"The Game" by Neil Strauss - SNEAK PEAK


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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Hey guys,

What up?!?

I was just browsing through here like a do once in awhile (don't think I'm not keeping tabs on you guys!) and I saw someone mention "The Game"... the new book by Neil Strauss aka Style. I grabbed my copy yesterday and I COULD NOT put it down... truly a MUST READ.

It's the first mainstream book to REALLY discuss the types of things we talk about in here... and it even has a couple of stories about me in it! (the names have been changed, so I'll let you guess which one... but you oldschoolers will probably recognize it right away... ;) )

Anyways... I wanted to give you guys a special sneak peak... Neil sent me the 1st chapter a while ago to check it out... and now that the book is released he said it was cool if I shared it wherever I wanted. So... here you go!

Oh... and to answer Jason's question, you can get it at Amazon.com (just do a search for "The Game" Neil Strauss) or any bookstore. I highly recommend it...

The Game

Penetrating The Secret Society Of Pick-up Artists

Neil Strauss

An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers

Dedicated to the thousands of people I talked to in bars, clubs, malls, airports, grocery stores, subways, and elevators over the last two years. If you are reading this, I want you to know that I wasn’t running game on you. I was being sincere. Really. You were different.


I am far from attractive. My nose is too large for my face and, while not hooked, has a bump in the ridge. Though I am not bald, to say that my hair is thinning would be an understatement. There are just wispy Rogaine-enhanced growths covering the top of my head like tumbleweeds. In my opinion, my eyes are small and beady, though they do have a lively glimmer, which is doomed to remain my secret because no one can see it behind my glasses. I have indentations on either side of my forehead, which I like and believe add character to my face, though I’ve never actually been complimented on them.

I am shorter than I’d like to be and so skinny that I look malnourished to most people, no matter how much I eat. When I look down at my pale, slouched body, I wonder why any woman would want to sleep next to it, let alone embrace it. So, for me, meeting girls takes work. I’m not the kind of guy women giggle over at a bar or want to take home when they’re feeling drunk and crazy. I can’t offer them a piece of my fame and bragging rights like a rock star, or cocaine and a mansion like so many other men in Los Angeles. All I have is my mind, and nobody can see that.

You may notice that I haven’t mentioned my personality. This is because my personality has completely changed. Or, to put it more accurately, I completely changed my personality. I invented Style, my alter ego. And in the course of two years, Style became more popular than I ever was—especially with women.

It was never my intention to change my personality or walk through the world under an assumed identity. In fact, I was happy with myself and my life. That is, until an innocent phone call (it always starts with an innocent phone call) led me on a journey into one of the oddest and most exciting underground communities that, in more than a dozen years of journalism, I have ever come across. The call was from Jeremie Ruby-Strauss (no relation), a book editor who had stumbled across a document on the Internet called “the layguide,” short for The How-to-Lay-Girls Guide. Compressed into 150 sizzling pages, he said, was the collected wisdom of dozens of pick-up artists who had been exchanging their knowledge in newsgroups for nearly a decade, secretly working to turn the art of seduction into an exact science. The information needed to be rewritten and organized into a coherent how-to book, and he thought I was the man to do it.
I wasn’t so sure. I want to write literature, not give advice to horny adolescents. But, of course, I told him it wouldn’t hurt to take a look at it.

The moment I started reading, my life changed. More than any other book or document—be it the Bible, Crime and Punishment, or The Joy of Cooking—the layguide opened my eyes. And not necessarily because of the information in it, but because of the path it sent me hurtling down.

When I look back on my teenage years, I have one major regret, and it has nothing to do with not studying hard enough, not being nice to my mother, or crashing my father’s car into that public bus. It is simply that I didn’t fool around with enough girls. I am a deep man—I re-read James Joyce’s Ulysses every three years for fun. I consider myself reasonably intuitive. I am at core a good person, and I try to avoid hurting others. But I can’t seem to evolve to the next state of being, because I spend far too much time thinking about women.

And I know I’m not alone. When I first met Hugh Hefner, he was seventy-three. He had slept with over a thousand of the most beautiful women in the world, by his own account, but all he wanted to talk about were his three girlfriends—Mandy, Brandy, and Sandy. And how, thanks to Viagra, he could keep them all satisfied (though his money probably satisfied them enough). If he ever wanted to sleep with somebody else, he said, the rule was that they’d all do it together. So what I gathered from the conversation was that here was a guy who’s had all the sex he wanted his whole life, and at seventy-three he’s still chasing tail. When does it stop? If Hugh Hefner isn’t over it yet, when am I going to be?

