the jerk off


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
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orange country holland
jerk 0ff witout porn
there is a strong link btwn pornography and depression.
especially for the single man.
jerking off to two losers having sex will make you feel unfullfilled at the end of it all. knowing you cant engage in the actuall act will fuel more lust.
basically porn is a depressant.
basically do it wiithout a stimulus.i.e any form of pornography.
take it or leave it, iv been a chronic addict. and im cured i'v never watched one for 2 yrs and never will. my poise and confidence is up the roof cuss women fronting with sex has no strong effect on me anymore. and my mind isnt on overdrive and over run with sex.
you must know sex addiction is just as potent as drugs only difference is that sex addicton to porn kills slowly. yes you never know the cuss of your depression.

be wise and let go.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2009
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quite right!

I recently took the decision to chuck out all my porn mags/DVD's.
Delelting my 10 Gigabyte hard drive colelction was the hardest thing Ive done in a while!

Im trying to eliminate it completly, but its hard, I guess I am somwhat addicted to it. I keep relapsing, damn youporn!

I guess its one part of the ongoing struggle to obtain mastery and choice in my sex life.


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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i know you are right but ive been addicted for so long

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
It took me a long time to realize the connection between porn and depression, but I think there absolutely is a corelation. I'm viewing it less & less, but I still struggle with relapses once in a while. But I'm glad that I feel like sh!t now after I do it. That means I'm ready to change.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
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Not to be completely bashing here but wow, you people are... sad.. really...

Feeling depressed after jacking off to porn? Seriously? When I jack off to porn I don't feel depressed after. I don't feel anything, but a reduced sense of horniness. I can only see porn having a depressing effect on the man if the man is a very lonely already close to if not already depressed person...

.....Sorry if that describes any of you.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension

Up until a few years ago, I would have sworn that what you contend is true, but in recent years I started noticing that jacking off to porn has a subtle way of taking something away from me, unlike jacking off without porn.

When a man starts to notice this, he develops more and more discernment about it until he reaches the point where he can't deny that porn has an inexplicable way of robbing and depleting him on many different levels.

Such is the danger of subtlety. The young tend to be completely, utterly blind to it (myself included) until a critical mass is reached. At that point, damage has been done but can be reversed if behavior is modified in time.

Porn picks your pocket a penny at a time, son.

Night Owl

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
I have seen loads of porn down the years, and boy does it get boring after a time...

I actually think the is a conspiracy theory to porn: They (not sure who they are, maybe the world government or the Illuminati or perhaps even women themselves) wants us to watch loads of porn, jack off until we are too sore to continue. They make us feel as if its a bit naughty and dirty to watch porn, so we want to watch it even more and more until we are totally hooked and addicted to it.

We all must have our daily fix of it. And now porn is far more accessible via the internet and TV, more and more guys are jack off more frequently. Net result? A planet of majority Beta males - depressed, weak, sad little men with no balls at all because they are all whacked out. Easy to manipulate by who ever (see above), tired and totally worn out and likely to die at early age.

I was told by a wise old America Indian a decade ago, that everything I know, believe and do is totally wrong - I have been programmed from an early age to be manipulated. It wasn't my parents fault they were just following the rules for society. Yes, I was beta male, yes, I use to jack off frequently (probably far too much) and seek out porn all over the place.

For the last nine years, I have stopped masturbating and mindlessly watch porn - what a different to my health and happiness. I have women that just chase and game me all the time - I don't have to do a single thing. No remembering loads of daft chat up lines, getting numbers and generally spending hours chasing women with little success. I just go about my normal day and they come to me. I reckon on an average day I get hit on several time. More if I go out in the evenings. And I put it down to not masturbating, and making having sex with a real women as my only form of sexual release.

Remember: Only Alpha males have real sex, Beta males masturbate often... and there is an awful lot of Beta males out there too. Go ahead, watch the porn, it only dramatically increases the chances of me sleeping with that HB10, while your in your bedroom or living room spanking the monkey all night. In fact, PM me, and I will send you links to good porn sites. While yours is busy sliding up and down your hand while watching porn again, mine is sliding in and out of that hot women you have fancied for ages, but not got nothing left in your balls to do something about it.

Think before you whack off - they want you to , and it can and will damage your health.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
I've been through all stages. I've gone long periods of time with no wackage, 30 day periods with no wackage, weeks, 2-3 times a week, 3-5 times a month, and then 1-2 times day, which is where I'm at now, 5+ times a day. With or without porn makes no diff.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I'll say this...I've spent the whole weekend with one of my girls, and I'm so spent I don't care to jack off. Get laid and you won't need porn.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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A place where dreams become reality
We will only stop watching porn and jacking off when we have sex from a woman whenever we want it.

That is, however, not possible for every guy. Hence, only jacking off can keep some of the horniness out of your body.

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
Night Owl said:
I have seen loads of porn down the years, and boy does it get boring after a time...

I actually think the is a conspiracy theory to porn: They (not sure who they are, maybe the world government or the Illuminati or perhaps even women themselves) wants us to watch loads of porn, jack off until we are too sore to continue. They make us feel as if its a bit naughty and dirty to watch porn, so we want to watch it even more and more until we are totally hooked and addicted to it.

Think before you whack off - they want you to , and it can and will damage your health.

You are on the right path.

In biblical stand point, The enemies of Israel in the old testament kept getting beat in battles so instead of fighting them they tried to get the people of Israel to sin against God, by having them commit Sexual Immorality and Idolatry.

They were successful.

The next battle Thousands of Israelites died, and they lost the battle.

