Thai bar girl giving freebies and day dates = interest?


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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I'm in thailand for a work thing at the moment, and it's the first time in a while that I haven't had a couple of plates here to call upon, so I decided to take a wander down Soi Coyboy, a street in bangkok where the girls dance, encourage you to buy them drinks which they get a commission on, and for a small bar fine you can take them away from the bar and do whatever at a price you decide upon with girl directly

I was really just curious more than anything, but a particularly hot girl spotted me walking down the street and approached me drag me by the elbow to a table and started to flirt with me. Hottest f****** girl I've ever seen to be honest with you.

Anyway, we have a drink, and then she says to me let's get out of here I want to take a shower with you and have your babies. Great salesmanship which I wasn't buying for a second, but we went and did it anyway and it was a killer lay. Rather than the hurry up and get it over with approach, we just hung out for a while afterwards laughing on the bed and showing each other photos from our instagrams and chit chatting. Pretty much the same cheery banter I would engage in with anyone who I just done positive transaction with. Walk her back and got a big hug and a kiss, and she made sure to remember my name and make sure I knew hers.

A few days later I decided to hit her up again at work, and like the amazing salesperson she obviously is, she was or came across, as excited to see me, gave me a hug, jumped straight into my lap, and said pay the bar fine and let's get out of here. About $25.

We went back to my hotel room this time watch tv, ate from the minibar, flirted just like I would on a real date where I was going to make a move in front of the box. Half an hour in, she drags me into the shower and we start to make out, before doing the deed 3 times on the bed. Afterwards while we were both still naked, she snuggled up to me and we just talked about life in general and it was kind of bizarre how it felt just like being in a real relationship. But it is their job after all.

Here's the thing though. When she eventually left to go back to her own place, again with a long hug and a warm kiss, she didn't hit me up for any money for the sex, and asked me if I wanted to take a day trip down to the beach the next day. I did that today with her and we just had a pretty friendly day holding hands little kisses here and there. Public affection in Thailand is still a bit of a no no so it was all very mild.

I don't live here at the moment so a relationship is not on the cards really, but I feel like I could hit this one up later and it would be pretty cool. Does this sound like signs of interest to you guys? I just need to know for future reference weather I'm reading this right, or just falling for a long game sales pitch.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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1,452's very common to get freebies with bar girls in Thailand if u are a good looking guy with some game...the catch...she wasn't joking about the babies... In cambodua i befriended numerous bargirls fir the gell if it abd they would straight up tell me gavibg a vabybwith a white guynis luje hutting the they think its ibcredibly cool to have mixed vabues...

You will be locked into to sending her money every month forever while she's still banging Johns on the side with 5 orv6 other overseas suitors sending hundreds of dollars each month.

Never ever fall for a Thai bar girl...they are all about the money and make even your worst American slut look like a nun in comparison.... Extremely cunning...

I knew a few chumps who fell for these and the bar girl ALWAYS goes back to her old ways...they are real pros man...and not only very good at it...but love it as well. They get drunk all day partying non stop loading up.on speed/coke/yava and generally having a lot of fun. They definitely know how to gave fun and party.

Butbthey are the most cunning manipulative women in the face of this earth.

But holy crap they are fun to bang and hang out with....had some of the best sex if my life in Thailand. Just don't ever fall for them....easier said than done with the super hot ones who are really good at pleasing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
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Its hard to tell since most Thai bar girls give most of their earnings back to their families, most of them are looking for someone with $$$ to wife them up. Proceed with caution.

Sidenote: Many of those bars are run by Thai triads. My friend got stabbed in the gut after he was found out to have a 'free lay' from one of the bar girls.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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Sounds like a hella fun time! However be aware:
1) Don't Get Attached
2) Get Yourself Tested
3) Don't Knock Her Up

(hey, those rules aren't much different from any girl you have sex with)

I know next to nothing about both Thai girls and hookers. Just be careful. You'd be crazy to even think about getting into a relationship with this girl beyond sex and hanging out.

