the TOP DON JUAN!!?!?!


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
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In the club/bars
This question always is somewhere in the back of my mind whenever I read everyone on here giving advice.... Who is the best? Top Dawg?

Like everything in life, there is a Top...

And not the best because he has slept with the most women (btw, who has slept with the most? lol) but because his skill and charisma could conquer just about any, anytime.


aside from that I wonder who the top Don is in the whole world... Surely the very top isnt here on this site. The top would be too much of a man to be "wasting" time on the internet (im not saying we are wasting our time, we are spending it quite well.. but we aint the master).. And the #1 probably isnt a superstar celebrity.. even though they could have just about any women they desire... And usually score the most desirable women in the world (other superstar celebritys) because if you took away all the fame from those celebs (and the confidence that came with it) would they still be so succesful?

anyhow.. back on track... Not that I thing it can ever be clearly answered, but any ideas as to who might be walking close to the one?


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Nobody is the top DJ. There is ALWAYS someone that can outperform, outthink and outmanuvuer you.

Focus on something more..useful, like improving yourself again the irrational.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score

Shezz said:
Who is the best DJ?

The one who filters through everything the community has to throw out...and finally finds the key to it all.

The one thing that is needed, yet is continually overlooked for mass 'routines' and 'nonsense charades'.

The ability to not stray away from who he truly is.

That's a true DJ. Not some 'playa' or 'womaniser'. Someone who has his life down, his career on track, his finances in order and who is having fun living his life to the max. Women or no women. They are merely a bonus.

Sarge On...

What’s going on here?..........your attitude and thoughts are changing before my very eyes.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score

Shezz said:
Hey BlueBlue,

Yeah, having been in the 'community' for the past 4.5 years. I've seen so many guys try and fail to become something they are not. I admit, i dabbled with that idea, the PUA mentality. It was fun, but it wasn't me.

I've had too many girls to mention since joining the community, i've also had the things that come with them (Gonorrehoa and Genital Warts((still)) and i'll admit, the high you get through going out and ploughing these girls with 'material' is great. But it isnt you!

The best you is deep inside, the community is a way of bring it out. Its a social experiment, but too many guys are relying on these 'tactics' and 'methods' when the real key is to enhance their already great self. The person they were born to be. Sure, these routines and tactics can work...but for what? Your not developing yourself for the long run, its a one night confident booster.

Work on the basics, holding natural conversations, vibing, embracing your sexuality, injecting positivity into your interactions. And you will improve tenfold over the coming weeks and months. In all aspects of your life, not just with women.

Hit the gym, apply yourself in school, at your job...but never EVER lose the urge to have fun. That is key. Always be having Fun. Girls love fun, other people love fun.

I'm going to stick a post up with regards to 'sticking with your identity'. Hopefully it will clear a few things up.

Sarge On...

I agree with you. This site has opened my eyes up to reality more than anything else that I can think of. The tips and tactics are great…only if that’s you.

Honestly, every time I saw one of your posts, I would skip over with out question because it would be just another PUA spouting off rhetoric. But your post “Why Woman Don’t Love Bad Boys” in the Tips forum caught my eye. As I was reading it, I was thinking “Is this the same Shezz we all know and love”?

Good post. Keep up the transformation.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Who is the best in the world? I bet on anyone that is part of the Illuminaty. They control everything, so they probably get 10'000's of chicks.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Shezz said:
(Gonorrehoa and Genital Warts((still))

Work on the basics, holding natural conversations, vibing, embracing your sexuality, injecting positivity into your interactions. And you will improve tenfold over the coming weeks and months. In all aspects of your life, not just with women.

That is key. Always be having Fun. Girls love fun, other people love fun.
Good points. A kick is just a kick again.

BTW - how is life after HPV? Do you have to keep getting them lasered off or what? And do you inform your partners?


Master Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
In the club/bars
Good thoughts Shevv... You're right its important to seek fun. Life should be enjoyed not endured.

and at age 20 even? Living life in the fast lane. ;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Jariel said:
According to the reputation system, Shezz is the top DJ here:

His wisdom above and his ability to apply what he learns, adapt and learn from experience proves why.
Jariel I am so surprised you would make a statement like this. Shezz is way to young to be the top Don juan on this site. He does give good advice and is very positive with people, So I consider him a sosuave DJ.

The reputation points mean nothing. See many of the posters on sosuave think because a guy gives great advice than he is great at life and with woman. This is not the case.

A DJ who was great with woman his whole life would have never found this site. We all came here for a reason. I for example was great with woman but suffered a slump not too long ago because of personal issues, and that is what brought me here.

A DJ is someone
1. Has a career.
2. Is confident
3. Gives in charity.
4. Physically strong.
5. Successful with woman.
6. Honest.
7. Great heart.
8. Believes in a higher power.
9. Does not mistreat woman.
10. Is always the boss in a relationship.

My personal favorite for giving advice would be ROLLO TOMASSI, LMS, VYPROS, LATINOMAN, SHEZZ......