The secret to all of this (a challenge)


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
What's your motive?

Your motive will determine whether you fail or succeed.

With that said, I have a lot to say, so I apologize in advance for not explaining my thoughts in a clear and methodical way. But I promise, the content of what I say is true and is the secret to all of this. Just trust me.

THE CHALLENGE: Tough it out. Read the hypo and finish. I promise that even though it seems like a ramble, it all comes together. My mind just works differently than most.

The following hypothetical will help you understand the area of issues discussed on sosuave (and consequently, will help you understand the secret to all of this).

When we took math class as a kid, we had a few choices. We could learn how to solve the problems or we could cheat. Remember how mad you got when you would come up with the right answer but you would get it wrong because the way you got the answer wasn't how the teacher wanted you to get it? It's not just about the end result.


Blue Inc. needs a mathematician for a project they're working on. The project involves some math that not many people can do. So they need to hire someone who can come up with the right answers. With the right answers, they can finish their project and get paid.

Blue Inc.'s top two choices are Fred and Bill.

Fred knows a guy who worked on this type of project before. Although Fred knows absolutely nothing about math (Fred's a janitor and was a high school drop out) he does know the answers that Blue Inc. needs for this project.

Bill knows nothing about Blue Inc.'s project and doesn't have the answers like Fred does. But Bill is a mathematician. Bill studied math in college and has a MEM (Masters in Eisenstein Mathematics).

Fred has the answers. Bill doesn't.

If they hire Fred, they'll be done with the project and can move onto other projects. They can make more money! With Bill, the project might not be completed as quickly. Bill might need a little time to work through some equations to get the answers.

What if Blue Inc. encounters a new equation in their project? Fred won't be able to solve it...and Blue Inc. will be in an even worse position than they were before. Bill might even be gone by then. But even if there isn't a new equation, there will always be a new project. And Fred won't know the answers to the equations for those projects. So Blue Inc. will have to hire another person anyways.

Who should Blue Inc. hire?

Who would you want to be? Who would you want to hire? Would you want to know the answers for a specific equation or would you want to KNOW HOW TO GET THE ANSWERS NO MATTER WHAT THE EQUATION MIGHT BE?


Many of these PUA sites try and give us answers. They want us to be like Fred. The overwhelming majority of these PUA sites, most PUA type books, and people who post on these sites usually try and give us the answers, the magic pills, because THEY want to believe that there is an answer, a magic pill, a pick-up line, a secret like increasing "kino" or whatever other secret it is they teach.


Be the mathematician. If you know how to get the problem, you won't be stressed when the 2 is replaced with a 5. You don't need the answers because you know how to get the answers on your own!

99% of the crap on this site and sites like them is that everyone is searching for the magic pill. Posts like Crash Course on Masculine Power by Jay Julio are great because they are creating mathematicians in us. Advice like that given by Jay Julio is to help us as individuals. The result is that we do better with women. Because women are the Blue Inc.'s of the world. Women get to choose every night whether they want some idiot like Fred who reads sosuave or a man whose lifestyle makes him the type of person who she wants to be with.

Women don't want a guy who knows answers. They want a guy who knows how to solve problems. The consequence is that most of the time, if you know how to solve the problem, you'll have the answer. But websites like these (and I'm obviously generalizing because this is a great website) make us think that it's only about the answer. They make us think that women only care about the answer. But it's not different than seeing a great athlete drinking a new drink or wearing a wristband... We see kids every day trying to dress like their favorite athletes because they think it's the shoes or the necklace or the haircut, etc. (Remember a few years ago how every boy under the age of 15 had the same haircut as Justin Beiber?)

Read Jay Julio's post because he can probably explain it much better than I can but you have got to realize that it's not about the pick up lines or how to ACT confident or anything like that....IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TO DO WITH WOMEN!

If your MOTIVE is just to improve yourself so you can meet more women then you are not on the right track. If you want to go to the gym so you can look better because you think it'll get you more notches on your bedpost then it won't happen. Your motive must be to improve yourself. Why would you rather cheat and learn a pick-up line (like Fred) so you can get a girl's number or attention for the next 15 minutes (cheating) than put the time and energy into YOURSELF so you can be like Bill.

