Text game


Apr 25, 2016
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I have received quite a few DM's on here lately about texting (traditional text, social media messaging, etc). Let me start by saying that just a few years ago my text game was crap compared to what it is now. At this point I feel as if my text game is just as strong as my approach in real life. The reason is this- I just applied how I would approach a woman in real life to my text game. I dont try to be overly funny, I just be myself and stay very chill and laid back.

There are a few things that I do when I initiate a message to a chick. Key words- when I initiate the message:

1.) You must understand that you sending the message to her will be considered your "approach" in her eyes. She knows why you are messaging her unless she has some type of mental developmental issues. Having said that, would you approach a woman in real life and instantly tell her how great she looks or any other direct form of validation/compliments? Geez I hope not. Instead you would approach with a simple "hey how are you" and turn it into casual, laid back conversation if you know how to approach women. Sending initial long messages, giving immediate compliments about HER, etc will all come across as a thirsty guy who has no options.
Just keep it cool and simple. That alone will separate you from the other dozen guys sniffing around in her inbox (if she is attractive) because the truth is, most guys are in chase mode and drooling at the mouth when they message women. Women can tell this instantly. In my initial message I keep it cool and almost always ask a question. The ball is in her court as to whether or not she wants to respond back to answer it. You can generate the question from something you see in her profile (OLD) or a mutual friend or some thing that you see she enjoys (positive topic to bring up) on her fb/IG profile.

2.) Your next response will be based on her reply to your message and HOW she replies to your message. If you approached a woman in a club, played it cool and you could instantly not feel as if the woman was happy or excited that you approached her, would you continue talking to her? I hope not. Same with texting/messaging. If a woman replies back with a really short response and I feel no enthusiasm from her, I will just bail out right there. Without saying anything.

If she comes back with something upbeat, asks me a question (IOI) and seems interested in messaging me, I will proceed. Its the same as approaching a woman in a club. If the approach easily translates into a good conversation, I will stay engaged. If it doesnt, I will simply move on. If she does not respond to my initial message, she will never hear from me again UNLESS she picks the conversation back up. Very simple.

3.) You messaged her. She seemed enthusiastic in her response. Now its time to move the conversation to a "date" or meeting up. If she is interested and you do this very casually she will be ok with it.

Put it in perspective:
Me: Hey so and so. I see that we have several mutual friends and you like (horseback riding/rock climbing/whatever). How often do you get the chance to go?
Her: Oh Hi! Yes I love (whatever). I normally go a few times a month but I wish I could go more often. Do you also like to (whatever)?
Me: Absolutely although I am not as great at it as I am other things. Its definitely something I would like to get into more often.
Her: Thats awesome! Maybe we will have to get together sometime and do it.
Me: Sounds good. I am really busy and have to run, but I am going to such and such place on Thursday evening for a drink and (darts/whatever). Why dont you join and we can talk more about it then.
Her: Sounds good. What time?
Me: I will see you there at 8
Her: See you there

This was an actual texting convo with a chick 2 weeks ago. Notice I am not coming across as a thirsty man with no other options. Very casual in approach, no compliments, easily transitioned to meeting up......left her to wonder exactly what my intentions are with her (mystery) yet showed interest (didnt over pursue). Outcome indifferent.

On the other hand:

Me: Hey so and so. I see that we have several mutual friends and blah blah blah
Her: Yeah
Me: Cool. Do you get to go horeseback riding often?
Her: Not really
Me: Gotcha

If that is the response that I get..... its time to bail out. If she reaches back out fine, if not I am not wasting any more time because she is showing little to no interest in messaging me. Wont hear from me again unless she reaches out.

If a chick messages me first, "waves" at me on FB, etc., its a totally different ballgame but I still sort of follow the same script. If she initiated, I take that as HER approach and I dont have to determine whether or not she has physical attraction. At that point its all about me just playing it cool and letting her pursue.

Over the past 2 years I have really had great success through social media platforms. It is super easy as long as the woman has some physical attraction. Social media, OLD and every other platform is tool. I believe all should be utilized but if you are not having success on one of them do not get discouraged.

