the state of just being


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
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orange country holland
You carry out certain acts, these acts have become somewhat of a 2nd nature. you think nothing wrong with them , afterall you're on the way to be the man youve always wanted to be right? but on deeper analysis, with a sharp intellectual skill. you'll realize the irony is that they cause more harm than good they distort your mental poise.
these are your existential trepidetions.
this is addiction
1a-spending hours on end on the internet,puasites,forums,chatrooms
1b wasting money on dvds,books,seminars
1c downloading porn thus porn addiction thus depression.
1d spending hours on the internet leading to all manner of ailments associated with prolonged use of a computer set(neckpain,bluryvision,backaches,depression)
cause of addiction?women
when the only use of a computer set is only geared towards women.
letting people capitalize on the fact you are addicted to women, so they strategize all manner of dvd,programs,books to rip-your dumbass off.
spending hours on puasites when you should be studying(collegekids)
all these is afcism to the highest level. your addiction to women is one of the existing problems.

the ego is your perception of your self in relation to the outer world.
the ego is that which lets insultsand rejections get to you.
All anxiety and fear you ever had for women is caused my the ego.
to not let insults,rejections and anxiety for women get to you you must dent the ego.
use rejections to dent your ego. by using hurtfull comments thrown at you. emphasizing on the words that hurt and play the inccident continuously in your mind. till you no long feel awkward by it.she says your are ugly?a loser?
use that.another way is to created worst case scenerios of rejections in your mind, make it as embarassing as possible,have fun with it.
the ego thrives on compliments and approval deny it thsese things and you'll bruise it.
you put your ego on the line when youapproach anyway, so use it as a paradoxicall situtation to your advantage.
if you let rejections get to you youll subconciously start hating women.

3.self improvement
youve come across various advices through out your quest. the culmination of thier advices all gravitate to one thing*become*. is that true wisdom?
101 ways to great abs,types of facial features women are attracted to,how to be the man of her dreams,ten things not to say on a date,ten ways to get brad pit or willsmith type body.
why is all this bad you might ask? they are all microcosms of the ego. and as long as you use external things to feed the ego or if the source of selfesteem is from external things, unwavering self confidence and contentment isnt possible.

walk like you got the biggest **** on earth?occupy all the space when you sit? walk with shoulders aligned to your waist? squint your eyes while you talk to her? think james bond? wlk like darth vader? believe it or not these are tips i came across during my afc days on here. how bout this one walk with your balls parpendicular to your *******? ok i made that last one up.
the point is these advices cause more harm than good.
they lead to unrealistic expectations of perfection. thus you might think, i dont have great abs,nicecar,money,my face isnt symetrical,distance betwn my faces arnt the same so i must first sort those out b4 i get women. few years ago id see guys post about what kinda facial features women like and guys on here would actuall measure thier faces with a ruler to see if they fit the match lol.
these advices end up cluttering your mind,lead to self conciouseness.thus your conversations with women end up comming out as canned and unaturally awkward.

stern disidentification of these three(addiction,the ego,selfimprovement) leads to a state over 1,2 or three years. a state with there is no notional word to describe than the state of just being.
because in this state.
wether women compliment you or not your confidence is unaffected, if women reject or accept you confidence reamins,a women walk you by without giving you a glance? your confidence remains.a better looking guy comes along and all the girls ignore your ass? your confidence remains.
it can be described as a state in which external things arnt needed to bost the self esteem. it justs dawns on you by not obssessing about certain things and cutting out certain things out your life.
someone in this state isnt gonna post his picture on hot or not to be told how hot he is so he fills fullfilled.,he isnt gonna get his fullfillment on women telling him how cute he is(lol).he's sole purpose of going to the gym isnt to get a nice body to impress women.
no confidence dawns on him, and this confidences is an unwavering and substantial one,compared to that taking from self improvement not superstituios but ive noticed women being put around my perimeters more than ever. hey maybe its the universe maybe a law bends it way to our favoyr when we stop obsessing. a guy once told me to increase in your efficiency you must subtract certain thins out your life. nowadays in go about my daily business and still get numbers. even when im not shaved for weeks. unlike b4 where id obsess about what to where for hours just to look good to get women.
most posters you hold to high esteem from the past realised this and thier tips all gravitated to the same things. just be, act, dont think just act. etc. thats why they got to a certain level where they didnt need pua advices anymore.if getting women is complicated its because you made it so. your job isnt to study women.if they cant directly communicated to you what they want its their problem not yours. have you actually listened to most guys you call djs and heard the conversations they ever with women? youll kick your self in the balls. its the most dumbest **** youll ever hear. you start wondering if many of thses women are worth the time spent on buyign dvds, and books on. infact with time you'll start praying you meet a girl with some brain cells atleast.

the state of just being can be losly described as the state of not giving a ****. because the realization is that true confidence come when you dont give a **** about yourself. worrying im i standing right? am i sitting right? is my shoulder aligned to my ass etc.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
I like this....and I am going to work to obtain a simple state of being. I think that many of my self esteem issues come from being insulted when I was younger. Even by my own Mother....fighting verbally with her all the time was taxing. Yet, when she passed away My psyche was damaged to the point where girls would enter my life, and I wouldn't want them to leave...:(

I lost my sense of being a long time ago, trying to get that back, and not hate women.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Australia, ?
Lurker a brilliant post.
Full of so much experience it's just amazing.
You summarised in one post the journey one takes to true success.

At its core, this is RSD brilliance but it did contain a lot of insight.
I just wish you took more time making the text aesthetic, spelling, grammar and layout; then you'd be taken more seriously.

More seriously, which is nice when you take the time to write a post you KNOW is really beneficial to the community.
+ Rep to you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
this post summed up what I realized after being on here for about a year...I wanted to post something along these lines but you beat me to it



Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
orange country holland
the reason i rushed that thread was because i disconnected my internet connection, in other to fully gain back my true sense of self
so i only make sure i use the internet not more than 2 hours a week in a neighbours or a cyber cafe i usually time my self. its liberating when you free your self from the internet for a while.
i understand some words were not written well but it seems i cant edit it anymore.

summerizing it up

our addiction to women works against us(thus women eventually have power over you)

our egos are our worst enemies

self improvingment can lead to self anahilation.

the state of just being is true self improvement.
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