The roommate strikes again (could be long)


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
For those who have read my posts, know that I have a roommmate/friend/co-worker. You all also might already know about the problem I had with him before when it comes to women.

There is a chick that lives in our complex that I met at the hot tub. Smoking HB8.5. She ended up giving me her number, myspace, and all that other crap that night and every now and then we'll invite eachother out to either hangout at the tub or at my place.

Monday was one of those times. She invites me out to the tub. She said "We're going out" so i knew she was bringing her friend/s. I brought my roommate along for the ride. So, there is this fatty, hottie, my friend and I sitting in this tub b/sing. The fatty is very sexually out there and is throwing all of this sexuality towards my roommate. He's taking it with a grain of salt, but not blowing her off. Just being the typical nice person that he is.

Afterwards, fatty wants to go to Denny's to eat. (go figure right) Hottie asks if I would come and I declined. I had to get to my girls house. (didn't tell her this) I crack a joke, and she slapped my back. I played around with her saying I was sensitive and how it was domestic abuse. She gave me crap about us having to be together for it to be domestic. I didn't comment and just pointed to my back. She kissed it.

She made more hints that she wanted me to come to Denny's with them. I told her that I would decide once I got out the shower. I get out and there is a text from her asking if she could meet me at my place. I agreed. She came over and inquired about my snake. I finally got her to hold him and made a joke about that.

We head out to Denny's and she makes a scene about riding in my car instead of with my roommate. We get to Denny's and b/s some more. I feed her some of my french toast. (did the whole airplane thing and choo choo train thing that you do with babies)

As we're walking out, I put my arm around her. She leans her head on my shoulder and says "I could lay my head right here and fall alseep tonight". (this should also go under "obvious hints that were missed")

FAST FORWARD TO LAST NIGHT: the reason for me being pissed!!!

I had to feed my snake yesterday and she said she wanted to see it sometime. I dropped her a text saying she should stop by tonight if she wanted to see it. She said she would after she got off work.

She gets there, I pull out the snake and the feeding begins. She felt bad for the mouse (it's a baby and the eyes haven't even open yet). So we're sitting in the living room. My roommate is laying out the couch. We're b/sing again. I make a joke about my snake coming up to play with her cat once he gets bigger.

I notice my roommate starting to fall asleep. So I suggest that he goes into his bedroom. He declines, then magically wakes up. She says "If you're tired, why don't you just go to bed". He declines again. Finally I give up and start putting everything away. Then I hear him say "Man... I'm kinda tired." I reply, "Why don't you go to bed then." He gives me the "Nahhh".

I decide it's getting late, and my girl is definately waiting on me. So I say, I should be taking off. She says "Yeah, I think I'll be leaving too." I walk her to the elevator and she asks when we would hang out again. I tell her that I would hang out with her this weekend seeing that she would be all alone for the weekend. (her roommates are leaving)

I get back to my place and my roommate is still sitting there.

Me: So you're just not tired huh?
Him: Huh?
Me: You're sleepy, but just won't go to sleep huh?
Him: Oh... my bad.. I didn't know you were going after her
Me: How many hints do I have to drop. How many does she have to drop?
Him: I figured you'd drop that since you have a girl already
Me: When did I ever say that? Am I married?

I drop it grab my things and head out to my girls place.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
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yeah, obviously there is a jealous Roommate. The problem is that he thinks that having 2 or more girls at one is wrong, so he is ****blocking you. Maybe he knows how much the girl you are with likes you and doesn't want feeling hurt...maybe he wants this other chick or whatever...who knows.

The way to play more than 1 woman is to not "have a girl". What I mean is, keep them all at bay as FB, casual lays, etc. Obviously you AND your RM see this chick as a GF as you both mentioned "you already had a girl".

2 options...

1) if the chick you don't care about is a GF or LTR, things are going to get UGLY. You (accidentally) or your RM will let something slip to ONE of these girls eventually...then you could lose both. If it were me, I would get rid of the GF and go for the hottie as my interests are already gone from the GF.

2) if "the chick you are with" is just a FB, then no worries as there is no committment invlioved. Keep macking the 8.5 and tell your roomate STRAIGHT UP what the deal is and mind his own fvcking business.

