The whole "chase"


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2011
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I don't get 50-60 percent of posts on this site. They're all the same thing said differently "She has low interest/no interest/is do I win her over? She isn't answering my texts. What's a good comeback?"

For me, a bad personality and/or low interest can make any woman ugly.

What have men come to, chasing "one girl" around that he's never been physically intimate with/slept with/dated etc.?


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Exactly! I think that kind of attitude comes with confidence. A lot of guys feel they have to chase a woman, despite her lousy behaviour, because they have a lack of alternative options or because they don't have confidence in themselves to meet someone else.

I refuse to chase a woman. If she's playing games, she's not my type. If she's not interested, then it's not an appealing situation for me. I want a girl who goes weak at the knees when I kiss her and who thinks about me and wants to be with me.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 28, 2010
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I would agree that the lack of other prospects, and the mindset that a woman playing games is considered normal are the main reasons for continuing their pursuit. Sometimes we all forget that if one woman doesn't feel you, they're literally millions more that potentially will.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Did you guys ever see that video of Mystery (aka The Cat in the Hat) dealing with that arrogant b!tch for about 5 minutes? They're out at some bar and she is being absolutely insulting, yet he just carries on with her. I wouldn't be able to do that without wanting to pop her in the nose. I suppose he was trying to demonstrate working through the tests.

I'm more of an adherent of the Anti-Dump method, where I simply don't waste my time on L/I girls. I also feel that girls with bad attitudes should be humiliated and punished publically. The very reason they act that way is because weak men allow them to.

It takes real skill and requires nerves of steel to soundly trounce these arrogant b!tches into the ground without conveying emotional investment on your part. It's a real balancing act. I'm able to do it, but it took a lot of work to get there because disrespectful women tend to anger me. They are true cowards, and I have to shift into "detached but amused" mode in order to pull it off.

Kenny Powers

Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
I dont totally disagree, as i've lost girls due to overly high interest on my part and wasted my time chasing more times than im proud to admit.

That being said, it was my understanding that a lot of girls like to be chased to a degree and not just for the ego boost. They want to make sure your willing to make an effort for them as a way of protecting their egos and testing your level of confidence. We always talk on this site about how girls will shiit test you with weird stuff to see how you respond and if your the real deal.

And with texting being so easy nowadays it doesn't hurt to take 1 min to text her and then just forget about her and go on with your life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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atl, GA
Kenny Powers said:
I dont totally disagree, as i've lost girls due to overly high interest on my part and wasted my time chasing more times than im proud to admit.

That being said, it was my understanding that a lot of girls like to be chased to a degree and not just for the ego boost. They want to make sure your willing to make an effort for them as a way of protecting their egos and testing your level of confidence. We always talk on this site about how girls will shiit test you with weird stuff to see how you respond and if your the real deal.

And with texting being so easy nowadays it doesn't hurt to take 1 min to text her and then just forget about her and go on with your life.
Yes absolutely. Persistence is key. I had one HB9 even tell me after I calmly and cooly asked her out at least 10x over the course of 6 weeks before she eventually went out with me..."I did that because I wanted to make sure you weren't a stalker"

Poor choice of words on her part seeing as me calling 10x could be perceived as stalker behavior but but my guess to what she really meant was she wanted to see if I would keep my cool without any sort of feedback from her and not lose it or give up. Yeah some girls still play hard to get.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Agree 500% with Jariel. I never chase anymore. It's simply not worth it, and a lot of girls will try to lure you into this crap - simply so they can play games or gain all the control. Ain't got no time for dumb *****es or grade school games anymore. These girls are usually insecure and crazy, anyway.

However, I don't act completely aloof, show no interest, or anything of the sort. Just don't chase, push, try too hard, etc. Let them do all the chasing. They enjoy it, anyway. They like a challenge, and knowing that someone isn't desperate, clingy, etc.

Chasing just results in bad decision making, and getting caught up in the challenge - instead of focusing on who the person actually is, and if they're even worth a damn. Some people get so lost in the chase that they don't even realize who they're chasing. They just like the chase, and assume that challenge = quality.

Another thing about chasing is, you don't know for certain if they even like you, and aren't just messing you around / attention whoring. This is how they accomplish that - by turning you down, and having you chase them for all eternity. Too many guys fall for this chasing crap - when all the girl is doing is teasing you and boosting her ego.