In 1 specific scenario on the planet, Fred might be able to trump Bill. But even then, Bill will still be the one with the style and grace and confidence because he knows the answer is within him. Bill knows that it doesn't matter that he doesn't know the answer before he's seen the problem because he knows he'll get it. Fred on the other hand is Shlttlng bricks! Fred thinks he knows the answer, but what if one of the number changes? What if a new equation is put in front of him? Fred KNOWS HE DOESN'T REALLY KNOW ANYTHING.

In real life you should want to be like Bill. Of course you don't want to go to school and study math, but you do want to know who you are as a person. You want to be comfortable with yourself. You want to be alright with being alone. You want to know that it's not about your height (because it isn't), it's not about your body fat percentage, it's not about your clothes, your hair, your opening, your kino (w.e. the hell that is), it's about you as an individual.

And guess that the beauty in all of this is?

The beauty is that when you work on yourself because you genuinely want to be a better man, you start exhibiting the characteristics of someone who people want to be around! Including women!

I know this because I went through it myself. I have a lot of confidence but it's genuine. It's not because I have a beautiful girlfriend or no acne or great clothes, it's because I know that I am the best me right now. And you can give me acne, you can put me in rags, you can put me somewhere I know nobody and I'll still have the confidence I do because I know my potential, I know my true worth. I know I'm not buying the girls attention with a fake tan or expensive car, etc.

It took me a lot of work. Probably about 1 year of depression after a horrible break up from a 5 year relationship, and then another 6 months to where I am today. I thought a lot, read a lot of books and articles about psychology and self-help and love and this and that and I finally learned that the secret to it all is not about how the world sees me, it's about how I see myself.

The best part is that when I finally accepted myself for what I was, when I found my purpose, when I let go of what I wanted and held onto who I am supposed to be, my life changed.

I stopped coming across as needy, dependent, insecure, etc. But it wasn't because I was dressing better (I have always dressed good, even when I was depressed) and it wasn't because I stopped having acne (I'm 24 and I still have acne, wtf?) and it wasn't because I lost 50 pounds (I've always had a great body).

If your motive is to pick-up more women, you might, but your search will never end. If your motive is to stop being so nervous when you talk to women, you might by learning tricks on here, but your search will never end and you'll never get to the root of the problem.

Quit taking short cuts. Quit trying to be like Fred. Be like Bill. Work on yourself. Find your true calling in life. Learn to love who you are. What are your talents, abilities, gifts?

I remember thinking a year ago how I'm social and hate being alone so trying to learn how to enjoy being alone was a lost cause...but my thoughts were those of being in denial. The truth was that I was depending on others to prove my self-worth. Having a beautiful girlfriend would have made me feel better (temporarily) because the beautiful girlfriend would've confirmed to myself that I was valuable because she was with me...But with that thought process I was never going to get anywhere.

It wasn't until I started to really focus on myself when things changed. And I mean really focus...not just say I want to focus on myself so I am then in a better position to meet beautiful girls...

Now I am ok being alone. I am ok being rejected because I know that the rejection doesn't lower my worth. I am not afraid to fail because the failure will not make me lesser of a man.


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
The secret to all of this is that it's within you. I would strongly suggest not following most of the advice on the internet. In my experience, and I have done a lot of "research" in this area, for every 20 articles, MAYBE 1 of them is correct. Maybe 1 of them hits the nail on the head.

Kudos to people like Jay Julio because his post that I referred to earlier is one of those posts. Another authority that gets it right is the Doc Love guy who wrote The System or whatever...I wouldn't suggest buying it because it's $99 but if you're desperate for the truth then that's one place to find it. Another great source is Robert Greene, the author of The Power of Seduction, The 48 Laws of Power, and the 33 Strategies of War. Stendhal's Love is also a good book... There are others but I'm not going to go through them all now.