Once you start having some sort of committment with a chick is where playing more than 1 girl gets have to cover up this, cover up that, etc.

Obviusly I do not know what your relationship is with this girl you have now.

Every time I had more than 1 girl it was because I kept the distance and they ALL knew it was casual. So did everyone else...



Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2007
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Firstly - goodwork on attracting another girl while you already have one.

She can be a possible upgrade or backup ( or friend).

Sounds like your friend is after her, and he can cause trouble with this girl, or your curent girlfriend if your not careful.

Does ths girl flirt with him?

If she does, I would suggest that now you have made it clear you both wanted some space, to start EXCLUDING him from hookups whilst your with this girl. dont make it obvious, just do it, and dont be funny around him.

He will get the message. If the girl shows no interest in him, then when you need someone to tag along it might be fairly safe to invite him - but keep two eyes on him AND her.

He probably resents you because your attracting women when you already have one, and he doesnt have a girlfriend :yes:


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
If he's interested in her, it wouldn't be the first time I brought a girl around and he wanted her.

Just recently one of the girls I use to talk to (never fuked/only kissed once) contacted him on myspace and got his phone number. they've hung out a couple time since then. i was pissed at first, then went into my fukk it attitude. too many women out there for me to be worried about one.

eitherway, with this particular girl, i figured that could have been the case initially. whenever i would invite her to come down, she would always bring her friend. lately when i invite her, she comes along.

if she really wanted him instead of me, she would have been all about riding in his car on the way to Denny's. she wouldn't have been saying "why don't you go to bed".

also, he's been in situations where he was with a girl and was talking to other women. i never said a word. not my business. and if it was, why would i care. he's a man. men want women. nature of the beast.

her roommate is leaving for the weekend and she has already said that she wants to hang out. he's leaving for the weekend also. sounds like a win win to me.

i'll keep you all posted on what happens.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2007
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In that case this weekend strike while the irons hot when your alone with no interferences..

Just be prepared to deal with the aftermath if your current gf is exclusive with you....otherwise each to their own


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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You're 25 years old and you don't have your own room to go to? Give me a break, man. :cool:

Your roommate might not be the coolest guy ever, but quit making excuses. You don't have to do the isolation in your own living room!


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
Obsidian said:
You're 25 years old and you don't have your own room to go to? Give me a break, man. :cool:

Your roommate might not be the coolest guy ever, but quit making excuses. You don't have to do the isolation in your own living room!
You know what... You're right. I should just throw out the invite of her coming to my room while my roommate is sitting right there.

Not sure about the sluts you've been around, but most girls like to be a little secretive about what's going on.

For example, one girl that I had already been banging comes over. I had no intention in my mind of doing anything with her, so we're sitting in the living room. My roommate is there once again, but I don't care because I'm just chilling. He gets up to leave and she asks "Where are you going" 'Oh I'm just going to the car, I'll be right back'. Threw me for a loop cause I'm wondering why the hell she cares about where he's going. He comes back and has to leave again. She questions him again. After he leaves, she says, let's go to your room.

We do the deed, and later she says she needs to be getting home. We get to the living room and he's sitting on the couch with his girl. After we get to the hallway she tells me how embarressed she was.

Another girl that he brought over. They're both in the room. They come out and she says she was embarressed.

Yet another girl during my birthday party where there are a ton on people in the house. We sneak off to my room and do the do. Everyone comes looking for the birthday boy to blow out the candles. Where do they check. My room. This girl actually had a reason to be embarressed.

My point is, majority of the girls that I've brought back to my house like to be a little secretive about the whole getting banged when the roommate is home type thing. They usually wait until he either leaves or goes to sleep. I don't see why this girl would be any different.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2007
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kdnash82 said:
My point is, majority of the girls that I've brought back to my house like to be a little secretive about the whole getting banged when the roommate is home type thing. They usually wait until he either leaves or goes to sleep. I don't see why this girl would be any different.
I've experienced this as well. I live in a house with 6 people. I've brought a girl in before when the other 5 were sitting on the couches in the living room.

