The Rational Male


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2018
Reaction score
I finished listening to The Rational Male last week.

Apart from John Taylor Gattos "Dumbing us down" and "Weapons of mass instruction" it's the most important thing I've ever come across.

I have to say there were moments I wanted to toss it in the bin. It was depressing at times. Depressing because of the truth and the lie ive lived.

I can see everything so clearly going back right to when I was a boy.

I am incredibly grateful for having found that even if I'm 34. I'll be ****ing prom Queens when I'm 60 so **** it.

I'm now focused 100% on understanding everything there is to do with this subject and the whole subject of seduction in fact.

Currently listening to Robert Greens art of seduction which is fascinating. Also listened to his laws of power.

Also purchased Roosh V game audio but not made too much progress.

I'd like to say in response to another recent post about depression if anyone on here is struggling with depression or anxiety don't feel you are alone. There absolutely is a way out. You absolutely can live a brilliant life.

I'm Robert Greens art of seduction he suggests that the route of all anxiety and depression can be traced back to our ability to live and be loved. I agree.

I myself have had personal experience with anxiety and but am living and feeling like a ****ing god now. Just a god that doesn't get laid that much!

Ill share my experience at some point because there are tools there which are directly relate able for spotting and altering limiting beliefs which are crucial to how you interact and behave.

To Rollo Tomassi - I have purchased Preventative medicine and positive masculinity. I am massively grateful for your work it's been the cog I needed to understand things and Stoke a fire in my belly, thank you my friend.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
I’m actually reading Roosh V’s Game at the moment. Good stuff.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
I finished listening to The Rational Male last week.

Apart from John Taylor Gattos "Dumbing us down" and "Weapons of mass instruction" it's the most important thing I've ever come across.

I have to say there were moments I wanted to toss it in the bin. It was depressing at times. Depressing because of the truth and the lie ive lived.

I can see everything so clearly going back right to when I was a boy.

I am incredibly grateful for having found that even if I'm 34. I'll be ****ing prom Queens when I'm 60 so **** it.

I'm now focused 100% on understanding everything there is to do with this subject and the whole subject of seduction in fact.

Currently listening to Robert Greens art of seduction which is fascinating. Also listened to his laws of power.

Also purchased Roosh V game audio but not made too much progress.

I'd like to say in response to another recent post about depression if anyone on here is struggling with depression or anxiety don't feel you are alone. There absolutely is a way out. You absolutely can live a brilliant life.

I'm Robert Greens art of seduction he suggests that the route of all anxiety and depression can be traced back to our ability to live and be loved. I agree.

I myself have had personal experience with anxiety and but am living and feeling like a ****ing god now. Just a god that doesn't get laid that much!

Ill share my experience at some point because there are tools there which are directly relate able for spotting and altering limiting beliefs which are crucial to how you interact and behave.

To Rollo Tomassi - I have purchased Preventative medicine and positive masculinity. I am massively grateful for your work it's been the cog I needed to understand things and Stoke a fire in my belly, thank you my friend.
I cannot say enough about the work that Rollo has contributed to all men.

He is a beacon of truth in an upside down, feminine controlled culture and society.



I listened to it five times on Audible. In two-three months. Every time through you pick up things you missed or weren’t ready to hear.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
I've found that these books give you a good idea of how everything works but actually doing it and living the kind of life where you can take advantage of this knowledge is a whole different kettle of fish. Like you said, right now you feel like a god with all this knowledge but you have to implement it. Don't get caught in the trap of just listening or reading about all this stuff, it's not really real. If anything it's almost worse because now you know what you can be but also what you are not. You can't just walk up to a woman and tell her that "you get it" and that an experience with you will be like no other. You have to show her that pretty much as soon as you meet her. These things are so subtle too, I can't overstate it enough. I know I can walk into a room with a bunch of other guys and there is one girl that I want and I know I can leave with her. I've done it so many times. So do you know how I walk into a room now, like I don't have a care in the world. I communicate a subconscious energy that I am confident, borderline arrogant. It's so hard to put into words, it's about the energy that you give off but you can't teach this energy you have to learn how to create it yourself through trial and error.