Some of the bad advice out there...well...there's too much to talk about. Just think about my hypo and whether or not the information you are getting from the book/article/post is helping you be a Fred or a Bill.

For whoever read this entire post, I hope it was as valuable as I tried to make it. For those who read it and hated it, I'm sorry, I just know that I would've loved to have read something like this a few years ago, it would've saved a lot of time.

Some might get mad at me because I challenge their current beliefs by saying that some of what they do/follow isn't correct. But I won't apologize for that. But I will say that if anything I have said offends you or rubs you the wrong way or makes you want to argue with me, before you do, really think about everything I wrote. But then after that, feel free to argue, I love it.

Take care.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
guess I should consider myself lucky considering the first (and now most) pua/seduction/whatever you wanna call it I learned involved being happy with myself, confident, improve myself, etc. :D
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
Solid post MillerCharm. The motive (reason why) is important and it can motivate a person into action. Doing those things (such as, living the lifestyle you want to live) for yourself first (and not just in an attempt to get women) will often make yourself more attractive to women and you will often meet more women, even though you are not doing those things (lifestyle/things that you enjoy doing) to meet women only. Like if you have a passion for music and then you just happen to also meet some women there, but you would do that even for no women because you enjoy doing the music. The "reason why" is in some way a core value, such as the reason why you do the music is because it is based on one of your core values of freedom (such as, doing the music makes you feel/experience freedom of expression) and you would do this music even if there was zero women around, and if you meet women there then it's just extra. It is beneficial to think for yourself. A concern with power is if someone is going to use the power over themselves to control themselves to live the lifestyle they want, or if I suspect many would just use the power to control other people and to ruin everyone elses lives, so again it depends on the motive/reasons why (based on values) they want this power. It's a similar thing with money, many people just waste it, but if you have struggled for years and during those times decide what you would do with the money, then when you get it you spend it on what is most important to you (such as, doing your music).


