The alpha/beta scenario.. but with women


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
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I was thinking about the situation with women, and their dilemma with having to choose between alphas/betas and the blend in between, and I realised that men actually have same problem with girls:

The madonna/***** complex.

Both ultimately want the 2 roles combined, both struggle with the reality that most of the opposite gender seem to slide to one extreme of the scale and both seem be attracted more to the alpha/***** extreme.

So really, we're not that dissimilar..


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
I don't care much about what is labelled alpha and beta, they're fluid social constructs which are defined by whatever traits people throw into them. It is indeed an uphill struggle trying to fit to either or both of them.
What I care about is what works out and what doesn't, sometimes people will put some of those things into either category but I don't care.

@Amante Silvestre that picture made me laugh hard, awesome!


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
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I think the main difference between men and women in this regard is that a woman will often put a little more stock into dating alpha vs. beta than a man does. Although I have my own preferences, I'm just as good with a woman who is self sufficient, educated, career orientated and willing to cover the bill as I am with being the provider for the more shy, meek types, or even on a few occasions, the sugar daddy.

For me, the main issue is not alpha vs. beta or some mixture in-between, but in how an "alpha" woman perceives feminism.

Some, obviously, see it as just one, big, man-hating club. Those are the Madonna/b*tches I'd love to put in front of a firing squad. But I know many independent, self-sufficient women who are feminists, yet still see those Madonna types as a pathetic joke and a stain on feminism.

I posted the below image on my FB page during the last women's rights march in D.C. and had a lot of attractive, independent, alpha-type women "like" and laugh at it.

Actually you may be onto something here, as I think feminism is what's screwing the whole system up. If the genders are left alone then they'll complement each other and nature will bring the one to their equal.

When this artificial system comes in that tries to force masculine traits upon women, the whole balances gets fudged, as we don't really have a masculine equivalent.. although 'red pill' is fast becoming that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
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Thing is, I don't have an issue with the underlying principle of women's rights at all. I'm all for it. What f*cks it all up, like you said, is the forced, legal aspect of it all, which is typically driven by the man-hating types of women along with the white-knight, beta men who champion it and help push these policies forward. There is definitely a growing trend of women who don't see feminism in that way, who also believe women already have many of the rights these Meg-types are out there protesting for. Unfortunately, these women are sometimes hated just as much or even more so than men themselves. It is sometimes a pretty ugly divide within the female culture.
It's funny though, because you can see how it's going to swing from one extreme to another..

Nobody can deny that there was a significant difference between men and womens rights years ago, and that's where I guess feminism came in. It's achieved its goals in the west, and women have the rights they never had.. but instead of stopping there and staying at equilibrium, it's overshot the mark and now we're seeing the same imbalance but on the other extreme.

Naturally, resistance is forming to redress the balance (and that seems to be this whole 'red pill' / MGOTW movement. I can see it now though: Eventually the pendulum will swing back the other way, but then we'll probably find ourselves back in the whole patriarchy era, ha.