The Male Sex Drive- Curse or Blessing?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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I think most males nowadays have lower testosterone levels than we did even 50 years ago, if I remember right.

Estrogen is in the water... from flushing birth control pills and the like... and estrogen like substances in plastic bottles etc etc etc!


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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I can say this without any doubt:

I was far more hardworking and diligent when I was not having sex.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
I think the balance lies with discipline and direction.

We all have the need to express ourselves sexually. Whether it's through artistic expression, verbal and non-verbal communication, bravado or just plain ol' lust, men should have as cornerstones of our philosophy the discipline to know when and where to fire our rockets and the internal compass to know in which direction to aim our sights to lock our targets.

I have an enormous sex drive. I'm more virile now than when I was 24.Back then I was a bit more intolerant of my accountability and didn't care where I stuck my gun, as long as my load was shot I was content.

This is the fallacy of youth. Our essence is in our ability to please someone else with our compassion and our determination to ascend that person to another level of gratification. Now I am truly aware of the power I have by controlling my essence and keeping my soldier fit and in proper condition.

I agree wholeheartedly with GURU that strength training and eating properly are critical to keeping our machines at top form.

I can attest that taking 15 grams of fish oil per day has helped to keep my motor running when Mrs. K is feeling extra frisky! Keeping loads of steak, fish (from the sea you dirty asses :woo: ), nuts and green veggies has helped with my entire cardiovascular system.

As far as hitting the gym, I agree that group movements benefit me more. Squats, Deadlifts, Heavy lunges, extreme back isolation moves and the heavy bag keep me pouring with sweat and I've found my testosterone levels have skyrocketed as a result.

As far as inner peace, I have a daily ritual of meditating for 15 - 20 minutes or until I'm mentally clear and at peace. This practice has served to help me more than anything else I've done to metamorphosize my inner Karma.

Do yourself a favor and listen to yourself speak internally. You'll be surprised at the wonderful things you have to say about yourself.

As I said, it's all about balance. I'm breathing proof.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Mistic said:
High in the clouds my distant mortal friend. Let me try to transmit the message in a form you can comprehend, monkey balls. :cheer:

Whenever your fragile human bodies are compromised, that is, when the body is having a health issue, one your monkey brain may not be registering, your body is signaled to elevate your sex drive in an effort to preserve itself, primarily through reproduction.

This has nothing to do with dying of old age, sheep tits, your body functions differently when you pass peak sexual potential. Very similar to a chimpanzee.
*Clickety click*

Problem solved.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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In reference to the earlier post....low sex drive does not necessarily imply low testosterone. Depression/stress can suppress the sex drive even if your testosterone levels are normal or high.

Currently because of depression my sex drive is incredibly low, but when I was younger I was seriously oversexed which used to get me into trouble.

As far as low sex drive is concerned I find their are plusses and minuses:


While I retain a fondness for pretty girls I'm more appreciative of other qualities as I can no longer base relationships on sex. As a result I have healthier relationships with girls I actually like. Previously I had relationships with girls I could not stand to be in the same room with just because the sex was so hot.

Less danger of knocking girls up/catching STDs as I have a lot less sex than I used to

I do not get that feeling of sexual frustration I used to get when I was not in a relationship or going through a dry spell.


I miss the feeling of being really turned on and some of my motivation to chase pretty girls has diminished

While a surprising amount of girls aren't all that fussed about sex I find the hottest girls are usually really into sex and it hurts my ego that I cannot satisfy these girls.

There are very few girls out there I can enjoy spending appreciable amounts of time with, whereas back in the day there were no shortage of girls I wanted to screw

Personally I think the best situation to be in is to have a normal sex drive you can control.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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romangod said:
My question is: How much does your sex drive influence your life? Has it caused you problems? Is a high sex drive a curse in today’s female centric society?
No, but feminized social convention would have us believe it is. You're all missing the real question here. It isn't about testosterone levels, it's about how male sex drive is popularly perceived as a debilitation for males (not Men) while female sex drive is the responsible, liberating empowerment. Men masturbating is a perversion, but women masturbating is empowerment (and sexy as hell). The act serves the same function for both sexes, self-pleasuring, but for men it's a lack of control, for women it's an act of control.