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Good post, read this right after jay julios, solid work
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, I just read the link "Crash Course on Masculine Power" by Jay Julio and here is a few of my takes on it. I usually post comments once and a while because there could be like ten thousand people who may read the comment and hate it, but then there's 5 people who got something out of it so those are the people the comment is for. It's similar with Game/approaching, we may have to go through 200 girls to find the 1 or 2 girls who are interested in us, so those 2 girls who are fun to be with are why we continued to go through the other 198 who were uninterested to find those 2. I thought this by Jay Julio was going to get into lifestyle, but surprisingly it was more about having/projecting your masculine s*xual vibe and eye contact such as in being a smooth "So Suave DJ." It reminded me of the first post I read on SoSuave 2 years ago that I searched for and clicked on this site and that post was The Gunwitch Method (yup, way back in the day when Game was about trying to get chicks to overcome ASD to actually get l*id instead of these days calling women who have s*x sl*ts/wh*res and then going to a MRA site, yup those were the good 'ol days). Over the last few years I have continued to learn more about this topic from other DJ's such as, 60 Years of Challenge (who might be in a LTR now) and Gambler/Richard La Ruina (who surprising to me says he wants to get married), and while I will never get married or even maintain a LTR because I'm one of the few guys who doesn't want to get involved in those types of relationships I did learn from all of these sources. Therefore, this post by Jay Julio may be an introduction to some new guys into seduction (and I consider seduction to be a step up from basic Game or an advanced form of Game because it is really getting to the point of having the intent of quickly finding the women who are interested in getting s*xual and as a man lead the interaction into the s*x that you both want to experience together). This is not being passive, and we still have to do these actions of having (as Julio seems to be saying) a grounded masculine s*xual vibe and then approach women and say something to start the interaction to find out how receptive she is or not. To have a cool/calm/collected/inner strength (and not even having to say much or even say anything until a few seconds into meeting women). Not to start a debate, but this IMHO gets into the issue of where it's not necessary and even not effective to try to be a "Nice Guy" or a "Jerk" when meeting women because as I say both of these break the seductive vibe (at least for me, and every DJ is going to have his own variation and what ever works for him), a Nice Guy is sometimes desperate like "Please go out with me" and this is weak and a turn off, a rude jerk (often appears to be the opposite side of the same desperate former beta Nice Guy coin who heard on blogs and is now trying to be a negative hurtful rude jerk) thinks he is being a tough guy and while this is probably better than being a Nice Guy (I do not like using either of these terms but they are popular now for some understanding on the topic and many people on Game blogs now hate it when someone doesn't use the terms they use) and he might "neg" and say "You suck b*tch, you look disgusting, I'm going to weakly shame you to try to make myself look better than pathetic LSE you, I'm going to hurt you, see I'm an a-hole jerk, you want a "tough guy" like me (and this can work on some Low Self Esteem people), but IMHO the "Nice Guy" and the "Hurtful Jerk" often eventually generates anger and negative thoughts/emotions and repells women and does not in the majority of women create the real genuine desire of attraction. Masculine Power and dominance (not necessarily in a fear inducing control freak way) leads the interaction/seduction, for example to approach as a seductive DJ in the way Julio (and others) say to, it's not being a Nice Guy buying her expensive things and it's not a Mean Jerk trying to mentally and physically hurt women because he may hate all women (not all men hate women or are weak/insecure and want to hurt women), and this doen't mean there is never calibrated up to sometimes rougher s*x (and such), but Julio is describing more of how it is for those of us who are a smooth So Suave DJ. I have been a "tough guy" before and that wasn't as effective either because it is not relaxed body-language, not easy-going with hand gesturing (like Gambler/Richard La Ruina) that leads to kino (BTW, that's you touching her, such as her hand/arm/back, to see how she responds to your contact and to go from there). I don't ever call women sl*ts or wh*re or b*tch, and I especially would never call a woman I have s*x with a sl*t, as again that would be labeling something I want as being negative and form a negative belief, and again it would break my seductive mindset/vibe as a DJ. Some of my core values is Freedom (including s*xual freedom) and S*xuality (including open s*xual expression). What Julio is describing is also why I'm off Online Dating because it's the logic of writing/reading profiles versus her feeling the emotions/chemistry/vibing/feeling a connection in person between woman and man, instead of passing over a profile. Some guys think always NOT giving women any attention is a always a good thing (as in like women just want attention), well if we want to "seduce" a woman then we have to give her the right kind of attention (where attention is a good thing here) as Julio says here, and that is finding women (who are interested, and Gambler shows how to sometimes force "IOI's such as this Eye Contact) and looking at her seductively/s*xually while projecting a masculine vibe (any type of Nice Guy does not even do this) to turn her on just by looking at you and she feels that she is attracted to you. This involves being (as Julio says) aware when you go out with the complete intent to meet women, to (not be a weird stalker) maybe have a goal of approaching 25 women this week and to use your radar to scan the surroundings looking for Targets who show some interest as in women who look s*xually attracted to you and then you approach them, and this would be similar to if you were out and a girl is just shopping and never even looks at you versus a girl who looks at you and smiles and you would think I think she like me, well this is similar to you looking at women with a masculine seductive vibe/Eye Contact and you are giving these women an opportunity to think I think he likes me and she doesn't know why but inside she is starting to feel turned on and attracted to you so she is now a hot (literally) Target/Woman who is thus more receptive to your seduction/approach. You are calm and relaxed, have natural Eye Contact as you are looking around (without moving your head much) for the women who are s*xually receptive. For an example of this masculine power seductive vibe, 2 days ago I was in a grocery store, I was calm/RELAXED and my breathing was relaxed while also having a strong frame of masculine power of knowing I can approach any girl I want to talk to while still being relaxed with a seductive vibe, I look straight ahead most of the time while using my eyes to subtlely look around for women that I am s*xually attracted to, I see a s*xy slender girl with my favorite hair color and she is dressed very attractively, gradually I "just happen to naturally" walk near her and it's like everthing slows down and there is other people around so to get by them I and her have to turn slightly and the front of our bodies are almost together and I feel a s*xual vibe between us and our faces turn from the side to being face to face less than a half foot close like we are almost going to kiss right there in the store in front of all these people who are now just a blur that I don't even notice and we both lock-on to direct eye contact (and for a second I was sort of surprised she actually also maintained deep eye contact especially because we were already so close, but I remained calm and I did not break my seductive vibe by calling her stupid names or even saying anything) and we had this mutual s*xual Eye Contact for about 5 - 8 seconds and for one second I looked at her lips and then back to her eyes and she could feel this "natural" chemistry/connection between her and me and she felt the attraction to me and we were both turned on, then I said that I have seen her before (I had and we didn't meet in that situation back then) and introduced myself while lighly/slightly firmly/masculine leading/seductively shaking her hand (intro Kino) with Eye Contact and invited her to meet, and on Thursday night we are going to get together. This is how it all just "naturally happens." This is just my take on what was being talked about here by Jay Julio.


