The The basic guide to getting laid off Plenty of Fish


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
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Solomon said:
Holy buckets what city are you in?

I know a guy on, guy is jacked up to shreds, and he bangs 4-5 girls a week!

shyt is cray

yeah Ninja got a shytloads numbers as well but even he admitted the women in my area were horrid, so Horrid that he started looking at women in New York lol


Heres a great post by member on his views on pof

I am increasingly becoming disgusted with female nature and it's really destroying my desire to ever be married. About 6 months ago I came to a mutual agreement to end a 4yr relationship with my then girlfriend. After that I took 4-5 months to work through things in my head and get over it. Anyway, long story short a friend suggested POF/OKC and online dating sounded pretty interesting as I don't have much time to search and don't live in an area with many singles.

Over the last 7-8yrs I've worked really hard on myself, got a bachelors in Civil Eng, put on 30lbs of mass by working out/eating consistently, own a condo/new car etc. All my life and in my early 20's I was pretty much ugly and scrawny, basically an ugly ducking that took years to fill in my frame and work on my appearance. Many girls have given me compliments in the last 5-6yrs or so and I'm not bragging just giving my background. So I sign up for POF and OKC and start getting around 5-8 messages a day, had sex with 4 girls in the first month and could basically not believe my success as I had always been unattractive. Well here's the kicker and what really kills me about female nature:

1) Women are EXTREMELY shallow on- and off-line. These used up 30-38yr olds that have seen more **** than a urinal are now looking for Mr. handsome, successful, stable guy. These 6/10's all have a laundry list of demands, while most guys want a woman who has a decent body, can hold a conversation and doesn't squander money
2) Women are LEECHES. They jump on the bandwagon for sports teams, they run up bills on a guy for a first date if allowed (think ordering expensive wine and lobster), they will try and get pregnant, they will lie, cheat and swindle decent men
3) Most women have no consideration/respect for men. Some of the girls I've taken out - and I know 1st date should usually be simple but it doesn't always happen - will intentionally try to run up a bill while others will expect the man to pay AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN for 1st, 2nd and 3rd dates without so much as a thank you!
4) Most women are *****S. I've been on dates with *****s that want to be wined and dined while they talk about how much they like ***, how they've dated multiple men regularly, some have had abortions and some have even admitted to having STI's!!!
5) Most women have ISSUES. Some of these women are mentally unstable and it seems to be a common trait. They seem normal and nice until you get to know them then all the little messed up things slowly start to appear.

It's just sickening really that good men that want a relationship with a good woman are reduced to dealing with these hoes while these 35yr old, used up skanks think Brad Pitt should sweep them and their 3 mixed race children off their feet because they are "hot". All they do is talk about guys to you, hotties they wanna fuk etc. all while you're paying for the date. Straight disrespectful losers with nothing going on.

Any experiences/thoughts?


- Mutually ended 4yr relationship
- Went from ugly kid to handsome, successful adult
- Worked hard in and out of gym
- Finally had females chasing
- Tried hard not to be judgmental/biased with women
- Women proved their true nature over and over again
- Expect man to foot huge bill, even on 2nd and 3rd dates if allowed
- Women love ***, money and are extremely shallow
- Most have skeletons in the closet
- Used up cougars want everything they can't offer themselves
- Most modern women are useless for marriage

I live in Tampa. I believe that dude about banging 4-5 chicks a week. I had another one invite me to her house at 930 last night but I told her it was getting too late and too far to drive. She ended up sexting with me a little and sending me nudes and telling me a bunch of freaky sheet she wanted to do. I had like 5 sexting me at the same time and almost begging to hangout. I'm not trying to brag Ill say again Im a regular guy not super ripped or great looking. I just want to illustrate just how many horny freaks are on there.

I can't understand why ANY guy trolling Pof cares what any of these chicks say in their profile. Who cares if they're demanding a man with a diploma, car, job, likes children...I have a ton of chicks in my area that are looking for "a good country boy". I'm thefqrthest thing from country. If you're just looking for a fb then why does any of their demands matter? My theory is if they're looking for dyck (almost all of them are) then they'll fvck you in a cardboard box if they're into your pics and what you have to say.