If the layguide had never crossed my path, I, like most men, would never have evolved in my thinking about the opposite sex. In fact, I probably started off worse than most men. In my preteen years, there were no games of doctor, no girls who charged a dollar to look up their skirts, no tickling classmates in places I wasn’t supposed to touch. I spent most of teenage life grounded, so when my sole adolescent sexual opportunity occurred—a drunken freshman girl called and offered me a *******—I was forced to decline, or else suffer my mother’s wrath. In college I began to find myself: the things I was interested in, the personality I’d always been too shy to express, the group of friends who would expand my mind with drugs and conversation (in that order). But I never became comfortable around women: they intimidated me. In four years of college, I did not sleep with a single woman on campus.

After school I took a job at the New York Times as a cultural reporter, where I began to build confidence in myself and my opinions. Eventually, I gained access to a privileged world where no rules applied: I went on the road with Marilyn Manson and Motley Crue to write books with them. In all that time, with all those backstage passes, I didn’t get so much as a single kiss from anyone except Tommy Lee. After that, I pretty much gave up hope. Some guys had it; other guys didn’t. I clearly didn’t.

The problem wasn’t that I’d never been laid. It was that the few times I did get lucky, I’d turn a one-night stand into a two-year stand because I didn’t know when it was going to happen again. The layguide had an acronym for people like me. They called them AFCs: average frustrated chumps. I was an AFC. Not like Dustin.

I met Dustin the year I graduated from college. He was friends with a classmate of mine named Marko, a faux-aristocratic Serbian who had been my companion in girllessness since nursery school, thanks largely to his head, which was shaped like a watermelon. Dustin wasn’t any taller, richer, more famous, or better looking than either of us. But he did possess one quality we didn’t: he attracted women.

When Marko first introduced me to him, I was unimpressed. He was short and swarthy, with long curly brown hair and a cheesy button-down gigolo shirt with two too many buttons undone. That night, we went to a Chicago club called Drink, As we checked our coats, Dustin asked , “Do you know if there are any dark corners in here?”


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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I asked him what he needed dark corners for, and he replied that they were good places to take girls. I raised my eyebrows skeptically. Minutes after entering the bar, however, he made eye contact with a shy-looking girl who was talking with a friend. Without a word, Dustin walked away. The girl followed him—straight to a dark corner. When they finished kissing and groping, they parted wordlessly, without an obligatory exchange of phone numbers or even a sheepish see-you-later.
Dustin repeated this seemingly miraculous feat four times that night. A new world opened up before my eyes.

I grilled him for hours, trying to determine what sort of magical powers he possessed. Dustin was what they call a natural. He had lost his virginity at age eleven, when the fifteen-year-old daughter of a neighbor used him as a sexual experiment, and he had been ****ing nonstop since. One night, I took him to a party on a boat anchored in New York’s East River. When a sultry brown-haired, doe-eyed girl walked by, he turned to me and said, “She’s just your type.”

I denied it and stared at the floor, as usual. I was afraid he’d try to make me talk to her, which he soon did.

When she walked past again, he asked her, “Do you know Neil?”

It was a stupid icebreaker, but it didn’t matter now that the ice was broken. I stammered out a few words, until Dustin took over and rescued me. We met her and her boyfriend at a bar afterward. They had just moved in together. Her boyfriend was taking their dog for a walk. So after a few drinks he took the dog home, leaving the girl, Paula, with us.

Dustin suggested going back to my place to cook a late-night snack, so we walked to my tiny East Village apartment and, instead, collapsed on the bed, with Dustin on one side of Paula and myself on the other. When Dustin started kissing her left cheek, he signaled me to do the same on her right cheek. Then, in synchronicity, we moved down her body to her neck and her breasts. Though I was surprised by Paula’s quiet compliance, for Dustin this seemed to be business as usual. He turned to me and asked if I had a condom. I found one for him. He pulled off her pants and moved into her while I continued lapping uselessly at her right breast.

That was Dustin’s gift, his power: giving women the fantasy they never thought they’d experience. Afterward, Paula called me constantly. She wanted to talk about the experience all the time, to rationalize it, because she couldn’t believe what she had done. That’s how it always worked with Dustin: he got the girl, I got the guilt.

