The Passion War - A Guide for Men's Love Hurts (Part I)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2020
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Disclaimer: to start our (long) experience, I'll be dividing this post in 5. This post is based on the book "A Guerra da Paixão - O Sofrimendo Amoroso do Homem vol. 3" by Nessahan Alita. This is an introdutory post, and based on the acceptance I'll bring the upcoming chapters later.

The Passion War
A Guide for Men's Love Hurts


First I would like to introduce you the idea that the man who love is used as a emotional trash and slave, while the "insensitive" ones are loved. Why? The main point is that a man who is in love with a woman is afraid to lose her, and that's the key of everything. Passion is something that will turn you into a slave, literally. You will sacrifice yourself for little to no sex, displays of love and caring. This is the picture of a man who has been dominated, and consequently become unnatractive and pretty much worthless in women's eyes. As it has already been said here in this forum, "women wants a man who other women wants". Having such man is an extreme ego and status boost for them, and these are the absolute keys for women's social relations.

The illogicity comes when women claim to want a loving, caring, sensitive man who is always there for them and could never hurt their feelings. If you try to be one of these, as I believe most of you gentlemen did, it has big chances of not working at all. The key is to trust her actions, not her words. You got to blind yourself of these lies you've always been told.

One of the most common tactics that women use when men are trying to corner them during an argument is to pretend she's not understanding what you say. Yes, it happened with you, with me, and if it didn't yet it certainly will. This is a simple bait they use in order to bring feelings to the table, and turn an logic and rational discussion into something that will probably make you angry, annoyed, uncomfortable.

You gotta always have in mind that arguing with a woman is a complete waste of time. Why? Because she hit in a emotional level, while you'll try to hit her in a logic and rational one. The more you talk the more ammunition you'll give her to open you up like a flower and see if you have some self control or if you'll start screaming, punching the walls or calling her bad names.

Alright, so how can you avoid that to happen? I believe that the best approach would certainly be expressing your ideas in a unnilateral way, not giving her chances for a "counter-attack" over what you said. Be short, imperative, and straight to the point. Remember that the longer you stay trying to prove your point the weaker you'll look, so be as short as you can. The way you'll speak it is the key, because you must trust your own words and actually mean them. This way you'll be able to express it to her looking comfident, looking like a leader, that is exactly what a woman wants.

"She was so kind for me yesterday, now she's freezing cold. I don't know what happened!" Oh my poor Don Juan. That's something most of you may have wondered about, to the point that it made you so uncomfortable and give you sleepless nights with endless thoughts. It's vital for you gentlemen to understand that women will never show their true intentions. They will give you mixed signals, play hot and cold, be kind and then give zero ****s.

It's a general rule that women will do their best to flow through situations take the best advantages of them all, and at the same time avoiding the bad consequences of them. They will do their best to get as much as they possibly can and give as little as they possibly could. The way to check out a woman's true feelings for you would be "putting her against the corner". No gentlemen, it surely doesn't mean that you will actually push her against the corner and start interrogating her - that's actually the worst thing you could ever do. Smart women will do they best to give you nothing and keep their spell on you, while they're certainly having the time of their lives with other men who won't fall for these tricks. This is extremely beneficial for her because she can keep you around while you did not have a real "agreement". That's when you'll get "LJBF".

The psychologic hell can be defined as a intense emotional suffering that comes with the doubts and uncertainties about your señorita's feelings and fidelity for you. This pain is real, and if you don't handle it well it can surely destroy your life. We see men commiting suicide, depressed, having their social and economic life sinking because of this very reason so it's surely something you'll want to be able to deal with.

The torture doesn't come from the fact that you could be replaced, that she doesn't love you anymore, but exactly of these ambiguity, this lack of honesty. Women have developed their ability of lying on such a deep level that it became part of who they are. With this, they can get the best benefits without giving up of other ones. They're always hiding something away from their boyfriends, husbands, parents. That's why the main strategy of women in a passion war is this "behavioural ambiguity". You must always have in mind that when it comes to women, as it was already said, the truth comes from her actions, not words. You absolutely need to read behind her actions and find out what's going on.

She will never openly say that she is attracted to this other guy, that she is cheating on you, that she is interested on someone else and that her "innocent just a friend" of hers can actually be a bit more than that. Women naturallly keep these men around as a "escape valve". She will always have men warming up to get in field to play the game and that's why it seems so easy for them to overcome a breakup.

If your girl is acting weird, cold, distant, sex isn't as great as it used to be (you're lucky if sex actually is still going on at this point) and not treating you as well as you expect her to do, be ready for saying goodbye. Some gentlemen would say that it's better to be the one who breaks it up first and finish something instead of extending it - it's up to you. Enjoy is as much as you can and be ready to farewell. Don't forget to not beg, cry and act miserably during the breakup part, that will only make it worse and prove her that her decision was right.

After the breakup, there will probably come a time where she will come and say hi. Check out how are you doing, and be pretty nice to you. She may bring up some emotional questions such as "Did you miss me?". I like to compare this situation as a dog who comes and piss in a pole to mark his territory. What she want with this is to see if you still got feelings for her, and man, this is such a huge ego boost for her. It means that you still is her "slave", and that she still have absolute control over the situation.

Women are so good on keeping you busy entertaining them for little to no compensation, and it's even worse if you're her ex. Best thing you can do is ignore these feelings, act as if they weren't there, don't give emotional replies. Be as short as you possibly could, let her feel that you moved on. Don't fall for the mistake of being the same person you were when she left you, because that's exactly the reason why she left you to begin with, and when she feels how much you changed (at least towards her) it will give her something to think about.
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