Don't get caught up in what qualities they're looking for in a man unless YOU are looking for a relationship, which I don't understand why any guy here would be.

In general don't pay attention to Anything they have to say

Also you can't care if they ignore your messages or even if they respond with a bytch attitude. I've changed my profile around the way goodlookingloser suggested and a few days ago I had one respond to me and say "ew put your pants on that's disgusting". Just ignore them and move on


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
incognito42 said:
I live in Tampa. I believe that dude about banging 4-5 chicks a week. I had another one invite me to her house at 930 last night but I told her it was getting too late and too far to drive. She ended up sexting with me a little and sending me nudes and telling me a bunch of freaky sheet she wanted to do. I had like 5 sexting me at the same time and almost begging to hangout. I'm not trying to brag Ill say again Im a regular guy not super ripped or great looking. I just want to illustrate just how many horny freaks are on there.

I can't understand why ANY guy trolling Pof cares what any of these chicks say in their profile. Who cares if they're demanding a man with a diploma, car, job, likes children...I have a ton of chicks in my area that are looking for "a good country boy". I'm thefqrthest thing from country. If you're just looking for a fb then why does any of their demands matter? My theory is if they're looking for dyck (almost all of them are) then they'll fvck you in a cardboard box if they're into your pics and what you have to say.

Don't get caught up in what qualities they're looking for in a man unless YOU are looking for a relationship, which I don't understand why any guy here would be.

In general don't pay attention to Anything they have to say

Also you can't care if they ignore your messages or even if they respond with a bytch attitude. I've changed my profile around the way goodlookingloser suggested and a few days ago I had one respond to me and say "ew put your pants on that's disgusting". Just ignore them and move on
Hey brah your preaching to the choir, it just blows my mind how easy it is, POF in my area dried up two years ago. Although I just re-signed up and there more girls then ever

^^my thread last year, from what I gather there 3 types of chicks in my area on pof

Sluts/Aw's--These girls tend to just want attention they may meet up with a guy and **** him if his pic is hot enough but their not trying to be "wifed" up.

Single moms/fatties--These girls actually do want a relationship but have mental issue or logistical issues. SM's tend to be more pickier but some right the cawk carousel as well

The liars--These are the girls that claim to want a guy but fucc you on the first date then you never see them again, its about 75% of the slores on pof

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Solomon said:
The liars--These are the girls that claim to want a guy but fucc you on the first date then you never see them again, its about 75% of the slores on pof
That's pretty damn true. A Lot of them LIE or shall I say, when they say something one night, give it a month, no, how bout a week, heck, even a couple of days and she'll have changed her mind or forgotten what she'd said. Their word = nil. I've had a few, who'd just moved into town, say that they are planning to live here a while, yet, a month or so later she's broke her lease and off she goes again tryin to find a footing elsewhere. Women usually can't stick to what they say cause, they are sh!t-for-brains when it comes to finances. They'd rather have the clothes or new shoes than a stable home.
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Solomon said:
Holy buckets what city are you in?

I know a guy on, guy is jacked up to shreds, and he bangs 4-5 girls a week!

shyt is cray

yeah Ninja got a shytloads numbers as well but even he admitted the women in my area were horrid, so Horrid that he started looking at women in New York lol


Heres a great post by member on his views on pof

I am increasingly becoming disgusted with female nature and it's really destroying my desire to ever be married. About 6 months ago I came to a mutual agreement to end a 4yr relationship with my then girlfriend. After that I took 4-5 months to work through things in my head and get over it. Anyway, long story short a friend suggested POF/OKC and online dating sounded pretty interesting as I don't have much time to search and don't live in an area with many singles.