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2008
Reaction score
Of all the posts I've read on this site, I can honestly say, this one makes the most sense to me. Props for this, brotha.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
This is the basics of what pook taught, improve yourself for YOURSELF AND.NO ONE ELSE. And then you will be fully happy. Great post man. I agree all this pua crap is BS, id rather improve my life than to learn a bunch of tactics.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
GoalsActionsResults said:
Hey, I just read the link "Crash Course on Masculine Power" by Jay Julio and here is a few of my takes on it. I usually post comments once and a while because there could be like ten thousand people who may read the comment and hate it, but then there's 5 people who got something out of it so those are the people the comment is for. It's similar with Game/approaching, we may have to go through 200 girls to find the 1 or 2 girls who are interested in us, so those 2 girls who are fun to be with are why we continued to go through the other 198 who were uninterested to find those 2. I thought this by Jay Julio was going to get into lifestyle, but surprisingly it was more about having/projecting your masculine s*xual vibe and eye contact such as in being a smooth "So Suave DJ." It reminded me of the first post I read on SoSuave 2 years ago that I searched for and clicked on this site and that post was The Gunwitch Method (yup, way back in the day when Game was about trying to get chicks to overcome ASD to actually get l*id instead of these days calling women who have s*x sl*ts/wh*res and then going to a MRA site, yup those were the good 'ol days). Over the last few years I have continued to learn more about this topic from other DJ's such as, 60 Years of Challenge (who might be in a LTR now) and Gambler/Richard La Ruina (who surprising to me says he wants to get married), and while I will never get married or even maintain a LTR because I'm one of the few guys who doesn't want to get involved in those types of relationships I did learn from all of these sources. Therefore, this post by Jay Julio may be an introduction to some new guys into seduction (and I consider seduction to be a step up from basic Game or an advanced form of Game because it is really getting to the point of having the intent of quickly finding the women who are interested in getting s*xual and as a man lead the interaction into the s*x that you both want to experience together). This is not being passive, and we still have to do these actions of having (as Julio seems to be saying) a grounded masculine s*xual vibe and then approach women and say something to start the interaction to find out how receptive she is or not. To have a cool/calm/collected/inner strength (and not even having to say much or even say anything until a few seconds into meeting women). Not to start a debate, but this IMHO gets into the issue of where it's not necessary and even not effective to try to be a "Nice Guy" or a "Jerk" when meeting women because as I say both of these break the seductive vibe (at least for me, and every DJ is going to have his own variation and what ever works for him), a Nice Guy is sometimes desperate like "Please go out with me" and this is weak and a turn off, a rude jerk (often appears to be the opposite side of the same desperate former beta Nice Guy coin who heard on blogs and is now trying to be a negative hurtful rude jerk) thinks he is being a tough guy and while this is probably better than being a Nice Guy (I do not like using either of these terms but they are popular now for some understanding on the topic and many people on Game blogs now hate it when someone doesn't use the terms they use) and he might "neg" and say "You suck b*tch, you look disgusting, I'm going to weakly shame you to try to make myself look better than pathetic LSE you, I'm going to hurt you, see I'm an a-hole jerk, you want a "tough guy" like me (and this can work on some Low Self Esteem people), but IMHO the "Nice Guy" and the "Hurtful Jerk" often eventually generates anger and negative thoughts/emotions and repells women and does not in the majority of women create the real genuine desire of attraction. Masculine Power and dominance (not necessarily in a fear inducing control freak way) leads the interaction/seduction, for example to approach as a seductive DJ in the way Julio (and others) say to, it's not being a Nice Guy buying her expensive things and it's not a Mean Jerk trying to mentally and physically hurt women because he may hate all women (not all men hate women or are weak/insecure and want to hurt women), and