That is where I am going with this. You have some knowledge. You feel on top of the world but it's a fragile place to be in because what do you do now? Your ego is under developed in this, you'll still get shot down by women in reality and that will become frustrating so you need to work on creating that positive energy by yourself. Whilst simultaneously going out and getting experience with more women. To get to the point where you are selective with women, you will have to go through a lot of them. Learning the true nature of women really just gives you more scope to go out there and do what you want. That's all it did for me, I just remember that women want guys they find attractive to hit on them and take them to bed. I make sure that I'm that guy.

When it comes to game itself. I only really recommend one book and that is '60 years of challenge'. It's simple and pretty much lays out what you need to do with women when meeting them for the first time. In terms the vibe you want to be giving off, you can watch the typical movie alpha males and pick and choose from their better traits. But really you need to find a way of doing things that suits your personality. I'm not a big talker and I'm pretty introvert so the way I do things is moulded around that and it works. I definitely wouldn't recommend taking some guys cookie cutter way of doing things that works for them because it wont work for you.


I've found that these books give you a good idea of how everything works but actually doing it and living the kind of life where you can take advantage of this knowledge is a whole different kettle of fish. Like you said, right now you feel like a god with all this knowledge but you have to implement it. Don't get caught in the trap of just listening or reading about all this stuff, it's not really real. If anything it's almost worse because now you know what you can be but also what you are not. You can't just walk up to a woman and tell her that "you get it" and that an experience with you will be like no other. You have to show her that pretty much as soon as you meet her. These things are so subtle too, I can't overstate it enough. I know I can walk into a room with a bunch of other guys and there is one girl that I want and I know I can leave with her. I've done it so many times. So do you know how I walk into a room now, like I don't have a care in the world. I communicate a subconscious energy that I am confident, borderline arrogant. It's so hard to put into words, it's about the energy that you give off but you can't teach this energy you have to learn how to create it yourself through trial and error.

That is where I am going with this. You have some knowledge. You feel on top of the world but it's a fragile place to be in because what do you do now? Your ego is under developed in this, you'll still get shot down by women in reality and that will become frustrating so you need to work on creating that positive energy by yourself. Whilst simultaneously going out and getting experience with more women. To get to the point where you are selective with women, you will have to go through a lot of them. Learning the true nature of women really just gives you more scope to go out there and do what you want. That's all it did for me, I just remember that women want guys they find attractive to hit on them and take them to bed. I make sure that I'm that guy.

When it comes to game itself. I only really recommend one book and that is '60 years of challenge'. It's simple and pretty much lays out what you need to do with women when meeting them for the first time. In terms the vibe you want to be giving off, you can watch the typical movie alpha males and pick and choose from their better traits. But really you need to find a way of doing things that suits your personality. I'm not a big talker and I'm pretty introvert so the way I do things is moulded around that and it works. I definitely wouldn't recommend taking some guys cookie cutter way of doing things that works for them because it wont work for you.
The Rational Male is no PUA book. In fact it’s not even close. He never once tells you what to think or do. It’s like nothing I’ve ever read.
In fact it would make a great high school text book or a college text book.
It’s the ultimate red pill. It so slams a man into a different reality that there is a shock effect. But you will not learn pick up.

As he points out. It is a mistake to do pick up before internalizing the understanding of how life works in this boy/girl world.
Why? Because you don’t understand what’s going to happen to you.
As you go through the pain of it and the truth of it. You start becoming more yourself. The genetic encoding that’s in you starts to take over. At that point you don’t need much pick up training. Just a few important concepts will work wonders.

I listened to it five times in a couple of months to internalize it. The reality is far worse than you think. So much so that I would not recommend it to some men. You read this book even as you knew it is over. Like in the matrix. The red pill is like a trace program pill that finds where your actual location is and wakes you up. I don’t envy you that moment. It’s brutal.

