The good looks conspiracy (not for the ugly ducklings)


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hello forum jocks,

What if I told you a lot of the stuff they teach in the seduction community doesn't apply to good looking men? They never tell you it but it's true. If you're a good looking dude and you've ever wondered why being ****y/funny, playful,negging has resulted in less than stellar results with women, it's because it's not for you. Most of the stuff they teach will do you more harm than good if tried on women. Take negging, for example. If you're a good looking dude and you neg a girl, she'll think you're an ass. If you're ****y% funny, she may laugh but she'll think you're an ass. If you're playful, she may think you're fun but wonder what's wrong with you. And then she'll take you as a joke. Do you see Tom Cruise, Brad Pit, George Cloony doing it. F@@ck no. That's because they don't need to. My advice to those who are good looking, even those who are just above average looking, work on your confidence instead. And if you're going to be ****y/funny, playful or negg, do it VERY sparingly just to show you can be fun. BECAUSE BEING NICE TO WOMEN, WHILE CONFIDENT AND GOOD LOOKING, CAN GET YOU LAID. For the rest of you, keep trying pick up cause it might be your only hope.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
This is kind of true... Women HATE when I act like a jerk, and do those things. Literally, hate. They say, "I thought you were nice, you're just like the rest", etc. When I'm nice, they say "you're too good to be true; attractive and sweet", and so forth. They love the niceness, and always did. It was other areas I used to lack in, but even then, they gave multiple chances to shape up. 'Course, I never did... Ha ha.

I wouldn't say certain rules don't still apply, though. Such as presenting a challenge, not being the stereotypical "nice guy", and having game. Makes a huge difference. You don't have to do a lot of those jerk-like things because they're already attracted to you. You really don't have to do much at all - since they want to screw already. Don't have to get them in the mood, make it sexual, and stuff like that. They already want it, and come to you with those advances.

Getting a relationship requires a certain amount of game though. That's where the rules come most in handy, I find.

It also depends on the kind of women you're dealing with. *****es are not attracted to nice people, and treat them like garbage. *****s just want to ****, and be treated like garbage. Most every day women do love attractive nice guys... Some don't know how to handle it though.

This is mostly common sense, though. Guys get with *****es because they're hot. Same reason women get with *******s. Looks play a major role in the dating game. Or at least, you'll be more successful and have more opportunities with them. Still doesn't mean you can KEEP someone attracted, however. You also can't be TOO nice.