The Art Of Coversation


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
The Art Of Conversation

According to the DJ Bible the main rules for conversation are somewhere along the lines of:

-Don't talk about yourself. It ruins the 'mystery'.
-Keep asking her questions, chicks love to talk about themselves.

Now I can see how this MAY help a newbie who is prone to telling girls their life story and bragging, but it doesn't seem to work for me. If you are an attractive man with DJ qualities I can see this working, only if you manage to create a lot of attraction. For the normal guy I can see him trying to do that and the conversation ending up like:

"How are you?"
"What you been up to?"
"What’s your favourite ____"
"Have you ever____"
"How do you feel about that?"
"And how do you feel about that?"

Now maybe a skilled conversationalist can get away with that, but it seems to fall into the interview category very easily. Even if you are asking the right questions (about emotionally charged experiences etc) it's still missing something if she is doing all the talking.

What I find works best is actually talking about myself. This way I don't even have to ask that many questions unless I want to know something more about what she's said. This is what you will find Juggler recommends, for any of you guys who are more familiar with the PUA side of things. If you think about it it's similar to routines from Mystery Method apart from I wouldn't use routines I would just say whatever comes up in a natural conversation.

By talking about myself I mean things like this:

"Oh yeah that reminds me of the time where ______"
"Hm yeah well actually I would be more likely to ______"

Where the gaps are I don't talk about facts regarding my life I would talk about experiences. This has a few advantages. Firstly it flows much more naturally and it's easier to keep the conversation going. Secondly it grounds you in reality so you see like your being real, honest and yourself (unless you are making things up). Thirdly it gives her a chance to find similarities with you. It might have been given a bad name by AFCs using it as their main tool for attraction "omg I love that too, and that, and that, and that, we are soo similar." However it is a legitimate way to build interest as long as you are being honest and the similarities are real. If you disagree with something occasionally the rest will seem much more genuine.

Another benefit of talking about your own experience is that it gives her a lot more material too continue the conversation with. What people do is follow your lead and tell their own stories, which in turn makes it a lot easier for you to continue the conversation. You will also find a lot more about them even if you don’t know their favourite colour or what their middle name is. And It just seems more normal. Chuck some playfulness, light ****y/funny, push/pull and roleplay into this and you are everything you need for great conversations building both attraction and connection.

Without actually talking about yourself there's nothing that the girl can connect with. What is she going to think about and remember you by if you don't reveal anything to her? Now of course without attraction you are still going to end up as a friend, but now you can have a connection too. It's this kind of thing that makes a girl think 'wow I get along with him so easily and we have so much in common'. As long as you stay away from bad conversational topics, the questionnaire, lying, bragging, you should be fine. The 'DHVs' will come naturally.

That's just my opinion from my experience. I not a brilliant DJ and make no claim to be, but I find this covers basic conversation. It made conversations a lot easier and a lot more naturally for me. So it's worth thinking about.

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Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Man if a girl doesn't talk YOUR ear off, I don't think she's that interested. I haven't known many women that can't talk for hours without much response from you.

But yes, to get them interested there needs to be a YOU. But believe me they are the play-by-play, we are the color man talking about their ****. There are exceptions to the rule though.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Conversation is easy. Actually getting it to lead somewhere is the hard part. I haven't figured out how to actually attract a girl through conversation.

I have gotten to the point where I can easily become "class buddies" with virtually anybody. But it never leads anywhere. Right now there are 6 girls that I regularly converse with during the school week. But I don't talk to any of them outside of class. Asking any of them out seems like the most awkward thing in the world.

I can tell that none of them are interested in me. But I might also be at the point where I am in denial that any girl could be interested me, that I am blind to any and all signs of attraction.

How do you make sure you don't become buddies with girls?

Also what do you do if you don't have any interesting stories to tell?
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Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
FairShake said:
Man if a girl doesn't talk YOUR ear off, I don't think she's that interested.
I disagree. Ive had girls approach ME and they were more on the quiet side.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
Great post. I've actually found myself doing the 'questionnaire' type thing lately, usually its all i can think of (how was your weekend, did you go to the game, hows it going, etc etc etc). i noticed it on my own recently and i definitely need to work on that. i agree with you on the part where you said she can relate to you and maybe she'll even remember you when she has a similar experience. which is why it's also great to tell stories, and it shows you get around and have an interesting life too.