You're not poisoned by your testosterone.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
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Interesting, speaking of, today at work myself and some coworkers were huddled around a laptop watching a woman give some speech (streaming media). There was one woman present with us and she commented on this woman's appearance, something about her weight etc. One of the guys commented on how her chest was hanging over the table she was sitting behind, which was true and we laughed.

However, the woman with us who had just commented on her weight asked if that was a "man thing" and maybe she shouldn't be there (she said this with a smile) and I just said "yeah, you're out numbered". My point is, even though it wasn't all that serious, it's like an automatic response for a woman to react that way, as if men are perverts for looking at women's bodies like this. Of course there was nothing wrong with her observation and comment on the woman's weight (as if that had anything to do with her speech or performance).

Don't allow yourself to be made to feel guilty for your natural observations/desires as a man. If women don't want to be observed by men they can always dress themselves up like traditional Muslims or something, but we all know they want the attention, they just want it "conditionally".


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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guru1000 said:
I have increased my T levels (from 350 to 1000 as per standard measurable norms) by:

- lifting heavy
- incorporating squats and deadlifts in my routine
- high fat diet including steaks, nuts , eggs and olive oil
- Supplemented with herbal tribulus terrestrius

Your LIBIDO will run thorugh the roof.

Good luck!
Great tips Guru! I do this all of this (minus the herbal tribulus) and I have a pretty strong sex drive.

Also, add a good multivitamin to the mix.

I remember reading somewhere that T levels are lower in most men, than they should be, because we do not get enough zinc in our diet.

I added 30 mgs of zinc after reading this, and after a couple of days, it was like I may as well have taken viagra. I was walking around all day with a woodie. So I stopped taking extra zinc after that.

Guru, I'd like to get your thoughts on this actually.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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Mr.Positive said:
I added 30 mgs of zinc after reading this, and after a couple of days, it was like I may as well have taken viagra. I was walking around all day with a woodie. So I stopped taking extra zinc after that.

Guru, I'd like to get your thoughts on this actually.

So would I, that's very interesting ......... I have increased my vitamin intake but maybe I should take some extra zinc. Any thoughts or caveats?


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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romangod said:
So would I, that's very interesting ......... I have increased my vitamin intake but maybe I should take some extra zinc. Any thoughts or caveats?
A quick google search came up with this..,%20Testosterone%20and%20Men's%20Health

It might be worth a look at...I'd talk to your doctor about it. I don't know the full effects of extra zinc (guru..or anyone else?). I just know what seemed to happen to me.

I get 15 mg of zinc in my daily vitamin, and that seems normal for me personally.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Mr.Positive said:
I added 30 mgs of zinc after reading this, and after a couple of days, it was like I may as well have taken viagra. I was walking around all day with a woodie. So I stopped taking extra zinc after that.

Guru, I'd like to get your thoughts on this actually.
Zinc is an absolutely crucial element in your diet. Just do a google search to see the number of factors implicated by zinc deficiency. I personally eat many pounds of red meat during the week thereby getting more than adequete zinc intake. The problem is when you do not eat enough foods that contain zinc and you run into a zinc deficiency.

Many athletes run into zinc defiency due to their intense work load. The body utilizes zinc for so many different functions, it is quite easy to fall deficient without supplementation or consistent zinc rich food intake.

Here is the skinny on zinc/testosterone:

Zinc is ABSOLUTELY necessary to maintain normal serum testosterone. Inadequate zinc levels prevent the pituitary gland from releasing luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones (LH and FSH), which are precursors to stimulate testosterone production.

