him and how great it was to **** him again

that's not even the worst part about it. so after he confronts her, the girl basically says lol so what. i mean she's a hard core alpha widow guys she isn't dying. so a few nights ago from the way i understand it she said sh was going to go out of town to see some friends and decided to pop up over the ex husbands house to see him / drop him off something toe at only to find him boning another girl. now she's mad and she tells the new boyfriend about the issue and he thinks that this is the nail in the coffin to the issue and that he can win her.. lol wrong. apparently she spent the night over his house last night and wouldnt' answer the new boyfriends calls

notice i say new boyfriend the dip**** still won't break up with her.

I mean she's a smart girl but the girl has serious, serious issues.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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It is simple rule :
dead bed = she no longer love you
other excuses are just excuses


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Danger said:
Sounds to me like the guy has his own issues!

Damn, some people you just can't help. Knights are gonna knight.
pretty much.

that's the conclusion i've come to. no matter how ignorant the knight is, no matter how clear as day it is to you and everyone else, you aren't going to get anywhere with any white knight until they come to the conclusion on their own accord that the way they approach relationships with the opposite sex is not producing the fruit that it should be producing. ONLY then can you reason with them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
You can't stop weenyism.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Knights are going to knight, not because they enjoy it.

Go back and read their stories again, they are miserable.

They are knight'ing because they have no other way of coping with it. They have never used their eyes before.

The significance of a community like SS, is revealed once more.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Let them love life in their ignorance...until you see it start to fall apart... then help with advice. A friend of mine wasn't getting any and she was hanging around with Divorced female friends. I told him she is waiting for YOU to cheat so she can file on you[she's a Minister..,]. OR she is waiting till after the daughters wedding to file. DON'T cheat, leave with your conscience clear. Start stashing cash.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
Those guys can flip it all around pretty easily by being more dominant and sexual with their women. They don't seem to know at all what gets women excited and wanting to please them. Probably didn't get enough single dating experience.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
It's sad to read stuff like that, but really, you can only have so much pity on them. It's part ignorance and part just not having balls.

We can read it and be like "wow, I used to think about women that way", but those guys have probably never had a real man around to challenge their views. I had to have my sappy defeatist views challenged when I was new to sosuave. Then, over the years I realized I am really in control of my own destiny. Most of the textbook AFCs we talk about are the way they are for 2 reasons:

1. They dont have the right male influences
2. They dont BELIEVE in themselves

They've been defeated and browbeat by the modern woman for so long they don't even believe in the power of their brain and balls. They forgot that God didn't give women some undue imbalance of power; nay, he made men to be leaders!!!

I dunno, it slays me sometimes, but I have to remind myself I was a raging AFC too once. I just grew tired of being trounced on. Maybe they will too.