I chalked this up to a simple difference of personality. Dustin had a natural charm and animal instinct that I just didn’t. Or at least that’s what I thought, until I read the layguide and explored the newsgroups and websites it recommended. What I discovered was an entire community filled with Dustins—men who claimed to have found the combination to unlock a woman’s heart and legs—along with thousands of others like myself, trying to learn their secrets. The difference was that these men had broken down their methods to a specific set of rules that anybody could apply. And each self-proclaimed pick-up artist had his own set of rules.

There was Mystery, a magician; Ross Jeffries, a hypnotist; Rick H., a millionaire entrepreneur; Juggler, a stand-up comedian; David X, a construction worker; and Steve P., a seductionist so powerful that women actually pay to learn how to give him better head. Put them on South Beach in Miami, and any number of better-looking, muscle-bound bullies will be kicking sand in their pale, emaciated faces. But put them in a Starbucks or Whiskey Bar, and they’ll be taking turns making out with that bully’s girlfriend as soon as his back is turned.

Once I discovered their world, the first thing that changed was my vocabulary. Terms like AFC, PUA (pick-up artist), sarging (picking up women), and HB (hot babe) entered my permanent lexicon. Then my daily rituals changed as I became addicted to the online locker room these pick-up artists had created. Whenever I returned home from meeting or going out with a woman, I sat down at my computer and posted my questions of the night on the newsgroups. “What do I do if she says she has a boyfriend?” “If she eats garlic during dinner, does it mean she isn’t planning on kissing me?” “Is it a good or a bad sign when a girl puts on lipstick in front of me?”

And online characters like Candor, Gunwitch, and Formhandle began replying to my questions. (The answers, in order: Use a boyfriend-destroyer pattern; You’re overanalyzing this; Neither.) Soon I realized this was not just an Internet phenomenon but a way of life. There were cults of wanna-be seductionists in dozens of cities¬¬––from Los Angeles to London to Zagreb to Bombay—who met weekly in what they called “lairs” to discuss tactics and strategies before going out en masse to meet women.

In the guise of Jeremie Ruby-Strauss and the Internet, God had given me a second chance. It wasn’t too late to be Dustin, to become what every woman wants—not what she says she wants, but what she really wants, deep inside, beyond her social programming, where her fantasies and daydreams lie.

But I couldn’t do it on my own. Talking to guys online was not going to be enough to change a lifetime of failure. I had to meet the faces behind the screen names, watch them in the field, find out who they were and what made them tick. I made it my mission—my full-time job and obsession—to hunt down the greatest pick-up artists in the world and beg for shelter underneath their wings.

And so began the strangest two years of my life.

Hahaa! I told you this thing was GOOD. Go to amazon.com and get it now!


Don Juan
May 19, 2005
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N Zed
It looks like it could be a good read. I'll never pay for material but let me know how it goes bro!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
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Let me be the first to guess who your character is...


(the elimidate reference gave it away)


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
The game is all the fs.com style gaming. The guys over there are ****ting themselves. This goes to prove - building real value will beat illusions anyday.

I truely believe I could 'outgame' style becauseIm not just pretending to be these things that women find so attractive, I AM these things.

This is where sosuave trumps fs


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40

Book excerpt: Neil Strauss' The Game

As author Neil Strauss tells it in The Game (Regan Books/ HarperCollins), he has just arrived for his first how-to-pick-up-women workshop. After an enlightening session at an L.A. hotel with Mystery and his "wing" man Sin, Strauss and his fellow students are about to try the Mystery Method out for themselves at a nearby club.

We piled into the limo and drove to the Standard Lounge, a velvet-rope-guarded hotel hotspot. It was here that Mystery shattered my model of reality. Limits I had once imposed on human interaction were extended far beyond what I ever thought possible. The man was a machine.

The Standard was dead when we walked in. We were too early. There were just two groups of people in the room: a couple near the entrance and two couples in the corner.

I was ready to leave. But then I saw Mystery approach the people in the corner. They were sitting on opposite couches across a glass table. The men were on one side. One of them was Scott Baio, the actor best known for playing Chachi on Happy Days. Across from him were two women, a brunette and a bleached blonde who looked like she'd stepped out of the pages of Maxim. Her cut-off white T-shirt was suspended so high into the air by fake breasts that the bottom of it just hovered, flapping in the air above a belly tightened by fastidious exercise. This woman was Baio's date. She was also, I gathered, Mystery's target.

His intentions were clear because he wasn't talking to her. Instead, he had his back turned to her and was showing something to Baio and his friend, a well-dressed, well-tanned thirtysomething who looked as if he smelled strongly of aftershave. I moved in closer.