What this means? Your T Levels will plummet if you are in a zinc deficient state. Without LH or FSH , your body will be unable to produce testosterone.

Here is the GOOD news. If you are in a seriously zinc deficient state and you start supplementing zinc into your diet, your body can produce up to 500% more than your suppressed levels. Why?

In a very zinc deficient state your T levels will fall down considerably as the body is incapable of producing T. Once zinc is supplemented LH and FSH are secreted thereby producing tons of testosterone. This jump from low to high can be considerable.

On the flipside, if you are not in a deficient state, than supplementing extra zinc will not increase your T at all. Your body has a genetic map of total max T allowed in the bloodstream.

Zinc also inhibits the aromatase enzyme, that allows conversion of testosterone into excess estrogen. The testosterone to estrogen ratio in men declines with aging from a high of about 50:1 to half of that, or even a low of 10:1. By keeping aromatization down, you utilize much more T and minimize estrogenic side effects such as gyno(bich tits) and water retention (high testosterone conversion side effect).


If your body is low in zinc, than zinc alone may be the solution.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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Thanks Mr. Positive and Guru1000. Some valuable information. I will look into my zinc intake and consider a supplement. Great stuff, guys! Cheers!


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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I just checked my zinc intake from my supplements and I definitely don't have enough. Actually, it doesn't look like I have any. According to Mr. Positive's great link I should be at 11mg a day. I'll have to hit the health food store ASAP.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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romangod said:
My question is: How much does your sex drive influence your life? Has it caused you problems? Is a high sex drive a curse in today’s female centric society?
It influences my life considerably, and Sosuave has been a big part of revitalizing this aspect of my life. I have done a really great job in integrating my "unashamed maleness" in all aspects of my life now including at work, at home with my wife, in social situations, in athletics (tennis mainly), etc. What feels really great is that I've had both my dad and my wife tell me recently that they have noticed a great deal of extra confidence that I'm putting off now, and (in so many words) that they like it.

Has it caused problems? Well, lets just say that it does give rise to temptations of risky behavior. "Sex" is (can be) risky in a great many ways; including the act itself and/or whatever circumstance that you're engaging in it in. You have "sex" with other people (hopefully!), and so that's naturally going to invite the potential for problems. But just because there's some risks from time-to-time, is that justification or reason enough to just go hide instead and masturbate only? I don't think so. Life is risky and anyone living it to its fullest is taking some risks.

I think having a high sex drive is associated with/is an element of power so I don't see it as a curse. You use your brain to make conscious decisions so any mistakes that you make along the way is due to poor judgment, not due to high sex drive. I reject the opinion that says today's society is female centric. Being male is still an advantage; maybe less so than it was 100 years ago, but it's still an advantage.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Another very important point about T.

I am not going into the benefits of healthy working T levels. That is another thread in itself.

One important thing to note, if you maximize your T levels and do no utilize it, your body will convert testosterone into estrogen. This is known as aromatization.

This only becomes an issue to the guy who chooses to raise his T levels significantly without utilizing it or taking precaution not to aromatize.

Every male has estrogen. The problem occurs when too much T is converted into estrogen and you get estrogenic side effect. This includes but are not limited to gyno (bich tits), water retention, fat deposits around stomach and hips and YES womanlike characteristics.

HEre are the way to minimize aromatization:

1) Utilize your T by working out. This alone will reduce aromatization to a healthy level

2) Supplements (Anit-estrogens) such as chrysin and zinc. I have tried chrysin and it was almost as effective as prescription anti-estrogens such as arimidex or proviron


It is not the total T count that matters. It is the FREE TESTOSTERONE levels that BIND to receptor sites. So if your T levels are at 1000, and your free T is .00001% of your total, you are not reaping the benefits of T.

To keep your FREE BINDING T levels high, minimize aromatization.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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guru1000........................... Bravo! Excellent stuff and much food for thought. Cheers!