If anyone thinks this is a feel book book to inspire men. You are sadly mistaken. It may even ruin your life if you can’t come to terms that you have been programmed. Even from birth. Everything you know is a lie when it comes to family, love, relationships, honor, chivalry, sex, marriage,
If you are taking this lightly...I do not recommend the book to you. If fact, go about your business. You are incapable of handling the truth at this time. You are not ready to be woken up. You may need to suffer some more. Most people who finally take the red pill have been through a hell on earth. Maybe you need to go there first. Loose everything you have to a rigged marriage system. A system that keeps you a slave.

Tomassi doesn’t give you this truth. He merely connected the dots. Your interpretation and how you are going to live your life is completely up to you.

“Don’t try to bend the spoon with your mind. That’s impossible. Only try to remember the truth.”
“What truth?”
“There is no spoon.”
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Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
The Rational Male is no PUA book. In fact it’s not even close. He never once tells you what to think or do. It’s like nothing I’ve ever read.
In fact it would make a great high school text book or a college text book.
It’s the ultimate red pill. It so slams a man into a different reality that there is a shock effect. But you will not learn pick up.

As he points out. It is a mistake to do pick up before internalizing the understanding of how life works in this boy/girl world.
Why? Because you don’t understand what’s going to happen to you.
As you go through the pain of it and the truth of it. You start becoming more yourself. The genetic encoding that’s in you starts to take over. At that point you don’t need much pick up training. Just a few important concepts will work wonders.

I listened to it five times in a couple of months to internalize it. The reality is far worse than you think. So much so that I would not recommend it to some men. You read this book even as you knew it is over. Like in the matrix. The red pill is like a trace program pill that finds where your actual location is and wakes you up. I don’t envy you that moment. It’s brutal.

If anyone thinks this is a feel book book to inspire men. You are sadly mistaken. It may even ruin your life if you can’t come to terms that you have been programmed. Even from birth. Everything you know is a lie when it comes to family, love, relationships, honor, chivalry, sex, marriage,
If you are taking this lightly...I do not recommend the book to you. If fact, go about your business. You are incapable of handling the truth at this time. You are not ready to be woken up. You may need to suffer some more. Most people who finally take the red pill have been through a hell on earth. Maybe you need to go there first. Loose everything you have to a rigged marriage system. A system that keeps you a slave.

Tomassi doesn’t give you this truth. He merely connected the dots. Your interpretation and how you are going to live your life is completely up to you.

“Don’t try to bend the spoon with your mind. That’s impossible. Only try to remember the truth.”
“What truth?”
“There is no spoon.”

I have read large parts of it and I'm on board with most of it. I wouldn't say I had that defining red pill moment mostly because I grew up reading this kind of stuff so I've always been on the right side of the fence so to speak. I don't think I'll ever get married, I have to regularly remind myself that it's all fairytales etc. But this is where our opinions on the literature differ, it's not a PUA book so to speak but if you look at traditional "game" there is that inner game idea. Basically your own self worth. The Rationale Male is all about that, if anything it is a kind of blueprint on how to behave. It doesn't need all the lines etc because it is a holistic view of how it all works. It's secret society stuff. It strips away a mans ego and helps rebuild it and from that will come a guy who is ready to chat up women. One rejection won't matter, nor will ten because you realise these things are rarely personal. Catch that girl on a different day in a different set of clothes or whatever and she may give you a different answer. Knowing about amused mastery is game, knowing about hypergamy and using it to your advantage is game. Knowing about your SMV and how to capitalise on it is game(this is actually want I want to work on next and if you have any input on how to transition into your 30s I'm all ears)

I just think on it's own, it's the foundations, get that right and the rest can be built upon, that's all. I also don't think you can just live on foundations. A man who knows this stuff is well equipped but a guy who knows this stuff and knows how to pull women is verging on dangerous. I've had women tell me this, that they can just tell that I cause women heartbreak but they can't help themselves. It's just in their nature to attach themselves to guys who "just get it"...