The time to change is NOW.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
A lot goes on in life, in the past 12 months my life is immeasurably different. A lot of events in life are out of your control.

For too long, I have sat back and many opportunities, not just with women but in life have flown by me.

A huge characteristic of my AFC days was laziness, I wanted to change any time other than now. I always had an excuse as to why I couldn't change now. It was always tomorrow, not now.

Think about it, you are already in the worst case scenario not doing anything. It applies to every aspect of life, not just women.

I am sick of sitting and doing nothing pondering about the infinite possibilities in life, I am sick of thinking in my head about all the things I want to do, places I want to go and girls I want to fvck and I am taking action.

You will crash & burn, I have before and I will again, but it isn't doing nothing. It isn't sitting in front of your computer screen wondering what is going to happen. I have read the DJ Bible time & time again.

People will come and go, always be willing to walk away from anyone! People will constantly shock, surprise, upset & excite you.

You can only live life one day at a time!

Life will go on with or without you, so you had better make yourself a part of it!

On that note, I'm out to go and sell my company for a healthy profit & seize the day!!!