What I'm saying is if enough of the population is doing bad stuff that angers God, then It makes it easier for evil men aka (world government or the Illuminati) to forward their evil plans.

Micheal Moon

Don Juan
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
I've gone through periods of watching porn a lot and periods where I've watched none whatsover.

I've found its made absolutely no difference whatsover. I actually feel more relaxed after watching it though. The only way I'd feel uncomfortable is if it was a snuff film or something, something I would NEVER watch.If watching porn is in misalignment with your moral compass or you feel uncomfortable watching it then don't.

The only problem with anything is if you watch it excessively, that is not healthy at all. That's like anything, you eat to much and you will get sick. I watch porn moderately and dont feel depressed at all, I'm not a down person at all quite the opposite. If you are feeling depressed there are probably other issues at hand or like I said, somehow porn is morally reprehensible to you on some level.

I understand the premise of not watching porn, that on a subconscious level makes you an observer rather than a participant sexually, and that mindset is not conducive to a self image of a "alpha male".

On the otherhand I think "getting girls" is about having a healthy self worth. Which includes individual qualities such as self-acceptance, self love, self respect, confidence and your own personal values. I don't think porn is wrong, so it doesn't contradict my own personal values and belief system. So I don't feel bad after watching it, because it doesn't have an effect on my self worth.

If your'e feeling bad about watching porn its probably contradicting your own beliefs that it is somehow "wrong". If that's the case then yeah, maybe its right to stop watching it your case. Everybody's different. At the same time, for me, the girls in porn are clearly enjoying themselves and having fun, they are not coerced or forced and more importantly, I watch it in moderation.

Porn is counterproductive if its an unhealthy obsession and you have no balance in your life (friends, passions, hobbies, job. career etc). If you do have balance in your life, meeting girls is less of an issue and the influence of porn is cancelled out of the equation


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
orange country holland
Yes, im glad some of you have realised this, that my friends is inner wisdom. clearing out the objects that cause misery. for those of you who refute this claim, keep doing it and see where it gets you,i dont care. for those of you who cant let go,but are trying to. try to let go. it is a depressant. iv been hooked on it since 15yrs old,i have watched 100's i have been at the bottom of the barrell i.e suicidal. and my happiness, and freedom came when i let off certain things, like the desire to be liked by women and especially pornography, wateva you think gives pleasure will eventually be superseeded by pain. that is life. the great thing about all this and a poster already mentioned it is the indifference with women.i could actually not call a woman or a woman could reject me and it wouldnt even bother me, unlike in my pre porn days. that is liberation. thats what all this should be about. geting women or not has no effect on me. im in control. if you must jerk off i repeat do it without porn i aint saying nothing on this anymore. by the way do you know how i attained liberation from porn, i cut off my internet for a year, chuked out all my dvds and magazines. i reconnected my internet 2 months ago though porn sites appear as a pop ups on my screen ocassionally, i just brushed it off because i know the damage it can cause i havnt watched on for 2 years going and neva will, and i tell you its sweet to be


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Porn makes you feel depressed? LOL

Maybe if you are unsatisfied with your life, lonely and extremely sexually frustrated.

I find it fun sometimes, just watching it without jacking off. The testosterone boost is neat, especially before hitting the gym. Studies showed that just watching porn for 10 minutes could make your testosterone levels go up by 100%. (temporarily)

So I say watch it if you want.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I've got to chime in here again. Lurker is 100% right.

What the addiction to porn does is usually completely invisible for decades, it is so insidious and subtle.

Most of you guys are laughing at his point, but you are unable to detect it because of its subtlety and its gradual cumulative effect.

In recent years I just started to get a sense of its effect, and now I am certain that it does have a depressive, corrosive effect on a man's being. This is unlike good 'ol masturbation without porn, which from what I can discern, does not have that same destructive effect.

CaptainJ, I wouldn't word it that "porn makes you feel depressed". Rather, porn fosters and builds a background, ambient depression that can take decades to be noticed because it builds up to a critical mass right under your nose, totally without your awareness.

This is one time when you ****y young whippersnappers should at least give some serious thought to the claim by us old-timers. ;) We've been there, we've experienced it, and we were just as in the dark as you until critical mass of the effect was achieved.

Thank God I recognized it and I'm out of it. I can feel the restorative process taking place already.
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EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
lurker said:
i cut off my internet for a year, chuked out all my dvds and magazines.
This is very good advice, highly recommended.

$60 x 12months.. $720 Dollars in your pocket!


Senior Don Juan
May 21, 2009
Reaction score
I just got so mad at the porn industry for ruining my life for 8 months. Not because I was addicted to it, but because one of my 2 roommates was! He would literally sit up all night long 2-3 nights a week jacking off to it on his 22" monitor, while me and my other roommate were right there trying to sleep.

We told him repeatedly to stop, and sometimes he would for a few nights, but then he would just shut the door when he thought we weren't around and continue beating it during the day. The poor kid had no life whatsoever...and I think most of it was centered on his addiction to his computer in general. He has like 2 friends, and I never once saw him talking to a female. Now I think about his pathetic existence every time I'm tempted to look at porn.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
I have to agree with the first poster (on some levels at least). While not everyone that looks at porn is addicted some are... It's just like people who drink on occasion vs people who's lives are ruled by alcohol. The chemicals that are released in your brain during orgasm are the same chemicals that have addictive properties in drug addictions; so, yes it can be an actual addiction.

I am an addict. In my AFC days I would look to porn just to get my fix because I got tired of all the crap with women and it was easier to look at pictures with no possibility of rejection. You see porn is artificial acceptance. I swore that I was happy single and didn't need women. I am now trying hard to break this addiction but it isn't easy.