but yeah it's ok to talk about yourself, its not like she suddenly knows you inside and out and isnt interested anymore because she has nothing to wonder about you. dont give away your life story (if thats even possible) or your daily life or anything. and i dont even see that happening until you get into a relationship or something where its ok anyway. maybe i didnt read the mystery method enough though. oh well just dont avoid talking about yourself like you would the plague...
correct me if i'm wrong...

also, you spelled Conversation wrong ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Man if a girl doesn't talk YOUR ear off, I don't think she's that interested. I haven't known many women that can't talk for hours without much response from you.
I disagree. There are plenty of girls with quiet personalities. What about if you don't really know a girl and you are talking to her for the first time? I highly doubt she will be talking your ear off in that situation, you will have to do a lot of the work. Relating things to your experience might take the awkardness off and get her to open up to you more easily. In situations where I know a girl just because I talk about myself doesn't mean I'm doing most of the talking.

How do you make sure you don't become buddies with girls?

Also what do you do if you don't have any interesting stories to tell?
Yeah that's a tough question. The best way is just to be fairly direct. Ask the girl out and if she says no move on. If you are interested ask her even if you don't think she is. You can never honestly know until you ask. Whether you think she is interested or not is mainly just something you create in your head. I don't agree with looking for signs of attraction. As guys it's not our job to think if she is interested in us, we just have to know if we are interested in her or not. If you are then go for her, if you aren't then don't, it's as simple as that. I'm not promising that you will get a particular girl, but you will definately get someone this way. I know it's kind of hard to do at first but it's a lot better than looking hopefully to see if she is interested all thw time. I wuote myself here:

However the whole act of looking for IOIs can screw you up. Rather that looking you should be acting. The only IOI you can rely on is when you esculate and she doesn't reject. If you ask her out and she says yes, THATS an IOI. If you go to kiss her and she kisses you back then THATS an IOI.

I'm interested in this stuff but you simply can't be analysing if she's twirling her hair and hold a good, fun conversation. Not to say that that the thread doesn't have a valid question. I think we should rely more on what feel rather than what we come up with logically. Do you feel that's she's interested? Much better than counting IOIs.
If you want to know how to build attraction etc look in the DJ Bible. Look at stuff like kino, role playing, ****y/funny, negs, push/pull etc. If you want to look outside of these forums Swinggcat's ebook is great for that stuff. Some people even say attraction is either there or it's not, you can build it but not created. I don't really choose to take either perspective because I don't think anything is true all of the time. Attraction isn't just about conversation, there is kino, body language, vocal tone, state, eye contact, physical attraction, status, social proof and a lot of other things. It can make you do worse if you analyze it all though.

I'm not sure I have any 'interesting stories' but I have been able to create some great sexual innendos and role plays that the girl has joined in. A made a little post here. To avoid the friends zone you need to be more sexual and take action, there's really no other way around it.

Great post. I've actually found myself doing the 'questionnaire' type thing lately, usually its all i can think of (how was your weekend, did you go to the game, hows it going, etc etc etc). i noticed it on my own recently and i definitely need to work on that. i agree with you on the part where you said she can relate to you and maybe she'll even remember you when she has a similar experience. which is why it's also great to tell stories, and it shows you get around and have an interesting life too.
You can do still ask those questions. "How are you going? Oh that's cool I'm actually going awesome at the moment because _____". "How was your weekend? That's sounds fun. My weekend was crazy! Me and my mates were blah blah blah". Even if you don't have the best story you can make it sound good by being expressive and exagerating a little. These things actually act as DHVs if you have done anything interesting without having to have routines and stuff. Of course it helps if you have an interesting lifestyle.

but yeah it's ok to talk about yourself, its not like she suddenly knows you inside and out and isnt interested anymore because she has nothing to wonder about you. dont give away your life story (if thats even possible) or your daily life or anything. and i dont even see that happening until you get into a relationship or something where its ok anyway. maybe i didnt read the mystery method enough though. oh well just dont avoid talking about yourself like you would the plague...
correct me if i'm wrong...
Talking about yourself is fine if you aren't trying to impress her, i.e. bragging. I can see some people talking about themselves too much but that's only going to happen if you don't let her get a word in. That wont happen if you a actually interested in what she has to say. So going deeper it's more about being comfortable with yourself and being interested in the other people. I see that your 14, I wouldn't reccomend reading the Mystery Method too much. Even though I've done it myself it's basically designed around Mystery's magic tricks and for attracting coked up older girls in L.A. You might get something out of it just try not to overthink things or take it too literally.