this doen't mean there is never calibrated up to sometimes rougher s*x (and such), but Julio is describing more of how it is for those of us who are a smooth So Suave DJ. I have been a "tough guy" before and that wasn't as effective either because it is not relaxed body-language, not easy-going with hand gesturing (like Gambler/Richard La Ruina) that leads to kino (BTW, that's you touching her, such as her hand/arm/back, to see how she responds to your contact and to go from there). I don't ever call women sl*ts or wh*re or b*tch, and I especially would never call a woman I have s*x with a sl*t, as again that would be labeling something I want as being negative and form a negative belief, and again it would break my seductive mindset/vibe as a DJ. Some of my core values is Freedom (including s*xual freedom) and S*xuality (including open s*xual expression). What Julio is describing is also why I'm off Online Dating because it's the logic of writing/reading profiles versus her feeling the emotions/chemistry/vibing/feeling a connection in person between woman and man, instead of passing over a profile. Some guys think always NOT giving women any attention is a always a good thing (as in like women just want attention), well if we want to "seduce" a woman then we have to give her the right kind of attention (where attention is a good thing here) as Julio says here, and that is finding women (who are interested, and Gambler shows how to sometimes force "IOI's such as this Eye Contact) and looking at her seductively/s*xually while projecting a masculine vibe (any type of Nice Guy does not even do this) to turn her on just by looking at you and she feels that she is attracted to you. This involves being (as Julio says) aware when you go out with the complete intent to meet women, to (not be a weird stalker) maybe have a goal of approaching 25 women this week and to use your radar to scan the surroundings looking for Targets who show some interest as in women who look s*xually attracted to you and then you approach them, and this would be similar to if you were out and a girl is just shopping and never even looks at you versus a girl who looks at you and smiles and you would think I think she like me, well this is similar to you looking at women with a masculine seductive vibe/Eye Contact and you are giving these women an opportunity to think I think he likes me and she doesn't know why but inside she is starting to feel turned on and attracted to you so she is now a hot (literally) Target/Woman who is thus more receptive to your seduction/approach. You are calm and relaxed, have natural Eye Contact as you are looking around (without moving your head much) for the women who are s*xually receptive. For an example of this masculine power seductive vibe, 2 days ago I was in a grocery store, I was calm/RELAXED and my breathing was relaxed while also having a strong frame of masculine power of knowing I can approach any girl I want to talk to while still being relaxed with a seductive vibe, I look straight ahead most of the time while using my eyes to subtlely look around for women that I am s*xually attracted to, I see a s*xy slender girl with my favorite hair color and she is dressed very attractively, gradually I "just happen to naturally" walk near her and it's like everthing slows down and there is other people around so to get by them I and her have to turn slightly and the front of our bodies are almost together and I feel a s*xual vibe between us and our faces turn from the side to being face to face less than a half foot close like we are almost going to kiss right there in the store in front of all these people who are now just a blur that I don't even notice and we both lock-on to direct eye contact (and for a second I was sort of surprised she actually also maintained deep eye contact especially because we were already so close, but I remained calm and I did not break my seductive vibe by calling her stupid names or even saying anything) and we had this mutual s*xual Eye Contact for about 5 - 8 seconds and for one second I looked at her lips and then back to her eyes and she could feel this "natural" chemistry/connection between her and me and she felt the attraction to me and we were both turned on, then I said that I have seen her before (I had and we didn't meet in that situation back then) and introduced myself while lighly/slightly firmly/masculine leading/seductively shaking her hand (intro Kino) with Eye Contact and invited her to meet, and on Thursday night we are going to get together. This is how it all just "naturally happens." This is just my take on what was being talked about here by Jay Julio.

