The 'Game' in Different Nations/Cultures


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
So I was out at a party again last night (no drink, little dancing, but I gave out some massages, but that's for an FR ^^ ) and I got chatting with my best female friend in private (I had some serious oneitis for her, but I'm totally secure around her now, no need to game, it's useful to have a trusted female viewpoint)

We chatted about myself and how I've changed (she's noticed, lol) but something interesting came up. How dating, asking girls out and relationships work in different countries.

Now, I was brought up in Greece, and was also educated at an evening school at the American Embassy. So my views on relationships and dates are Greek/American. If I ask a girl out, it's because I'm interested and want to find out more. Doesn't mean we are bf/gf, or i want sex.

However, in the UK, at least in HS, asking someone out has the implication you want to start a relationship. (and this is why i've freaked several girls out) Now, this may just be an abnormality of my school and the girls school we hook up with (like their yr12 dont care about the yr13 guys, even though girls tend to go for older guys), but what do you guys think? Do you have to adapt the way you are a DJ in different lands? (I personally think you do)


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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In secondary school in the UK, it's usually a boy hooks up with a girl at a party and they instantly become boyfriend and girlfriend the next day or week. Cue the "Love you *Girlname*" or "everyday without you is hard for me" facebook and msn screen names. Although, most of the time, people just hook up and then act like nothing happened the next day. Teenage girls don't really do the whole dating lots of people thing, they're more into the exclusive relationship.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
CaptainJ said:
In secondary school in the UK, it's usually a boy hooks up with a girl at a party and they instantly become boyfriend and girlfriend the next day or week. Cue the "Love you *Girlname*" or "everyday without you is hard for me" facebook and msn screen names. Although, most of the time, people just hook up and then act like nothing happened the next day. Teenage girls don't really do the whole dating lots of people thing, they're more into the exclusive relationship.

My thoughts exactly. I have a 'rep' because I've asked out a few girls from the same social group, and they aren't sure if I'm fvcking with them, or horny for the lot, when in fact I'm just looking to see if i want to increase my interest. (but yes, i am horny for the lot hehe)

I have the added problem of being in a rarefied atmosphere - a grammar school. Crazy parties with lots of making out are hard to come by.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Hughman said:
If I ask a girl out, it's because I'm interested and want to find out more. Doesn't mean we are bf/gf, or i want sex.
Lol. Yes it does.

Who the hell asks a girl out thinking "wow i bet she has deep and meaningful thoughts." If that's what you wanted, you might as well be hanging out with a dude.

Why do you ask a girl out anyway? You should tell them. "Come to chuck e cheese tonight; we'll play skee ball. No? Well I'll get your sister to go then."


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Okay, yes, maybe I do want it, but that's -not- the point of the matter. Desperation for it gets you nowhere. I'm sexual, sure, but I'm not going to freak some poor girl out and make her think I'm some horny pervert.