"Be careful with that," Baio was saying. "It cost $40,000."

Mystery had Baio's watch in his hands. He placed it carefully on the table. "Now watch this," he commanded. "I tense my stomach muscles, increasing the flow of oxygen to my brain, and . . . ."

As Mystery waved his hands over the watch, the second hand stopped ticking. He waited 15 seconds, then waved his hands again, and slowly the watch sputtered back to life -- along with Baio's heart. Mystery's audience of four burst into applause.

"Do something else!" the blonde pleaded.

Mystery brushed her off with a neg. "Wow, she's so demanding," he said, turning to Baio. "Is she always like this?"

We were witnessing group theory in action. The more Mystery performed for the guys, the more the blonde clamoured for attention. And every time, he pushed her away and continued talking with his two new friends.

"I don't usually go out," Baio was telling Mystery. "I'm over it, and I'm too old."

After a few more minutes, Mystery finally acknowledged the blonde. He held his arms out. She placed her hands in his, and he began giving her a psychic reading. He was employing a technique I'd heard about called cold reading: the art of telling people truisms about themselves without any prior knowledge of their personality or background. In the field, all knowledge -- however esoteric -- is power.

With each accurate sentence Mystery spoke, the blonde's jaw dropped further open, until she started asking him about his job and his psychic abilities. Every response Mystery gave was intended to accentuate his youth and enthusiasm for the good life Baio said he had outgrown.

"I feel so old," Mystery said, baiting her.

"How old are you?" she asked.


"That's not old. That's perfect."

He was in.

Mystery called me over and whispered in my ear. He wanted me to talk to Baio and his friend, to keep them occupied while he hit on the girl. This was my first experience as a wing -- a term Mystery had taken from Top Gun, along with words like target and obstacle.

I struggled to make small talk with them. But Baio, looking nervously at Mystery and his date, cut me off. "Tell me this is all an illusion," he said, "and he's not actually stealing my girlfriend."

Ten long minutes later, Mystery stood up, put his arm around me, and we left the club. Outside, he pulled a ****tail napkin from his jacket pocket. It contained her phone number. "Did you get a good look at her?" Mystery asked. "That is what I'm in the game for. Everything I've learned I used tonight. It's all led up to this moment. And it worked." He beamed with self-satisfaction. "How's that for a demonstration?"

That was all it took. Stealing a girl right from under a celebrity's nose -- has-been or not -- was a feat. Mystery was the real deal.

As we took the limo to the Key Club, Mystery told us the first commandment of pickup: the three-second rule. A man has three seconds after spotting a woman to speak to her, he said. If he takes any longer, then not only is the girl likely to think he's a creep who's been staring at her for too long, but he will start overthinking the approach, get nervous, and probably blow it.

The moment we walked into the Key Club, Mystery put the three-second rule into action. Striding up to a group of women, he held out his hands and asked, "What's your first impression of these? Not the big hands, the black nails."

As the girls gathered around him, Sin pulled me aside and suggested wandering the club and attempting my first approach. A group of women walked by and I tried to say something. But the word "hi" just barely squeaked out of my throat, not even loud enough for them to hear. As they continued past, I followed and grabbed one of the girls on the shoulder from behind. She turned around, startled, and gave me the withering what-a-creep look that was the whole reason I was too scared to talk to women in the first place.

"Never," Sin admonished me in his adenoidal voice, "approach a woman from behind. Always come in from the front, but at a slight angle so it's not too direct and confrontational. You should speak to her over your shoulder, so it looks like you might walk away at any minute. Ever see Robert Redford in The Horse Whisperer? It's kind of like that."

A few minutes later, I spotted a young, tipsy-looking woman with long, tangled blonde curls and a puffy pink vest standing alone. I decided that approaching her would be an easy way to redeem myself. I circled around until I was in the 10 o'clock position in front of her and walked in, imagining myself approaching a horse I didn't want to frighten.

"Oh my God," I said to her. "Did you see those two girls fighting outside?"

"No," she said. "What happened?"


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
She was interested. She was talking to me. It was working.

"Um, two girls were fighting over this little guy who was half their size. It was pretty brutal. He was just standing there laughing as the police came and arrested the girls."

She giggled. We started talking about the club and the band playing there. She was very friendly and actually seemed grateful for the conversation. I had no idea that approaching a woman could be this easy.

Sin sidled up to me and whispered in my ear, "Go kino."

"What's kino?" I asked.

"Kino?" the girl replied.