I get with way more women through social media than I ever did on OLD.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2012
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I'll go ahead and take some credit for inspiring you to write this thread ;)

Great post. In the example you gave, what platform were you on?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
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Thanks for this
I got no txt game this is helpful


Mar 12, 2011
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Me: Hey so and so. I see that we have several mutual friends and you like (horseback riding/rock climbing/whatever). How often do you get the chance to go?
Her: Oh Hi! Yes I love (whatever). I normally go a few times a month but I wish I could go more often. Do you also like to (whatever)?
Me: Absolutely although I am not as great at it as I am other things. Its definitely something I would like to get into more often.
Her: Thats awesome! Maybe we will have to get together sometime and do it.
Me: Sounds good. I am really busy and have to run, but I am going to such and such place on Thursday evening for a drink and (darts/whatever). Why dont you join and we can talk more about it then.
Her: Sounds good. What time?
Me: I will see you there at 8
Her: See you there

This was an actual texting convo with a chick 2 weeks ago. Notice I am not coming across as a thirsty man with no other options.
It’s not about you having no options. It’s about this girls interest is 100%. To come across girls who:

1) ask you what you like to do
2) tell you “we will have to get together”
3) ask you what time they can meet you
4) see you there

On a simple text? That’s a rarity.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
It’s not about you having no options. It’s about this girls interest is 100%. To come across girls who:

1) ask you what you like to do
2) tell you “we will have to get together”
3) ask you what time they can meet you
4) see you there

On a simple text? That’s a rarity.
You're never going to have a womans interest at 100% early on so I'm not sure what you're talking about.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
I'll go ahead and take some credit for inspiring you to write this thread ;)

Great post. In the example you gave, what platform were you on?
Lol. You were one of them but it's cool.

Everyone is here to get better and nobody has it all completely figured out.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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I was rereading a bit of Corey Wayne and it reminded me of this thread. Regarding compliments at the beginning of an interaction, he says the exact same thing that you do.


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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@nismo-4 How hard do you think it would be to add something like that? The forums’ had the same sections as long as I can remember


Jan 14, 2018
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Glass dude has it right.

Men would come off more successfully with these examples and it basically flows out naturally based on a man's inherent traits.

But copying glasses style don't mean shiet if you as a man don't have it built within you.

You'll need more than just copying, you'll need to reinvent yourselves by reprogramming the way you think to influence how you respond to texts seamlessly.

Again, great post by Glass dude.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Texting is for chumps. The best text game is identifying texting as nothing more than a logistical means of relaying information. Texting as a means of actual conversation can only hurt you.

Women communicate covertly, which means what they actually say isn’t important. Trying to woo a woman over text is futile.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Texting is for chumps. The best text game is identifying texting as nothing more than a logistical means of relaying information. Texting as a means of actual conversation can only hurt you.

Women communicate covertly, which means what they actually say isn’t important. Trying to woo a woman over text is futile.
Some can do it though. I agree its better to speak in voice or un person.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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While on this subject, what do you guys recommend when you notice her texts become less wordy, less frequent and even sense a little attitude? My initial reaction is to just stop texting her. But what do you guys think?

I have very little to lose. I've already smashed 4-5 times and my IL is declining because of the attitude I'm sensing from her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
While on this subject, what do you guys recommend when you notice her texts become less wordy, less frequent and even sense a little attitude? My initial reaction is to just stop texting her. But what do you guys think?

I have very little to lose. I've already smashed 4-5 times and my IL is declining because of the attitude I'm sensing from her.
Usually when this happens another man has entered her life. The adage less is more typically applies. Remove attention and if she reaches out and is nice and submissive you can pick up where you left off.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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While on this subject, what do you guys recommend when you notice her texts become less wordy, less frequent and even sense a little attitude? My initial reaction is to just stop texting her. But what do you guys think?

I have very little to lose. I've already smashed 4-5 times and my IL is declining because of the attitude I'm sensing from her.
Ask her out. If she doesn’t agree just stop texting her altogether. She’ll come back around on her own time.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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Ask her out. If she doesn’t agree just stop texting her altogether. She’ll come back around on her own time.
Let's say she's down to hangout, should I even give any thought to her latest style of texting?


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2018
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It's hard not to give it thought because it messes with your head, but your goal should be to not give it any thought because there is little you can do about it. You can try to take it as an indicator of interest (or lack of one in this case), but there isn't much you can do but to force her to take action, and to back off a bit yourself. When a girl slows up in her responses to me, I do the same to her, if not even more. My responses to her become increasingly short, and increasingly more time between texts. I won't initiate texts with her any more than once a week and if I feel like she's really lost interest, I won't initiate at all.

I'm actually in that exact situation myself right now. This girl I've been on/off with for almost six months now broke things off with me a couple months ago. We both went no-contact. Then after a month, she reached out to me. I didn't even have to invite her out because she invited me out in her initial text to me. But I did set the specific date/time/place/activity. After that agreement to hang out, we didn't text as often as we used to - maybe once every 3-5 days. After the date, and hooking up, we text even less, but she does initiate and when she does, I invite her out on a date. She always says yes. But these days she is taking 12-24 hours to respond (and by that I mean, even if she initiates text, I may respond in 1 hour or 12, but she never responds faster than 12 anymore). Really nothing you can do about it. If she's losing interest then there is no action you can take to regain her interest other than take away your time and attention to her.

I am curious to hear what @Glassguy and others have to say about this though.
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