Over the last 7-8yrs I've worked really hard on myself, got a bachelors in Civil Eng, put on 30lbs of mass by working out/eating consistently, own a condo/new car etc. All my life and in my early 20's I was pretty much ugly and scrawny, basically an ugly ducking that took years to fill in my frame and work on my appearance. Many girls have given me compliments in the last 5-6yrs or so and I'm not bragging just giving my background. So I sign up for POF and OKC and start getting around 5-8 messages a day, had sex with 4 girls in the first month and could basically not believe my success as I had always been unattractive. Well here's the kicker and what really kills me about female nature:

1) Women are EXTREMELY shallow on- and off-line. These used up 30-38yr olds that have seen more **** than a urinal are now looking for Mr. handsome, successful, stable guy. These 6/10's all have a laundry list of demands, while most guys want a woman who has a decent body, can hold a conversation and doesn't squander money
2) Women are LEECHES. They jump on the bandwagon for sports teams, they run up bills on a guy for a first date if allowed (think ordering expensive wine and lobster), they will try and get pregnant, they will lie, cheat and swindle decent men
3) Most women have no consideration/respect for men. Some of the girls I've taken out - and I know 1st date should usually be simple but it doesn't always happen - will intentionally try to run up a bill while others will expect the man to pay AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN for 1st, 2nd and 3rd dates without so much as a thank you!
4) Most women are *****S. I've been on dates with *****s that want to be wined and dined while they talk about how much they like ***, how they've dated multiple men regularly, some have had abortions and some have even admitted to having STI's!!!
5) Most women have ISSUES. Some of these women are mentally unstable and it seems to be a common trait. They seem normal and nice until you get to know them then all the little messed up things slowly start to appear.

It's just sickening really that good men that want a relationship with a good woman are reduced to dealing with these hoes while these 35yr old, used up skanks think Brad Pitt should sweep them and their 3 mixed race children off their feet because they are "hot". All they do is talk about guys to you, hotties they wanna fuk etc. all while you're paying for the date. Straight disrespectful losers with nothing going on.

Any experiences/thoughts?


- Mutually ended 4yr relationship
- Went from ugly kid to handsome, successful adult
- Worked hard in and out of gym
- Finally had females chasing
- Tried hard not to be judgmental/biased with women
- Women proved their true nature over and over again
- Expect man to foot huge bill, even on 2nd and 3rd dates if allowed
- Women love ***, money and are extremely shallow
- Most have skeletons in the closet
- Used up cougars want everything they can't offer themselves
- Most modern women are useless for marriage
nice story, man. big ups to the guy. i feel like doing the same right now take like a 1 - 2 year leave to focus solely on school, gym, finances, and picking up girls (the theoretical part)

then go out after i accomplish my goals and start womanizing! :D
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
i personally haven't been getting any luck on POF. i live in NY but the crappy part. upstate. not much girls here on there, so i have to look for girls in further away towns which makes it hard 'cause chiks would want to drive nearly 2 hours just for some for one night.

this sucks. was hoping to do some online dating while i focus on school mostly

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I have a 44 yr old, still pretty hot..she selected the best photos..far away skiing and extreme up-close on her face. She's going in to great detail about survival (I mention prepping briefly in my profile), a woman who's obviously studied up on that sh!t. I may meet her in person this weekend. She'll go for coffee at Starbucks, but won't drink any! she says. I could see myself fvcking her, but I can't really tell all that well her physique in the photos. We'll see. Nice eyes even though old. She's got money, travels to France, Russia (just got back), and Switzerland (went to school there). Only dates younger men than she is.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Look at the spoof Fat Ug profile this dude posted on an Italian dating site Guys over in Italy are hard-core desperate. I, a person who almost fvcks any female that walks, wouldn't even attempt to bang one that fvckin ugly or fat, though I Have fvcked a BBW like that but it was in a 2-some with a short thin was her girlfriend, the typification of "the elephant in the room" scenario. That was back in 2010. That particular fat one was full-fledged lesbo, out of default not because she'd chosen to be imo, but she fvcked me that Sunday afternoon, probably the best guy she'd ever fvcked her entire life, unless she hadn't always been fat.