Sin reached behind me, picked up my arm, and placed it on her shoulder. "Kino is when you touch a girl," he whispered. I felt the heat of her body and was reminded of how much I love human contact. Pets like to be petted. It isn't sexual when a dog or a cat begs for physical affection. People are the same way: we need touch. But we're so sexually screwed up and obsessed that we get nervous and uncomfortable whenever another person touches us. And, unfortunately, I am no exception. As I spoke to her, my hand felt wrong on her shoulder. It was just resting there like some disembodied limb, and I imagined her wondering what exactly it was doing there and how she could gracefully extricate herself from under it. So I did her the favour of removing it myself.

"Isolate her," Sin said.

I suggested sitting down, and we walked to a bench. Sin followed and sat behind us. As I'd been taught, I asked her to tell me the qualities she finds attractive in guys. She said humour and ass.

Fortunately, I have one of those qualities.

Suddenly, I felt Sin's breath on my ear. "Sniff her hair," he was instructing.

I smelled her hair, although I wasn't exactly sure what the point was. I figured Sin wanted me to neg her. So I said, "It smells like smoke."

"Nooooo!" Sin hissed in my ear. I guess I wasn't supposed to neg.

She seemed offended. So, to recover, I took another whiff. "But underneath that, there's a very intoxicating smell."

She ****ed her head to one side, furrowed her brow ever so slightly, scanned me up and down, and said, "You're weird." I was blowing it.

Fortunately, Mystery soon arrived.

"This place is dead," he said. "We're going somewhere more target-rich." To Mystery and Sin, these clubs didn't seem to be reality. They had no problem whispering in students' ears while they were talking to women, dropping pickup terminology in front of strangers, and even interrupting a student during a set and explaining, in front of his group, what he was doing wrong. They were so confident and their talk was so full of incomprehensible jargon that the women rarely even raised an eyebrow, let alone suspected they were being used to train wannabe ladies' men.

I bid my new friend good-bye as Sin had taught me, pointing to my cheek and saying, "Kiss good-bye." She actually pecked me. I felt very alpha.

I was in high spirits in the limo to the next bar. "Do you think I could have kissed her?" I asked Mystery.

"If you think you could have, then you could have," he said. "As soon as you ask yourself whether you should or shouldn't, that means you should. And what you do is, you phase-shift. Imagine a giant gear thudding down in your head, and then go for it. Start hitting on her. Tell her you just noticed she has beautiful skin, and start massaging her shoulders."

"But how do you know it's okay?"

"What I do is, I look for IOIs. An IOI is an indicator of interest. If she asks you what your name is, that's an IOI. If she asks you if you're single, that's an IOI. If you take her hands and squeeze them, and she squeezes back, that's an IOI. And as soon as I get three IOIs, I phase-shift. I don't even think about it. It's like a computer program."

"But how do you kiss her?" Sweater asked.

"I just say, 'Would you like to kiss me?' "

"And then what happens?"

"One of three things," Mystery said. "If she says, 'Yes,' which is very rare, you kiss her. If she says, 'Maybe,' or hesitates, then you say, 'Let's find out,' and kiss her. And if she says, 'No,' you say, 'I didn't say you could. It just looked like you had something on your mind.' "

"You see," he grinned triumphantly. "You have nothing to lose. Every contingency is planned for. It's foolproof. That is the Mystery kiss-close."

I furiously scribbled every word of the kiss-close in my notebook. No one had ever told me how to kiss a girl before. It was just one of those things men were supposed to know on their own, like shaving and car repair.

Sitting in the limo with a notebook on my lap, listening to Mystery talk, I asked myself why I was really there. Taking a course in picking up women wasn't the kind of thing normal people did. Even more disturbing, I wondered why it was so important to me, why I'd become so quickly obsessed with the online community and its leading pseudonyms.

Perhaps it was because attracting the opposite sex was the only area of my life in which I felt like a complete failure. Every time I walked down the street or into a bar, I saw my own failure staring me back in the face with red lipstick and black mascara. The combination of desire and paralysis was deadly. Perhaps signing up for Mystery's workshop had been an intelligent decision. After all, I was doing something proactive about my lameness. Even the wise man dwells in the fool's paradise.

