"The Great Gatsby" Have you seen it? What are your thoughts on it?


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
What's up guys? So, I just saw the movie "The Great Gatsby" featuring Di Caprio the other day. It blew my mind (for good and bad). I loved the vibrant colors, and man the parties are nothing I've never seen (may never see). The storyline is really what got me thinking about this forum again. So, here I am after having been gone for a while. Anyway, after watching the movie I got to thinking about how a man may move the world for a woman and it still counts for nothing. So, if you have seen the movie what lessons did you get from the movie (especially as it relates to this site). I know most people watch for entertainment only. I like to look deeper beyond that. So, please share. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Here are some things I learned from the movie.
1. You can move the world for a woman and it still wouldn't be enough.

2. Some people will always say that money isn't everything. I think people say this because they have it (money) and perhaps have forgotten when they didn't have it and it doesn't matter when it comes to love. I think this is why Gatsby gave up 5 years of his life to attain this kingdom for the girl of his dreams.

3. If Gatsby had been to this site and soaked up the values he would've have ended up with a different woman.

4. Whether we are poor or rich we want to be loved. What really sucks is having the means (wealth) to having whatever you want and having nothing at all. At least those without can always look forward to having something.

5. There are many men who use the things you learn from Sosuave for bad. In this case the married man who was cheating on his woman. Used another man's grief (which he caused) to get him to kill another man. A lot of guys will act all tough and selfish. Yet when they realize they are about to lose a woman they were supposed to be loving or someone else is trying to get with her they then get emotional about it.

6. A woman's loyalty is indeed only to herself (maybe her children).

7. A man's quality has to go beyond what he has. I have seen guys who try to flaunt their possessions to impress people. When all that is taken away do you have anything else to keep people around. It still baffles me that with all the parties and excitement Gatsby created no one came to his funeral. (Was this an exaggeration on the movie writer's part). I mean not even his employees or business associates?

8. You can't change the past. If you blow it with a woman you really should move on. That this woman still chose to stay with the man that constantly cheated on her when she could've been with a man who loved her , had more status and power. I don't get it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Leo did a great job as Gatsby. I saw the movie in 3D and it was okay at best. The aspect that really caught my attention was how self-centered and self-absorbed the character of Daisy was. She's the type of woman that seems harmless, and while she doesn't intentionally try to do harm to others, when she does do harm, she couldn't give a rat's a$$. I honestly don't know what Gatsby saw in her.

Of course, she was stringing Gatsby along and didn't even consider his emotions. And she even ran over someone and let Gatsby take the fall for it.

I would say Gatsby is a good reflection of most men in general in that his intentions are good, but he let's himself get foolishly played by a woman that doesn't give a damn about him. Daisy saw Gatsby's show of affection as validation for her own self-worth(like most women) so of course she wanted to continue to play him as long as possible instead of just telling him "No" politely and saving him time and effort.

A man's love should only be reserved for a woman that will stand with him through good and bad. I think Gatsby, like most guys, felt an intense attraction that he misinterpreted as love and this ultimately lead him down the wrong path.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Flying Dutchman....That's a very interesting take you have there and it makes a lot of sense.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
Haven't seen the movie yet but read the book. It's really the ultimate AFC cautionary tale. If you haven't read the book you should try it. Easy, short read. It actually should be all DJ's required reading list...as a reminder on how the other half lives ;)


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
I read and saw this book/movie last year in my Junior reading class. I have to say, it's completely AFC and laughable. The visuals effects and overall writing are impressive though.

At one point we had a contest on "who was the bigger man" John Proctor(from The Crucible) or Gatsby.

I was one of the 2/27 kids who chose Proctor, regardless of him fvcking a 16 year old(?) he is way more manly than Gatsby ever will be.