Sure she might just like having sex with you, but this girl is a hooker. I'm sure she's had better d!ck than you and will again. No offense, but it's not the sex motivating her to hang with you. It's not the money in the short term either. As others have mentioned, could be after money in the future or your babies.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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Yeah, i gotta keep up my sense of detachment. I'm getting sucked in because I'm lonely I guess.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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Ruler said:
I've never dealt with a hooker but that sounds pretty legit if you ask me. Why else would she not ask for money after sex and then invite you down for a day at the beach?

Unless she just wanted you to pay for her day trip to the beach, which I could see. Otherwise I'm not sure. Hit her up later.
Opposite actually. She did all the driving, and bought us lobster for lunch under palm trees. I was expecting the guys from the hangover 2 to rock up in a speedboat any second


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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zinc4 said:
But holy crap they are fun to bang and hang out with....had some of the best sex if my life in Thailand. Just don't ever fall for them....easier said than done with the super hot ones who are really good at pleasing.
I hear ya man. The bit that's doing the biggest number on my head is the fact that it feels just like having a girlfriend. Especially with the day date, the holding hands and all that crap. The car that we drove to the beach in was probably purchased by some guy in love with her

It's such a shame because the whole act makes for the perfect girlfriend


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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Update on the last couple of days I was there.

I spent more 1 more night with this girl, not paying, and after we had some sexy time, she drove me around all night looking at temples and went to chinatown to eat street food. She stayed over, morning bang before driving me to the markets to pick up some things to bring home, and then to the airport.

While we were walking around the market she broke the heels clean off her high heel shoes. As a bit of a money test I suggested she let me buy her a new pair, and she refused politely. When I pulled out some money to give her for what I thought would be a nice pair, she gave me half the money back and thanked me. Said it was too much ($50 aud). She paid for everything else that day including lunch and parking at the airport.

Either I got some time with a girl who is interested in me despite her job, or i got the best customer service in the world. Either way I'm happy and it was fun.
Apr 23, 2015
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Thorninmyside said:
Update on the last couple of days I was there.

I spent more 1 more night with this girl, not paying, and after we had some sexy time, she drove me around all night looking at temples and went to chinatown to eat street food. She stayed over, morning bang before driving me to the markets to pick up some things to bring home, and then to the airport.

While we were walking around the market she broke the heels clean off her high heel shoes. As a bit of a money test I suggested she let me buy her a new pair, and she refused politely. When I pulled out some money to give her for what I thought would be a nice pair, she gave me half the money back and thanked me. Said it was too much ($50 aud). She paid for everything else that day including lunch and parking at the airport.

Either I got some time with a girl who is interested in me despite her job, or i got the best customer service in the world. Either way I'm happy and it was fun.
This is what they will do. They will have one real boyfriend who they won't let spend money. And the others are their tricks. I don't think it's an act at all it lets her feel human. In her eyes your her boyfriend.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Dude....but the fact is...she's a hooker...why would you want anything with a hooker??????

Get a normal chick man and just use this one strictly for sex and casual company....never forget what she does for aivibg nan...

There's a saying in Thailand...

You can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl....don't be like those old pathetic washed up losers floating around there who gets duped and thinks otherwise.... Those are some of the saddest most pathetic guys I've ever seen in my least a chump in the states in a relationship with a beached whale is dating a non hooker....but dating a hooker with there being feelings involved is only for the most desperate men.on earth...pump and dump man...I don't care how beautiful she is...

I was casually dating a legit gorgeous hb 9 in Cambodia of all places....most beautiful girl I've ever been with probably by far...but I was never foolish enough to regard her for anything more than sex as she was a freelancer on the side...


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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zinc4 said:
Dude....but the fact is...she's a hooker...why would you want anything with a hooker??????

Get a normal chick man and just use this one strictly for sex and casual company....never forget what she does
I know man. I'm already back in my own country now.

I just had a suspicion from the beginning that I was getting more than I paid for it and all things considered, i think I probably did due to actual interest. That was really the nature of my query from the beginning.