The Time For Change

The Gamer

Don Juan
Mar 3, 2008
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What forces someone of the human condition onto a pronounced path of change? It could be anything! The way your friends catagorize you. The way females have treated you in the past. The level of respect you get in society in general. The way your body looks. ****, could be anything really! Well, whatever it is for you, I know for me it's the lingering urge I've had in my stomach since I can remember of an ambition for greatness. I feel as if I've always been able achieve what I wanted, yet I've never imbraced it; I find myself farther from it after every passing year, at least for the last 6 or 7 of them. My story isn't strickly about women, my story is of a 21 year old young man in search of the path to excellence in everything I do!

I've been reading these forums for the last year or so, on and off. I've picked up the information I've felt was essential to understanding and attracting women in situation where I feel it will help. Other things I've completely blown off due to the innate ignorance in logic; I refuse to adopt principles I don't deem fitting. So this is where I'm at information wise around here.

Just wanted to finally register and make myself known. I plan to help contribute to this site as much as I can. Keep in mind I AM NOT a DJ. I AM NOT an AFC. I'm simply a guy who's always been natural with socializing, who has been making some poor decisions along the road, and is trying to dig myself out the rabbits hole.

Everyone who has dropped any kind of positive material in the last year, much appreciated! Cheers-

The Gamer

Don Juan
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
KontrollerX : I've learned a lot of important information from your Cluster B threads. You saved me from a lot of time that would have been wasted with some crazy hoz! Cheers--



Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
I'm glad I could be of service.

Its sad how prevalent these people are in society.

I don't think every guy here that gets attracted to one is necessarily messed up like reset and myself were to get involved with them, I just think they also can attract healthy guys too with their sexuality and phony soulmate schtick with the mirroring of your best qualities back at you that they do.

A really good learning experience any Sosuaver can do for themselves if they have HBO is to watch the series "In Treatment".

Specifically the episodes with Laura.

She is a classic case of Histrionic Personality Disorder.

She has disrupted not only the therapist's marriage on the show but emotionally affected him to the point that he attacked another one of his patient's in therapy for insulting her.

Fictional show but very realistic portrayel of what these people are capable of.

The Gamer

Don Juan
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Ill give that show a check.

See, I found your information useful not only in distinguishing women who have problems, but just toxic people I've allowed myself to be exposed to for long periods of time without realising it. That's one of the hardest things to do. To accept that people close to you are really just not people of character you want to associate yourself with anymore. It's tough ****, but it's a matter of your personal health.

Part of the 'rabbit hole' I was talking about in my original post is me trying to move away from these people. They've really brought me down over the years, and I gotta push away from them. It's as if my entire network of associates (I have a few good close friends) I met through my years of smoking weed and **** like that, are simply put, toxic people. Most all of them! It's shocking but true. I'm assuming you went through something like this to realise the nature of these kinds of people?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"I'm assuming you went through something like this to realise the nature of these kinds of people?"

Heh, well in my case it was the opposite.

The so called "good people" of society were toxic ie principles, teachers (not all but many) preppies, the socially accepted crowds etc.

The drug dealers and cast aways that I knew on the other hand turned out to be some of the best human beings that I've ever known.

Not that what many of them did was good for society mind you as it wasn't but I could tell that if someone other than the truly bad people on the streets had shown them love then they would not of been engaging in criminal behaviour for their own survival.