Chasing also lowers your status and worth automatically. Now, they are the prize. You are fighting for them. You lose their interest, and the game.

Some girls will purposely tease you because they have nothing going for them. It's the only way for them to keep someone interested. Once you find out who these people really are, and finally "catch" them - you realize that there was definitely no pot of gold waiting to be found at the end of this pointless treasure hunt. Just another dumb ***** feeding you scraps to make you think she was worth attaining. A dumb ***** is a dumb *****. Better to not get caught up in this garbage, and find out who they are right away.

This is why most girls who play games and prefer to be chased are horribly insecure and have low self-esteem. Nobody likes them because there's nothing to like. So, they try to cover it by playing crap games and messing people around - without getting too close. They also tend to ***** a lot, and are usually bitter / angry - without ever doing anything to make themselves productive or useful in any way. Pity the fools who sympathize with them, and assume there's so much greatness hiding inside of them - just waiting to come out. Ha ha ha.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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floyd25 said:
Some girls will purposely tease you because they have nothing going for them. It's the only way for them to keep someone interested. Once you find out who these people really are, and finally "catch" them - you realize that there was definitely no pot of gold waiting to be found at the end of this pointless treasure hunt.
Sounds like a lot of guys running game honestly - the negging and the C&F. But underneath it all they have nothing going for them. Which is why they have to run game in the first place. But you gotta go with what you got.

floyd25 said:
This is why most girls who play games and prefer to be chased are horribly insecure and have low self-esteem. Nobody likes them because there's nothing to like. So, they try to cover it by playing crap games and messing people around - without getting too close.
Honestly, the more I think about Mystery the bigger the impression I get that his whole act is just insecurity wrapped up in a fancy package. Worrying about all these steps and how your value is affected at every situation, just to have a conversation with a girl. It's kind of sad when you think about it.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2011
Reaction score
zekko said:
Honestly, the more I think about Mystery the bigger the impression I get that his whole act is just insecurity wrapped up in a fancy package.
Of course. Have you read 'The Game'? It's abundantly obvious.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
zekko said:
Sounds like a lot of guys running game honestly - the negging and the C&F. But underneath it all they have nothing going for them. Which is why they have to run game in the first place. But you gotta go with what you got.

Honestly, the more I think about Mystery the bigger the impression I get that his whole act is just insecurity wrapped up in a fancy package. Worrying about all these steps and how your value is affected at every situation, just to have a conversation with a girl. It's kind of sad when you think about it.
Exactly. This is also why most people become jerks. The underlying fear, insecurity, and low self-esteem is running the whole show, and never gets addressed. That is the core problem, and why people try too hard, become desperate, etc. Or, the exact opposite of being closed off, distant, etc. Neither route is effective OR healthy.

All these guys failing with women need to look no further than inside themselves, and realize their own issues - then improve from there. They can't just mask it by pretending to be confident and ****y. At least, not for long.

That's why they are so successful initially - because they're pretending to be something they're not, and are too afraid to be themselves. This works, but it doesn't last. Who they are should be all the things they're pretending to be, or they're never gonna succeed in the long-run. Just gonna get a few dates, act like an insecure dumbass, mess it up - then complain; become insecure; hate women; and rant about it on here - only to repeat the same process over and over... All without ever working to improve themselves in any way - only to become even MORE insecure - while trying to mask it by being fake. Doesn't work.

Game is good to have, but you have to also develop yourself. Then, you won't whine or care so much about trivial matters, or trying to do everything right. You'll succeed naturally. You won't pretend to not care or depend on someone else - while dying on the inside - it'll just be the way you are. That will eliminate a lot of problems. And honestly, if something bothers you like this - you can't hold it in forever. So, you have to NOT let it bother you, or allow your emotions to go haywire. (This doesn't mean become a sociopath, or close your heart completely, of course; no extreme is ever good.)


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
zekko said:
Honestly, the more I think about Mystery the bigger the impression I get that his whole act is just insecurity wrapped up in a fancy package. Worrying about all these steps and how your value is affected at every situation, just to have a conversation with a girl. It's kind of sad when you think about it.
Wow! That was so painful to watch! He was just rambling on and on about nothing and seemed to desperate to be the centre of attention.