Holy sh1t, this is horror for my eyes. I almost cried.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
GoalsActionsResults said:
Hey, I just read the link "Crash Course on Masculine Power" by Jay Julio and here is a few of my takes on it. I usually post comments once and a while because there could be like ten thousand people who may read the comment and hate it, but then there's 5 people who got something out of it so those are the people the comment is for. It's similar with Game/approaching, we may have to go through 200 girls to find the 1 or 2 girls who are interested in us, so those 2 girls who are fun to be with are why we continued to go through the other 198 who were uninterested to find those 2. I thought this by Jay Julio was going to get into lifestyle, but surprisingly it was more about having/projecting your masculine s*xual vibe and eye contact such as in being a smooth "So Suave DJ." It reminded me of the first post I read on SoSuave 2 years ago that I searched for and clicked on this site and that post was The Gunwitch Method (yup, way back in the day when Game was about trying to get chicks to overcome ASD to actually get l*id instead of these days calling women who have s*x sl*ts/wh*res and then going to a MRA site, yup those were the good 'ol days). Over the last few years I have continued to learn more about this topic from other DJ's such as, 60 Years of Challenge (who might be in a LTR now) and Gambler/Richard La Ruina (who surprising to me says he wants to get married), and while I will never get married or even maintain a LTR because I'm one of the few guys who doesn't want to get involved in those types of relationships I did learn from all of these sources. Therefore, this post by Jay Julio may be an introduction to some new guys into seduction (and I consider seduction to be a step up from basic Game or an advanced form of Game because it is really getting to the point of having the intent of quickly finding the women who are interested in getting s*xual and as a man lead the interaction into the s*x that you both want to experience together). This is not being passive, and we still have to do these actions of having (as Julio seems to be saying) a grounded masculine s*xual vibe and then approach women and say something to start the interaction to find out how receptive she is or not. To have a cool/calm/collected/inner strength (and not even having to say much or even say anything until a few seconds into meeting women). Not to start a debate, but this IMHO gets into the issue of where it's not necessary and even not effective to try to be a "Nice Guy" or a "Jerk" when meeting women because as I say both of these break the seductive vibe (at least for me, and every DJ is going to have his own variation and what ever works for him), a Nice Guy is sometimes desperate like "Please go out with me" and this is weak and a turn off, a rude jerk (often appears to be the opposite side of the same desperate former beta Nice Guy coin who heard on blogs and is now trying to be a negative hurtful rude jerk) thinks he is being a tough guy and while this is probably better than being a Nice Guy (I do not like using either of these terms but they are popular now for some understanding on the topic and many people on Game blogs now hate it when someone doesn't use the terms they use) and he might "neg" and say "You suck b*tch, you look disgusting, I'm going to weakly shame you to try to make myself look better than pathetic LSE you, I'm going to hurt you, see I'm an a-hole jerk, you want a "tough guy" like me (and this can work on some Low Self Esteem people), but IMHO the "Nice Guy" and the "Hurtful Jerk" often eventually generates anger and negative thoughts/emotions and repells women and does not in the majority of women create the real genuine desire of attraction. Masculine Power and dominance (not necessarily in a fear inducing control freak way) leads the interaction/seduction, for example to approach as a seductive DJ in the way Julio (and others) say to, it's not being a Nice Guy buying her expensive things and it's not a Mean Jerk trying to mentally and physically hurt women because he may hate all women (not all men hate women or are weak/insecure and want to hurt women), and this doen't mean there is never calibrated up to sometimes rougher s*x (and such), but Julio is describing more of how it is for those of us who are a smooth So Suave DJ. I have been a "tough guy" before and that wasn't as effective either because it is not relaxed body-language, not easy-going with hand gesturing (like Gambler/Richard La Ruina) that leads to kino (BTW, that's you touching her, such as her hand/arm/back, to see how she responds to your contact and to go from there). I don't ever call women sl*ts or wh*re or