The best revenge is...

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
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The best way to exact revenge on someone living well. :yes:

I know this is cliche, but it's true. Some people here on the board tend to forget this little tidbit when trying to decide how to defeat a doubter.

When it comes to women......if a HB rejects you, says you are inferior to her, believes you aren't worthy of her attention, don't focus any of your energy on trying to "get even" with them. If you call them out, give them a piece of your mind, let her know that you will not put up with her bs...sure, you'll possibly get her to stop walking all over you, but she will not respect you.

When it comes to other guys......if you're out of the social circle, if they look down on you, if they try to make fun of you, if you're not cool enough to sit at the cool kids table, don't pick a fight, don't start an argument, don't try to be a hero...sure they may stop walking all over you, but they will not respect you.

Any direct negativity you confront these people with will show that they did get to you, that they are able to control you. However, if you don't let their insecurities and neediness for maintaining their weakly-protected image get to you, and you IMPROVE YOURSELF FOR THE SAKE OF BEING A BETTER PERSON, others will notice your improvement. These former rejectors could get a little jealous, these former rejectors probably won't befriend you, the particular HB who rejected you most likely won't all of a sudden like you now...but they will respect you. The rejectors took their best shots and couldn't hurt you, couldn't bring you down; you're an untouchable. By living well, you rise above them. By living well, all people WILL respect you.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2008
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Nah, the best way to get revenge is to forgive the person(s) and forget. I know a lot of people in this world say that they would use their righteous indignation after being snubbed to become a much better person, but I say that it would just make you a crabby person who has something to prove.

Sometimes, I remind myself to not take it personally because the person who caused me pain did not care about me and was only thinking about himself. It's like when you're in a mall, and you become self-conscious, but you realize everybody is just thinking about themselves and their problems.

But anyway, forgiveness IS the best medicine and it will get all the pain out of your heart.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Words of wisdom Darthangel. When you have vengeance in your heart, in many ways the person you want to get even with wins. You'll spend hours, days and maybe even years thinking about that person while you probably don't even enter into his/her mind.

Sure it's sweet to imagine that HB8 that rejected you regretting her decision. But really what do you gain for all the emotion you spent thinking about getting revenge? Is it worth it?

Just put it behind you and move on. Do what's right by you. Revenge is very often more trouble than it's worth.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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In short, he's trying to say that you should focus your energy on your life, goals, happiness and success. Success with your careers, hobbies, friends and family.. that should all be above any woman.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
Scars said:
In short, he's trying to say that you should focus your energy on your life, goals, happiness and success. Success with your careers, hobbies, friends and family.. that should all be above any woman.
lol this has been repeated on this forum millions of times that it has become a cliche now