Excerpted from The Game, copyright 2005 Neil Strauss. Reprinted by permission of Regan Books/HarperCollins Publishers.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
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Don Juan
Jul 4, 2005
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Indiana US
Bible Belt,

HaHaHa, Interesting excerpt about Scott Baio, the actor best known for playing Chachi. Mystery probably could have walked away with the girl instead of the number. One of my MLTR's went on a date with him, cut it short, then refused a second date when he called. She said he was insecure and desperate. This experience shattered her childhood image of him. She learned from several dates with celebrities that they are not necessarily what they are protrayed to be in mass media. I'll probably get the book.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2003
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Originally posted by 007~JC
I. I've been here for a while (2002) but I can't remember which one you were. Who was the elimidate guy? Craig right? Then which one were you?


It's Craig! The same person!


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2004
Reaction score
Im lovin the excerpts.. Ive ordered the book off Amazon. Lookin' forward to checkin it out.. looks solid.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
I just ordered my copy. I can't wait to get it! I had heard about the book a few days ago in an article written about Neil, so I've been meaning to get it anyway.

Has anyone heard anything about the other books (aside from "The System") that Amazon tries to get you to buy when you check out?



Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
Hahahaa! Grimble is a ****ing loser man! Neil told me that he took stories from several different people and blended them together to create that character... and of course, he had to pick THAT character to put one of my stories in!

I'm going to give him **** tonight when I see him... TRUST ME! LOL...

And yes, I am getting commission. I'm taking half of the profits since it is an HONOR to feature a story about ME in the book! ;)

I don't know about the other books on Amazon... as far as other good books I have read, I recommend Leil Lowndes "Talking The Winner's Way", "Influence" by Cialdini, "48 Laws Of Power" by Greene, and "Who's Pulling Your Strings?" by Braiker.

And to that guy who said he'd never spend money on material... why even bother trying to learn in the first place? That attitude tells me that you have much deeper problems that are preventing you from having success with women... stuff that no "technique" you learn in here is going to fix. Get a job... it's attractive to women. Frugality and unwillingness to spend money to improve your life are NOT. $30 for someone's LIFE'S WORK sounds like a pretty good deal to me... lol...


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
I was on the periphery for most of the action, but I knew the majority of the ProHo players and hung out there only occasionally on a social basis (I was friends with the only natural there- a non-PUA who's probably ****ed as many if not more girls than the gurus and thinks that EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the house excluding him and Style were utter social nerds and/or basket cases- been surfing with Style, etc). I saw some of the drama, was told some of it, and read the rest on the boards.

I would say AT LEAST 80% of the drama, dark ****, and negativity as well as the results, techniques, tactics and women are TRUE.

And yeah, Style is one of, if not the, best PUA I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.

And if Grimble is the same guy I think he is (we met in San Fran), "WE GOT A TOUGH GUY HERE!"


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Mystery had Baio's watch in his hands. He placed it carefully on the table. "Now watch this," he commanded. "I tense my stomach muscles, increasing the flow of oxygen to my brain, and . . . ."

As Mystery waved his hands over the watch, the second hand stopped ticking. He waited 15 seconds, then waved his hands again, and slowly the watch sputtered back to life -- along with Baio's heart. Mystery's audience of four burst into applause.

We supply a Vernet style Thumb tip complete with a very powerful Alnico (or rare earth) type magnet. Turn a paper cup into a powerful "impromptu" chop cup routine. Stop a watch from ticking. Cause two spoons to cling end-to-end. The uses are endless!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score

Have you appeared in David DeAngelo's products? Or is that a different Craig?

(if your not the Craig that I think you are, this isn't going to make sense, so ignore it)

In David D's "Ask me anything / meeting women in bars and clubs" did you not think that it was hilarious when DeAngelo tooled that one guy who was unloading his life story on everyone. When he wrote 'therapy anyone?' on the board while the guy was still talking I was laughing so hard. That guy looked p1ssed.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Originally posted by Bible_Belt
Mystery had Baio's watch in his hands. He placed it carefully on the table. "Now watch this," he commanded. "I tense my stomach muscles, increasing the flow of oxygen to my brain, and . . . ."

As Mystery waved his hands over the watch, the second hand stopped ticking. He waited 15 seconds, then waved his hands again, and slowly the watch sputtered back to life -- along with Baio's heart. Mystery's audience of four burst into applause.

We supply a Vernet style Thumb tip complete with a very powerful Alnico (or rare earth) type magnet. Turn a paper cup into a powerful "impromptu" chop cup routine. Stop a watch from ticking. Cause two spoons to cling end-to-end. The uses are endless!

Haha, so far that has been my favorite part from the 80 pages I've read. I liked it how he mentions that Scott Baio had to tell everyone that the watch was a $40,000 item. LoL. These insecure priks think they can impress with their money.