b*tch, and I especially would never call a woman I have s*x with a sl*t, as again that would be labeling something I want as being negative and form a negative belief, and again it would break my seductive mindset/vibe as a DJ. Some of my core values is Freedom (including s*xual freedom) and S*xuality (including open s*xual expression). What Julio is describing is also why I'm off Online Dating because it's the logic of writing/reading profiles versus her feeling the emotions/chemistry/vibing/feeling a connection in person between woman and man, instead of passing over a profile. Some guys think always NOT giving women any attention is a always a good thing (as in like women just want attention), well if we want to "seduce" a woman then we have to give her the right kind of attention (where attention is a good thing here) as Julio says here, and that is finding women (who are interested, and Gambler shows how to sometimes force "IOI's such as this Eye Contact) and looking at her seductively/s*xually while projecting a masculine vibe (any type of Nice Guy does not even do this) to turn her on just by looking at you and she feels that she is attracted to you. This involves being (as Julio says) aware when you go out with the complete intent to meet women, to (not be a weird stalker) maybe have a goal of approaching 25 women this week and to use your radar to scan the surroundings looking for Targets who show some interest as in women who look s*xually attracted to you and then you approach them, and this would be similar to if you were out and a girl is just shopping and never even looks at you versus a girl who looks at you and smiles and you would think I think she like me, well this is similar to you looking at women with a masculine seductive vibe/Eye Contact and you are giving these women an opportunity to think I think he likes me and she doesn't know why but inside she is starting to feel turned on and attracted to you so she is now a hot (literally) Target/Woman who is thus more receptive to your seduction/approach. You are calm and relaxed, have natural Eye Contact as you are looking around (without moving your head much) for the women who are s*xually receptive. For an example of this masculine power seductive vibe, 2 days ago I was in a grocery store, I was calm/RELAXED and my breathing was relaxed while also having a strong frame of masculine power of knowing I can approach any girl I want to talk to while still being relaxed with a seductive vibe, I look straight ahead most of the time while using my eyes to subtlely look around for women that I am s*xually attracted to, I see a s*xy slender girl with my favorite hair color and she is dressed very attractively, gradually I "just happen to naturally" walk near her and it's like everthing slows down and there is other people around so to get by them I and her have to turn slightly and the front of our bodies are almost together and I feel a s*xual vibe between us and our faces turn from the side to being face to face less than a half foot close like we are almost going to kiss right there in the store in front of all these people who are now just a blur that I don't even notice and we both lock-on to direct eye contact (and for a second I was sort of surprised she actually also maintained deep eye contact especially because we were already so close, but I remained calm and I did not break my seductive vibe by calling her stupid names or even saying anything) and we had this mutual s*xual Eye Contact for about 5 - 8 seconds and for one second I looked at her lips and then back to her eyes and she could feel this "natural" chemistry/connection between her and me and she felt the attraction to me and we were both turned on, then I said that I have seen her before (I had and we didn't meet in that situation back then) and introduced myself while lighly/slightly firmly/masculine leading/seductively shaking her hand (intro Kino) with Eye Contact and invited her to meet, and on Thursday night we are going to get together. This is how it all just "naturally happens." This is just my take on what was being talked about here by Jay Julio.
WTH man, use enter key.

Also are these adverts for julio juggs?


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2011
Reaction score
excellent post my man. i've learned this a long time ago and it works. it works not only for women, but it works for everything else you do in life. my major motivator was a friend of mine and also arnold schwarzenegger. reading his books, his interviews and most importantly listening to his speeches inspired the hell out of me. i strongly suggest doing some search on youtube of arnold's success speeches. if that doesn't motivate you to get up off your ass and change your life, then i don't know what else will.