The UK approach thread


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Ok all DJs from the UK, this is a thread for you all to post about your approaches.

You can tell us what happened, what you learned, or ask questions for help to improve.

Uk Djs, let's inspire each other to succeed with chicks!


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Since I started this thread, I may as well write the first reply! Since finding this site, I've done hundreds of approaches, however I'd like to start this by writing about the approaches I'm doing now.

I was in a fairly large town centre near me yesterday, and saw a girl sitting on a bench. My approach went as follows:-

(As I approached her, she saw me and I smiled at her; she gave me a half smile back).

Me: 'Hey....I was just walking past and I thought you were kinda cute'
Her: (Smiles) 'Oh'..
Me: 'Can I ask you a quick you have a boyfriend?'
Her: 'Yeh sorry'
Me: 'Oh ok....I just thought you were kinda cute....I'm in one of those moods today for doing something a bit crazy!'
Her: (Laughs)
Me: 'Ok well it was nice talking to you....have a nice evening'
Her: 'You too!'

This wasn't a full on approach as such, but as I was walking to the train station, I locked eye contact with a girl who was waiting to cross the road. She gave me a BIG smile, and I smiled back. I was slightly shocked, and didn't approach her and say anything. My loss I guess.

So fellow UK DJs, let's hear from you all. Please post your approaches here!

Since April 20th 2005:-
Approaches: 2
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Girls shagged: 0


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
UK London
At the end of the day it doesnt matter really matter what you say when it comes to the initial cold the town centre, in Boots, WHSmiths..

The statement "Hey can I ask you a question" better then "Hi". By asking Hey can I ask you a question in the UK that is the kind of question that is asked when u want directions..

A girl will turn to you 90 % and say yeah sure

Maintain eye contact, smile.."Are you single"..

At that moment she will be so caught off guard her eyes will start rolling about in her sockets. If she says well uuuur..then say well I take that as a no..fancy a coffee right now (if theres a place nearby..

If she says "I got a boyfriend" ball bust her..get her to relax..when you crack a joke tough her arm for a second then pull away..

Ask her again but indirectly "Your such a laugh lets get together n sometime blah blah"

For the initial pickup go light on the C & F..many UK women just cant handle being ball busted initially unless it happens in a club or bar..


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Sorry, but I think that's a little weak.

First of all, if you're going to go indirect, then you don't ask their PERMISSION in order to ask them a question. Simple tell them and then ask the question. Classic indirect example is, "Hey guys, we need a female opinion. Who lies more? Guys or girls?"

Second of all, if you're going to go direct, you need to be DIRECT. Asking if they're single is a no-win situation. Beautiful girls that don't have boyfriends are A) Rare and B) Looked upon as odd because girls without boyfriends are assumed to be of lower value. Not to mention that now you're placing yourself in the context of being a boyfriend when she might or might not want one, but rather a hook up buddy.

Rather, approach them directly with strong EC and a smile. "YOU are beautiful. I'd like to get to know you." It's powerful, direct, and simple. She knows you're attracted to her and have the confidence to say it without placing her in a position to make an immediate decision as to whether or not you and her are boyfriend/girlfriend material until such a time as YOU have gotten to know HER.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by englishcrap
At the end of the day it doesnt matter really matter what you say when it comes to the initial cold the town centre, in Boots, WHSmiths..

The statement "Hey can I ask you a question" better then "Hi". By asking Hey can I ask you a question in the UK that is the kind of question that is asked when u want directions..

A girl will turn to you 90 % and say yeah sure

Maintain eye contact, smile.."Are you single"..

At that moment she will be so caught off guard her eyes will start rolling about in her sockets. If she says well uuuur..then say well I take that as a no..fancy a coffee right now (if theres a place nearby..

If she says "I got a boyfriend" ball bust her..get her to relax..when you crack a joke tough her arm for a second then pull away..

Ask her again but indirectly "Your such a laugh lets get together n sometime blah blah"

For the initial pickup go light on the C & F..many UK women just cant handle being ball busted initially unless it happens in a club or bar..
267 posts and you post this.

theres so much wrong, i don't know where to start.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Open her, with a question like,

Groups are easier to approach, but harder to close.

