The hypocrisy of criticizing "superficiality"


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
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Guys, what are your thoughts on the concept of "superficiality"?

In dating and relationships, is it really what's on the inside that counts? Or is it OK to just judge each other's date-ability by the surface values, e.g. appearance, money etc.?

One of the things that has always fascinated me is the way that women always complain about men being shallow, that we only want one thing from a girl, and all that. "Why can't men love us for who we are?" I've often heard them say. "Why can't they want us for our minds and personalities? All they think about is sex.." etc. You've all heard it.

And I totally sympathize with them in theory, and it would be all well and good... except that many of these same women would never, ever do that same favour for a man.
I mean, is she really going to take seriously the short, nervous guy with the high voice who collects action figures and still lives with his parents at 30? Even if he's really a great guy, will she love him for who he is? Highly unlikely. But isn't that just as shallow?

And it works the other way too, of course. If that same guy complains that women reject him because he's a sci-fi geek and lives at home, but he won't think of dating a woman who doesn't look like she should be a model, then he's just as much a hypocrite as the complaining women. Meanwhile, attractive men and women who whine that others only want them for their looks/status/whatever should also check to make sure they're not doing the same thing when they look for somebody, or else they're just as bad too. Right?

In a way, I'm lucky that looks don't matter to me quite as much. I'd be lying if I said model-worthy hotties didn't turn my head (I'm a red-blooded man, after all). But on a deeper level, I'd rather be with a plain-looking woman who's actually interesting and fun to be with than a so-called "10" who's an absolute b*tch. Besides, and I know this is a wild generalization, but I've often found that the more a woman works to be good-looking, the less interesting she is as a person. In fact, I've even found that a physical attraction for an average girl did develop over time if I really liked her as a person, in a few cases. If I'd put all my stock in looks, I'm sure I'd still be a virgin, since I'm far from Brad Pitt myself. If only more women thought the same way, we'd be in paradise.

I believe that men as a whole are more willing to like/love someone "for who she is", and overlook minor imperfections, than women are. Maybe that sounds like AFC behaviour, I don't know. But with women, it seems like the minute you make one small mistake, she bails. Doesn't matter how well it was going; you make the most inconsequential mistake, you don't meet her criteria for Mr. Wonderful, and she deems you worthless and moves on. So which is more right -- to be more open-minded, or to have high standards in certain departments?

Anyway... discuss.
Aug 14, 2005
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These women are full of $h1t. 3/4 of the ads on Match specify a height requirement, but if you specify that you want a girl with big t1t$, you're the antichrist. There are some women who think having a pu$$y automatically gives you the moral high ground. They try to convince you that you are a lower form of life just because you are a man. Don't buy into it.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
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johnny_dangerously -- you've pointed out exactly what drove me away from personal ads and dating services years ago. They're all like, "oh, he's gotta be six-foot-four, make at least $100,000 a year, and have a cool car". Such high standards, even when the woman herself is far from anything special. But if a guy does the same thing, he's a pr*ck.
Even now, when I browse through the pictures out of curiosity, I say to myself, "What am I doing?! I hate all these b*tches!"

KillaPetehog -- sounds like I ought to take a trip to Hawaii. Tell me more?
I've also heard it's easy as h*ll to pick up women in Japan, though I've never been there either.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
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Dude, I bet you a steak dinner that the word "superficial" was made up by some BUTT UGLY MOTHER F*CKER.

It's their way of levelling the playing field.

But if you think about it, theres no such thing as "superficial." We like nice slender hips cuz women like that are more fertile. Helps us reproduce with greater success. Simple.

Women like rich guys cuz they can provide. Helps the offspring survive. Simple.

Everything that we think is shallow, actually has a much deeper meaning to it.

We just think the opposite sex is superficial because we're looking for different things. I don't see why a woman will have to settle for a poor broke beggar in the same way men shouldn't have to settle for phat hags.

But even with so much ranting and crap...theres only really one "rule" you need to follow.

Go with the girl that makes you the happiest. ;)

-lets pwn some n00bs-
Aug 14, 2005
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Hey Big Man,

I've been forced to rely on the personals more & more because normal women my age (mid-thirties) are tired of bars. Love it or hate it, this seems to be the way society is going. Some sites appear to be worse than others. Match is the worst of all--myself & a buddy of mine each had about a 2% reply rate (i.e. have to send out 100 e-mails to get 2 replies, and they can't be form letters either). On Craig's List and other free sites, I get a 50% reply rate (!)

I'm not sure what the difference is, but here's my best guess. Sites that allow overly-detailed searching will allow women to picky themselves right out of the market, as you have observed. Women and men will both unknowingly defeat themselves if they don't allow for the unexpected to occur. If your filter is too narrow, nothing will get through it.

On a more primitive site like Craig's List, you have to correspond a couple of times, & if the other person is not an idiot, you will react more favorably when you finally get a picture & the other person is just average-looking. On sites like Match, average-looking people just get skipped--their profiles are not even read.

The jury is still out on in-between sites like myspace and fark personals (more advanced than Craig's List but more primitive than Match).

A buddy of mine speculates that web sites gather an "atmosphere" or a "personality" around themselves, just like clubs & bars do. He says Match is like one of those horrible meat-market nightclubs. I can't confirm or deny this, so I offer it for your speculation.

BTW, as a side note, I find average looking women much more agreeable, & I enjoy sex more when the other person is agreeable. But that's me, YMMV.
Aug 14, 2005
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I just thought of something else I wanted to add to this thread. Last year in Philly, I participated in an event called the "Mile of Meet" which turned out to be an utter waste of time. They lined up a mile-long row of single men, and women could cruise the row, talk you you, or just write your number down & get your profile from the event organizers. Several unexpected things happened.

(1) About 90% of the women, even the ones who were uglier than the @$$ end of a warthog, went straight for the guys who look like greek gods who now make their living modeling underwear.

(2) As a consequence of (1), most of the women went home empty-handed.

(3) A lot of the women were surprisingly crude & insensitive. For instance, one girl was cruising the street while muttering, "A tall boy, a tall boy, where can I find a tall boy?" One day I hope she is standing in a row of single girls so some Fabio lookalike can go, "Big t1t$, big t1t$, where can I find a girl with big t1t$? Oops, not YOU, honey!"

So there it is, Tim Taylor's script writers can go kiss my hairy @$$.