The girl was very embarrassed to walk by them as she was holding onto me when we entered and we pretty much went straight downstairs.

It didn't detract us though from having fun. She just later mentioned how awkward she felt entering the house with my 5 roommates staring at her.

Of course big difference here: I have 5 roommates (3 male, 2 female)... kdnash has 1.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
my roomate is worse... he just doesn't get it. I've gotten ****blocked SOO BAD like... many times


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
My point is, majority of the girls that I've brought back to my house like to be a little secretive about the whole getting banged when the roommate is home type thing. They usually wait until he either leaves or goes to sleep. I don't see why this girl would be any different.
My roommate has girls over in his room all the time. As long as you have a tv or computer in your room to serve as a justification, you should be fine.

Even when I bring my guy friends over, we go to my room most of the time because that's where my computer is, and there's a tv in there. I usually eat (and drink) in my bedroom, etc. For all anyone knows, you could just be talking in your room, or making out, or whatever. (If I'm just having a conversation with a friend, I don't necessarily want both my roommates to hear everything we're discussing.) So there's no solid proof either way.

Don't be so timid about things. If you're banging a hor, it doesn't have to be classified information.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
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Vancouver, BC
kdnash82 said:
I had to feed my snake yesterday and she said she wanted to see it sometime. I dropped her a text saying she should stop by tonight if she wanted to see it. She said she would after she got off work.

She gets there, I pull out the snake and the feeding begins.

So we're sitting in the living room. My roommate is laying out the couch. We're b/sing again. I make a joke about my snake coming up to play with her cat once he gets bigger.
Lol... this is some funny a$$ sh*t if you don't really have a snake. My snake is gonna come up to play with her pu$$y once it gets bigger. haha :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
You're an idiot because you have a steady girlfriend and you're trying to pick up on the side.

If you want to play multiple women, do NOT ON ANY TERMS commit to one or more of them. THIS WILL LEAD TO TROUBLE. If you want to start a rotation, you do NOT tell any of them you love them, they're the only one, etc.. If they demand an answer, axe them from the rotation - better to lose one than all of them. YOU DO NOT HAVE A 'MAIN GIRL' IF YOU'RE DATING MORE THAN ONE GIRL.

I've been there. I know what the deal is. If you never try to 'get serious', they'll understand that you're nailing other chicks, and they'll be cool with it (unless they catch you). The whole thing is letting them know, but not putting it out in the open.

That being said, dump your girlfriend. You're leading her on by pretending it's serious.


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
Luscious said:
You're an idiot because you have a steady girlfriend and you're trying to pick up on the side.

If you want to play multiple women, do NOT ON ANY TERMS commit to one or more of them. THIS WILL LEAD TO TROUBLE. If you want to start a rotation, you do NOT tell any of them you love them, they're the only one, etc.. If they demand an answer, axe them from the rotation - better to lose one than all of them. YOU DO NOT HAVE A 'MAIN GIRL' IF YOU'RE DATING MORE THAN ONE GIRL.

I've been there. I know what the deal is. If you never try to 'get serious', they'll understand that you're nailing other chicks, and they'll be cool with it (unless they catch you). The whole thing is letting them know, but not putting it out in the open.

That being said, dump your girlfriend. You're leading her on by pretending it's serious.
:crackup: :down:


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Luscious said:
You're an idiot because you have a steady girlfriend and you're trying to pick up on the side.

If you want to play multiple women, do NOT ON ANY TERMS commit to one or more of them. THIS WILL LEAD TO TROUBLE. If you want to start a rotation, you do NOT tell any of them you love them, they're the only one, etc.. If they demand an answer, axe them from the rotation - better to lose one than all of them. YOU DO NOT HAVE A 'MAIN GIRL' IF YOU'RE DATING MORE THAN ONE GIRL.

I've been there. I know what the deal is. If you never try to 'get serious', they'll understand that you're nailing other chicks, and they'll be cool with it (unless they catch you). The whole thing is letting them know, but not putting it out in the open.

That being said, dump your girlfriend. You're leading her on by pretending it's serious.
This is the worst advice I've ever heard in my life. Dump your main girl?? what are you talking about? It's completely normal to have a gf and nail other chicks on the side.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
I sort of agree with Luscious!!

