Text Game and other tips from a lady!


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all. Just wanted to share a few tips I received from a female friend on game and SMS related issues. The most interesting quotes were:

"When a girl's assessing someone as dating material she's considering them as the potential father of her children."

Reread that and think about the implications for your game. They run deep.

"Girls will run tests on a guy to see what he's like. They check for persistence as an indicator of consistence."

Basically, this relates to the first quote. Are you really serious about her? Are you willing to put in the hard yards if needs be? Are you really interested in her through thick and thin? She will measure the seriousness of your interest by the persistence you display.

The above is where a lot of PUAs get the whole 'she's got to do the chasing' attitude and lose out.

However, here's the kicker, and where the AFCs/desperados get it wrong. This is to do with SMS/phone game:

"She also wants to know you're not the knd of guy who's going to be calling her non-stop and never giving her any space."

So the key here is to strike a balance. She wants persistence but not too much all at once. And yes you must still be prepared to walk away if you are making an inreasonable amount of effort for no return. So how do we get this right?

"If you meet her on a night out, text/call one the evening the next day with a courtesy text. If you get a reply, go with it (but don't go mad on it at this stage). If you don't, wait a couple of days then text her something witty or cool. SHe will probably be really surprised."

OK, at this point I can't guarantee this works, but it seems to make a lot of sense. I'm going harvest some numbers next time I'm out and put this to the test. If anyone wants to do the same, post the results here, and I will give my own evaluation at some point in the near future.

PS. This is not a flake-free technique, but it might help reduce the percentages!


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
I'm all for persistance, but I hate clingyness.

There's one girl who will NEVER text me first unless I ask her to. But when I ask her to, she ALWAYS does. And when I text her, it's usually every couple of days, and not everyday. Even though she wont write me first, she's still very much into me, tells me how much she likes me, and we usually always hook-up when we hang out. I think the key is to strike a balance like you said. Some guys have the 3 strike rule, it's a good rule to live by.. but I can honestly say I've broken it a few times and was able to get the girl in the sack.. they were some of the best lays I've had, and it was all because they liked my persistancy.

Persistancy = checking up on them every once in awhile to see how they're doing.

Clingy = calling every day, twice a day. Sometimes more. Always messaging them online. Constantly worry about why they're not talking to YOU.. etc..

Honestly, the only time I usually talk to girls online/SMS/phone is to set-up a meeting. All the rest of the small talk is initiated by THEM. Occasionally, I will check up on them and talk to them for a bit if I feel them drifting away a little, just to keep my foot in the door, but never an everyday thing.


Don Juan
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
This rings true with something I remember some of my female friends were telling me. They said that if they turn down a guy and then later he asks them out again, they are more likely to accept the second or third time if done in a non-needy way. They said it was 'flattering' to be 'chased' after like that, but obviously too much chasing is needy and a big turn-off.

So the moral? Chase, but not too much.