"excuse me, can i ask you a question?... Would you ever go out with a guy who lived in a tent?"

continue with this judged by her response. If she says yes, tease her about it, saying things like "so your leaving a pub with your b/f, and someone asks,' so where you off?' you reply, back to the field, to my tent" look out for her playing with her hair and little signals. If she says no reply "what if it was a nice tent?, you know the posh waterproof one from argos ;)". If she says she would though and shes laughing with you and putting effort into her reponses, this is a good sign to continue.

mid game
If she hasnt asked you where your from say so where you from, and name a rough area. Fluff talk...

anyways it was nice talking to u, give me your number and we'll talk again.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
I walked over, said hi, told her she was pretty, and got not a lot of response back. I kissed her on the cheek (very quickly - the suprise always gets them) and walk off.

Much later, she grabs my shirt, pulls me down (I'm 6ft 5ins, she was about 5ft 2ins) and kisses me on the cheek, and enters her phone number into my mobile.

Shame I deleted it by accident.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by tim_n
I walked over, said hi, told her she was pretty, and got not a lot of response back. I kissed her on the cheek (very quickly - the suprise always gets them) and walk off.

Much later, she grabs my shirt, pulls me down (I'm 6ft 5ins, she was about 5ft 2ins) and kisses me on the cheek, and enters her phone number into my mobile.

Shame I deleted it by accident.
As if :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
UK London
It doesnt matter what you say its how you say it, a girl that I said Hey how you was actually the Joey (from friends)way of saying it ..she actually told me I had a lovely tonality to my voice..

In bars and night clubs its a different game, learn how to play words games with women, its progressive and you just gotta get out there and do it, learn from you mistakes.

Originally posted by JT47319
Sorry, but I think that's a little weak.

First of all, if you're going to go indirect, then you don't ask their PERMISSION in order to ask them a question. Simple tell them and then ask the question. Classic indirect example is, "Hey guys, we need a female opinion. Who lies more? Guys or girls?"

Second of all, if you're going to go direct, you need to be DIRECT. Asking if they're single is a no-win situation. Beautiful girls that don't have boyfriends are A) Rare and B) Looked upon as odd because girls without boyfriends are assumed to be of lower value. Not to mention that now you're placing yourself in the context of being a boyfriend when she might or might not want one, but rather a hook up buddy.

Rather, approach them directly with strong EC and a smile. "YOU are beautiful. I'd like to get to know you." It's powerful, direct, and simple. She knows you're attracted to her and have the confidence to say it without placing her in a position to make an immediate decision as to whether or not you and her are boyfriend/girlfriend material until such a time as YOU have gotten to know HER.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by S0LID
Open her,

Yep, I like that bit! might I add, "nice and wide"


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by S0LID
As if :rolleyes:

lol, believe it or not, it's true :- ) I have several outstanding pillars of the community who would back me up on this... but it's not as if I could back it up online. Feel free to come down to Southend some time and I'll take you to the hideously nasty club I was in with my fellow ambulance crew :- )


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by tim_n
[B. I kissed her on the cheek (very quickly - the suprise always gets them) and walk off.

. [/B]
I bet it does, why dont you try jabbing your co*k up her arse right quick as shes passing?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
UK London
OK I was at the Halifax building society yesterday and there was this cute girl behind the counter..

She turned round and bent over to pickup somthing..

When she turned back to me I said "Has anyone ever told you"

She "What ?"

Me "That you look like J Lopez from the back"

She burst into laughter and was blushing so badly :D

I then teased how she blushed so easily.

I was gonna ask her whether she was single and wanted to come out for a coffee sometime but decided to put it on ice until next time I was there :D


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by englishman
I bet it does, why dont you try jabbing your co*k up her arse right quick as shes passing?
Because that's sexual assault :- ) You should know that if you're from England, plus of course, anal sex is illegal here (afaik).


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by JT47319
Sorry, but I think that's a little weak.

First of all, if you're going to go indirect, then you don't ask their PERMISSION in order to ask them a question. Simple tell them and then ask the question. Classic indirect example is, "Hey guys, we need a female opinion. Who lies more? Guys or girls?"