You should not be committing to any one girl unless YOU want to, period.

Kdnash, has your current main girl ever explicitly asked you about having a monogamous relationship? If not, then game on.

If she does, then just say no.

What? Are you afraid she'll stop sleeping with you? I doubt it. It's pretty common to have a multiple month fling without any commitment.

That being said, dump your girlfriend. You're leading her on by pretending it's serious.
I wouldn't dump her. But don't lead her on. It's not helping you, and it could hurt you in the long run. She'll eventually find out you're messing around (from your roommate, duh), and either break it off anyways, or go into "psycho-jealous-possessive mode" where she calls you to keep tabs every half hour while getting drunk and sleeping with every friend you have for revenge.

Doesn't sound like fun.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
it's called getting your own apartment. man I couldn't phathom living with another dude now. i'm 24 and I've been by myself for what.... 3 and a half years, out of my mom's house for 6.

even my old friends, when they used to barge in over my house, wouldn't pull **** like that. I could be filming backbreakers reverse gangbang in the middle of my living room and they knew what the deal was, and likewise wtih me. when they would bring women I didn't know over my house, even though they both had LTR's, never a peep. wasn't even thought about. what the **** kinda friends do you have? You aren't the ****ing cheif of police.. as long as I'm not doing anything illegal and as long as I'm not disturbing the other roommate where he can't sleep, what the **** does he care?

but regardless, get out. now. it's not good there.

and to you guys trying to pass ethical advice? **** off. he doesn't want any. you aren't the cheif of police either. Half of this damn forum is filled with the same fvcking debates over and over again... pepole have different view points on different things.

what I care about him fvcking someone else has absolutly nothing to do with this post. this post is about his ****blocking ass roomate who needs a hole stumped in his ass.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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Here's my problem with this. If your roommate wanted to chill in the living room, it's a neutral area. You can't just claim it because you have a girl over. If your trying to get some get her into your room where he can't ****block. Now if this dude was a good friend, obviously he would have taken the hint and went off to bed. You really have no ground to be pissed about it though. Help him pick up some chicks, and maybe he won't be so jealous.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2000
Reaction score
LosAngeles, Ca. USA!
Kick-Him in the Teeth!

eko said:
my roomate is worse... he just doesn't get it. I've gotten ****blocked SOO BAD like... many times
or get another roomate!
Why would you put-up with such a pain in the butt?
Put him in his place already!


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
Mctwist4 said:
Here's my problem with this. If your roommate wanted to chill in the living room, it's a neutral area. You can't just claim it because you have a girl over.
Bump that. When this guy brings women over that he just met and I'm in the living room when they arrive, I introduce myself to the girl and suddenly get tired. No hints. I simply get tired.

Now if this dude was a good friend, obviously he would have taken the hint and went off to bed.
Exactly. And yes the living room is a neutral area. So is the kitchen. So is the patio. Who cares? If I say, "Hey, you look tired, maybe you should go to sleep.", then she says it, then I say it again... How many hints have to be dropped before things sink in?

Help him pick up some chicks, and maybe he won't be so jealous.
He doesn't need any help picking up women.

For you people with this "Mightier than Thou" attitude.... :moon:
The way I live my life is the way I live it. The fact that I have a girl has nothing to do with me trying to get some hottie into my bed.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
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I can empathize with your gripe but you are kind of acting like a chick in this situation:

You are expecting him to take a hint without ever explicitly stating it-before, during, or after. I understand that you go out of your way for him when he brings a girl around but he may not even realize that you are going out of your way for him.

I used to do that too. But if you have a problem with something or someone, especially in a roommate situation, you should speak up.

You have so many choices in this situation. You could:
1. Take her to YOUR room.
2. Speak up.
3. Just start making out in front of him.
4. Move out.
5. Go to her place.

But it does seem like he is a jealous little ****-blocking *****. If I were in your shoes I'd bring up the sore spot with him and if he didn't comply, next time she comes over I'd lead her back to my room by the hand and then SEX her LOUDLY. I'd also start looking for a new place to live.