The Top Misconception Men Make About Women


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
Reaction score
I'm talking about a woman's interest level. The vast majority of men just don't get it and try and rationalize a woman's blatent signals of low interest, and often even disrespect. Heres some of the misconceptions they make.

1.I'm her boyfriend, so she must have high interest in me.

Although I used to believe this back in my AFC days, it makes me laugh when I hear this one from guys. Women HATE being single and will hold out looking for a new man while they still see some chump because he gives her attention/free meals/ect...Also, I hope you guys are familiar with the monkey analogy. Women will ALMOST ALWAYS wait to dump a guy till they have another one lined up. Many times she's already cheated on you with him before she ends it. Theres many ways to judge her IL and this is not one of them. Don't live a lie.

2.She said she loves me, she must mean it right?

I hear this type of stuff a lot too, where a relationship will be ending and some chump comes on here and says something to the effect of "she says she's thinking about leaving me but also that she still loves me, how can I keep her?" You will one day (hopefully) learn that the only way to judge a woman's IL is by her actions, not her words. Remember guys, a woman can say she loves you as she's walking out the door for good to go fvck your best friend.

3.She said she's like to see me sometime, she's just busy for now. I'll wait till she's not busy and then make another move.

Fellas, in the world of dating, maybe/later/sometime/I'm confused/we'll see/ect... all mean NO. If she wants you she'll make it easy on you and not play these mind games so blatently (although she'll still play some of them). Never wait for some bytch to change her mind. Just move on to another girl, it's that simple.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Originally posted by Track_Star:
Remember guys, a woman can say she loves you as she's walking out the door for good to go fvck your best friend.
This is fvcking dead on!


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by photo 1:

2. if you are a good judge of people, you should be able to choose the right kind of girl to date, therefore this shouldnt need to be an issue, cos if you are a good judge of people, you will naturally decide to date a girl who isnt going to lie about something like that. thats what i usually do anyway.
Photo 1, you do bring up some interesting points. No, you don't have to date anyone you don't want to and you should weed out the lyers. However, these days that is not always possible. I think everyone on this board who has been with a few girls has been taken for a ride, so to speak. Sometimes you can see it coming, but women can be very good at deceiving you. And besides, this post is about MISCONCEPTIONS, so although men shouldn't date these girls, manytimes they do.

Originally posted by photo 1:

3. disagree slightly, in that case give her one more chance and if she fails to respond -next her.
Important point you bring up. I guess it is true that females will often test you on your pickup to see if you will have the determination to get the number/date. I was mainly referring to girls who habitually tell guys they're too busy and the guy stupidly thinks all he has to do is wait. Giving a second chance is ONE thing, however dating is a numbers game and its stupid to waste time on one girl who is blowing you off when theres billions of others out there.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by FlyGuy:
This is fvcking dead on!
Oh, it it. But I only know this because this exact situation happened to me. Maybe other men can learn from MY mistakes. I know I have.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2002
Reaction score
i personally can tell a woman's interest level very quickly. its not that hard to see if a girl is actually into you. most guys are just so desperate for attention that they mistake any sign of her talking to them or looking at them as high interest. man i got chked out all fvckin summer wearing tank tops but not many of the women ever said anything.. and i diodnt either cuz i am in a LTR but the point is just cuz they look means shyt.

with my GF now i dont have to judge interest level. she makes it a point to call me at least once a day and we ususally talk online and see each other like 3-5 times a week and usually are fvcking when we're together lol. but i can tell she genuinely loves me cuz of her actions. not cuz we say it to eahc other. it actually means somthing cuz we both prove how we feel. its not all about saying it.

words mean nothing and actions definitely speak louder than words. and if u can fvck ur girl aint goin nowhere,, and i can eat good pvssy and fvck with the best of them


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
What type of actions do you guys look for? For example my GF makes me dinners and buys me little things every once in a while. If you hang out 3-5 times a week is it tougher to judge interest level. For instance one day shes very kissy touchy the next day a little distant. I guess my main question is what actions do you mainly look for? Also is IL like the dow jones does it fluctuate day to day with the general consensus of women?


New Member
Oct 20, 2002
Reaction score
excellent post trackstar!there's not to many posts about relationships here.
in a relationship myself this awakens me from being so naive.i know in a relationship that your never safe.


This really is a brilliant post. I know I have made my own compilation of posts, my own sort of BJ Bible customized to what I believe and what applies to me and this ones going in it.

The Young Geezer

Don Juan
Aug 16, 2002
Reaction score
Working in Iceland - Originally from Buenos Aires,
haha I like the dow jones analogy.
anyway I'd also like to know, though I'd say there ain't an answer, If her IL was high maybe some slight changes till it gradually drops and becomes low, or sort of oscilating but never descending to really low levels, just borderlining, but if that's the cas I think you'll never know, or start noticing the downfall and feel awkward about it, but with time to act. I think that if she has a low IL the first time you talk to her the next time you see her she's extremely likely to also have a low il, oh and of course it's a 1000 times easier to lose her il than to gain it or regain it.