Second of all, if you're going to go direct, you need to be DIRECT. Asking if they're single is a no-win situation. Beautiful girls that don't have boyfriends are A) Rare and B) Looked upon as odd because girls without boyfriends are assumed to be of lower value. Not to mention that now you're placing yourself in the context of being a boyfriend when she might or might not want one, but rather a hook up buddy.

Rather, approach them directly with strong EC and a smile. "YOU are beautiful. I'd like to get to know you." It's powerful, direct, and simple. She knows you're attracted to her and have the confidence to say it without placing her in a position to make an immediate decision as to whether or not you and her are boyfriend/girlfriend material until such a time as YOU have gotten to know HER.
Your approach should be different in the U.K. than N.America, Ive lived in both and its much different, both speaking english buy totaly different views on things....


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by tim_n
Because that's sexual assault :- ) You should know that if you're from England, plus of course, anal sex is illegal here (afaik).
Its legal in England...I used to do it all the time until they locked me up!


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Before I post any more pickups, can I just say that this is supposed to be a thread for UK DJs to post their approaches. Instead all I am seeing is lots of pointless junk being posted here, so guys, can we stick to the subject!!!!!

Ok, onward to more approaches. I was out in Manchester yesterday and managed 4 approaches.

Approached 2 girls sat down on some seats outside in the city centre

Me: 'Hi guys, how's it goin?'
(They both looked at me like they were a bit shocked to have been approached)
Me: 'I was just walking past and I thought you were kinda cute....are you single?'
Girl A: (points to her friend and says 'she is').
Me: 'Ok, ohhh you're blushing, you're not shy are you?'
Girl B: (looked embarrassed).

Girl A then starts to walk away, leaving me and Girl B to talk, or so I thought - Girl B followed her friend and that was that!

Girl sitting by herself outside. I managed to slow down my speech and movement, and relax my body language, which seemed to make myself and the girl more at ease.

Me:'Hey, how's it goin?'
Her: 'Not bad thanks'
Me: 'I was just walking past and I thought you were kinda cute'
Her: (smiling) 'Oh thanks'
Me: 'Can I ask you a question.....are you single?'
Her: 'I'm afraid not sorry'
Me: 'Oh too are you just out shopping then?'
Her: 'Yeh, I'm from Glasgow, but going to a concert here'

The conversation continued for a few more questions, then I left as she had a bf.

Girl standing outside waiting for someone.

Me: 'Hi, how's it goin?'
Her: 'Hi, fine'
Me: 'I was just walking past and I thought you were kinda cute'
Her: (smiled) 'Oh, thankyou!'
Me: 'Are you single?'
Her: 'No, I have a boyfriend'
Me: 'Really...I bet you're just saying that to get rid of me!'
Her: 'No, I'm not, I'm actually waiting for him now'
Me: 'Oh ok....well have a nice evening'
Her: 'You too'

Approached 2 girls at a table in McDonalds, a blonde and a brunette.

Me: 'Hey guys, how's it goin?'
(They look at me strangely)
Me: 'I was just walking past and I thought you were kinda cute'
(There was a silence as if they were gibsmacked by what I said)
Me: (looking at brunette) 'So what are you girls up to tonight?'
Brunette: 'Going back home in a minute'
Me: 'Are you single?'
Brunette: 'No, I have a bf'
Me: 'So where is he now then'
Brunette: 'Back at home in my flat'
Me: 'Just think, he could be with some other girl'
Brunette: 'I'd kill him if he was'
(The blonde then attempted to **** block me)
Blonde: 'Is this a piss-take?'
Me: 'No'
Blonde: 'You're don't just approach girls like this'
Me: 'So I'm not supposed to approach a girl I like?'
Blonde: 'No it's weird'

The conversation kinda dwindled at that point.


Any thoughts on my approaches, how I could improve, etc? I don't seem to be getting many resukts, but I have hardly any fear (just a thrill) of approaching girls in the daytime in everyday places.
Since April 20th 2005:-
Approaches: 6
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Girls shagged: 0