When the girls walk off and leave him chatting to their guy friend I honestly felt sorry for the guy. He just looked like a really insecure and lonely man, desperate for someone to cling to.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Jariel said:
Wow! That was so painful to watch! He was just rambling on and on about nothing and seemed to desperate to be the centre of attention.

When the girls walk off and leave him chatting to their guy friend I honestly felt sorry for the guy. He just looked like a really insecure and lonely man, desperate for someone to cling to.
Ha ha... I couldn't watch the whole thing. Loved the sarcastic comments by the video creator, though.

That guy is completely fake; does everything by some crap rulebook he made up; has no real confidence; and ****ty social skills. He didn't seem interesting or exciting at all. Nothing about him was genuine. No humor. Very dull and robotic. Like, he programmed himself to be a boring dumbass. You can tell he's only pretending to be confident and social. He even says he uses "social proof", which means he's too boring and unlikeable to be socially accepted as is. He needs to pretend to be good with the ladies - to intrigue other ladies, and raise his status. It's all perception he's exploiting. But, those girls he went after were dumb as ****, so it probably doesn't matter. They're just as fake and boring as he is. A lot of this garbage does work on fake, shallow women; they can relate to boring dumbasses. Whatever floats your boat.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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floydb25 said:
Ha ha... I couldn't watch the whole thing. Loved the sarcastic comments by the video creator, though.

That guy is completely fake; does everything by some crap rulebook he made up; has no real confidence; and ****ty social skills. He didn't seem interesting or exciting at all. Nothing about him was genuine. No humor. Very dull and robotic. Like, he programmed himself to be a boring dumbass. You can tell he's only pretending to be confident and social. He even says he uses "social proof", which means he's too boring and unlikeable to be socially accepted as is. He needs to pretend to be good with the ladies - to intrigue other ladies, and raise his status. It's all perception he's exploiting. But, those girls he went after were dumb as ****, so it probably doesn't matter. They're just as fake and boring as he is. A lot of this garbage does work on fake, shallow women; they can relate to boring dumbasses. Whatever floats your boat.

Absolutely. I skimmed through the video myself as he was boring me, but it's definitely worth skipping to the end where he's left rambling to some guy. It says it all.

I've actually encountered a LOT of guys like this and had to listen to similar conversations as they try to validate themselves and win my approval.

He reminds me of old people who travel alone on the bus and try to strike up conversation with anyone polite enough to listen. Before you know it you're hearing their life story and about all their ailments, and just nodding politely until you find a way to escape or pass them on to someone else.

I think the reason he seems to get attention from the girls in a lot of his videos is because there's a camera there, he dresses whacky, so they probably think they're on some kind of TV show.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know if it's fair to call Mystery a total fake.

One thing I've noticed from watching some of his videos is that his stories and conversations are completely non-linear. He's all over the place and doesn't really finish talking about any particular point or subject. It's like he's trying to generate "substance" when there is really nothing there. In the end you just feel like you are listening to someone talk a bunch of horsesh!t. I'm sure he does well in situations where people are drinking and there are lots of random things going on around.

Give him a few more years (ie. in his 40's) and his entire "get up" and alias will be just too weird to use anymore.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Slickster said:
I don't know if it's fair to call Mystery a total fake.

One thing I've noticed from watching some of his videos is that his stories and conversations are completely non-linear. He's all over the place and doesn't really finish talking about any particular point or subject. It's like he's trying to generate "substance" when there is really nothing there. In the end you just feel like you are listening to someone talk a bunch of horsesh!t. I'm sure he does well in situations where people are drinking and there are lots of random things going on around.

Give him a few more years (ie. in his 40's) and his entire "get up" and alias will be just too weird to use anymore.
Actually, he is exactly 40 years old LOL

He won't be 41 until September 24.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
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rhcp83 said:
What have men come to, chasing "one girl" around that he's never been physically intimate with/slept with/dated etc.?
A lot of men that come here don't actually want any constructive advice. Instead, they're hoping someone will encourage their AFC behavior and validate their decision to continue chasing.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
I wish he would drop the whole peacocking bullsh1t. No guy in his 40's should be dressing like that. He'd get taken more seriously if he didn't dress like a goth homo.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
Dust 2 Dust said:
A lot of men that come here don't actually want any constructive advice. Instead, they're hoping someone will encourage their AFC behavior and validate their decision to continue chasing.
That's the truth!