*Just Say Maybe*

[This message has been edited by The Young Geezer (edited 10-25-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by pdessure:
What type of actions do you guys look for? For example my GF makes me dinners and buys me little things every once in a while. If you hang out 3-5 times a week is it tougher to judge interest level. For instance one day shes very kissy touchy the next day a little distant. I guess my main question is what actions do you mainly look for? Also is IL like the dow jones does it fluctuate day to day with the general consensus of women?

I judege her interest in that she cant keep her hands off me and goes out of her way to do nice things and be there for me. that to me describes a good relationship. we're also like best friends but at the same time we have lust for each other so its an awesome relationship


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2002
Reaction score
if your in a LTR, there are days when you would rather watch TV or go the the GYM or go out with your boys then be with Her. ANd VICE VERSA for her. THis holds esp true when you are living together.

But by wanting to have some friends with your friends and her the same, if she throws a fit when you go out, and you only go out with your friends once in a while, this is a sign that she's trying to control you and really doesnt' trust you. I mean there are those guys who will go out every night with friends, but i'm speaking in genearl, if you go out once in a while.

But if you had a rough day or good day and you come home and she either takes you out to dinner or prepares a nice meal for you, not often, but once in a while, for no real reason at all, then there def is that interest in you.

But don't mistake the "I'll make you dinner" and keep reminding you all the time that I made it for you until you get me something or cause i did something wrong but wont' tell you or what not Female.

But once in a while, for no apparent reason, if she does something special for you, or buys you something special, doesn't have to be expensive or doesn't have to be an elaborate dinner, but doing little special things once in a while for no real reason and never asking for anything in return or keep reminding you abuot it all the time goes a long way, both ways. ANd it usually means the interest is def there.

Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fishmunkey:
my own sort of BJ Bible
BJ Bible? I don't know, dude . . .

"Ben Affleck is not a homosexual; he just plays one in the bathhouse."


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2001
Reaction score
What the heck arse? You ripped this off and are calling it your own? You're not DJ, get a life.

Sir Shags Alot

Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Track_Star:
I'm talking about a woman's interest level. The vast majority of men just don't get it and try and rationalize a woman's blatent signals of low interest, and often even disrespect. Heres some of the misconceptions they make.

1.I'm her boyfriend, so she must have high interest in me.

Although I used to believe this back in my AFC days, it makes me laugh when I hear this one from guys. Women HATE being single and will hold out looking for a new man while they still see some chump because he gives her attention/free meals/ect...Also, I hope you guys are familiar with the monkey analogy. Women will ALMOST ALWAYS wait to dump a guy till they have another one lined up. Many times she's already cheated on you with him before she ends it. Theres many ways to judge her IL and this is not one of them. Don't live a lie.

2.She said she loves me, she must mean it right?

I hear this type of stuff a lot too, where a relationship will be ending and some chump comes on here and says something to the effect of "she says she's thinking about leaving me but also that she still loves me, how can I keep her?" You will one day (hopefully) learn that the only way to judge a woman's IL is by her actions, not her words. Remember guys, a woman can say she loves you as she's walking out the door for good to go fvck your best friend.

3.She said she's like to see me sometime, she's just busy for now. I'll wait till she's not busy and then make another move.

Fellas, in the world of dating, maybe/later/sometime/I'm confused/we'll see/ect... all mean NO. If she wants you she'll make it easy on you and not play these mind games so blatently (although she'll still play some of them). Never wait for some bytch to change her mind. Just move on to another girl, it's that simple.

boy I learned that the hard way! But I am glad I figured all this crap out. Track_Star is right on with this post.

My Advice:
When you guys notice that her actions are going against what she says, scoop up your balls and be the 1st to break up. Yeah it might suck and you "don't want to hurt her feelings" but do you honestly think she cares about your feelings while she is fvcking some other dude while you are "according to her" still going out? HELL NO! ALWAYS BE THE FIRST TO END A RELATIONSHIP. It dosn't ever hurt as much to do the breaking up then being the person that gets broken up with!!!

Watch for these signs and end it as soon you notice them. It is all ready over and if you stay in her game you are going to end up hurt! I cannot stress ending it ASAP at the first signs of these problems. Her mind is already made up, there is no changing it, have some dignity and just leave.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2002
Reaction score
What the heck arse? You ripped this off and are calling it your own? You're not DJ, get a life.

hahahahah busted

Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by BrownDJ:
What the heck arse? You ripped this off and are calling it your own? You're not DJ, get a life.
Actually no I didn't. If so post a link to where I "stole" it from. I'll bet you can't.

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by mickey:
What the heck arse? You ripped this off and are calling it your own? You're not DJ, get a life.

hahahahah busted

brown and mickey, u guys are serious dumbasses

[This message has been edited by oOh Nasty (edited 11-06-2002).]