

Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2007
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So my girl started busting on me because I tan. Any good responses?


Aug 25, 2007
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You don't like long big d1ck, baby?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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tanning is good for u and it looks much better


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
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Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
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Tell her it has nothing to do with tanning. Tell her it is therapy for your claustrophobia.

Than crack on something she does.

If she calls you on it, than just tell her how you like it and how invigorating of an experience it is.

Than switch it over to her by asking: "Isn't there anything invigorating that you enjoy doing"?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
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Jaxon said:
hahaha HELL NO. What part of skin cancer don't you understand?

"A tan is actually a sign of skin damage. Skin cells that have been damaged by ultraviolet (UV) radiation produce more of the pigment melanin and that is what produces the tan."

you have a higher chance to get skin cancer from the sun then you do with a tanning bed, as the UVA and UVB rays are controlled. if tanning is used in moderation it provides healthy nutrients to your skin, boosts your mood and energy levels due to the release of endorphins it causes. Even the aging caused by it can be counteracted if you moisturize correctly.

No **** obviously if you live in a tanning bed it is bad for you, but learn your facts before you speak.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 27, 2007
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eminence said:
you have a higher chance to get skin cancer from the sun then you do with a tanning bed, as the UVA and UVB rays are controlled. if tanning is used in moderation it provides healthy nutrients to your skin, boosts your mood and energy levels due to the release of endorphins it causes. Even the aging caused by it can be counteracted if you moisturize correctly.

No **** obviously if you live in a tanning bed it is bad for you, but learn your facts before you speak.
"Many people today still want a tan despite the fact that sun exposure is known to be associated with skin cancer and premature ageing of the skin. A tan is often seen as cosmetically attractive and as an ******d sign of good health.

A tan is actually a sign of skin damage. Skin cells that have been damaged by ultraviolet (UV) radiation produce more of the pigment melanin and that is what produces the tan."

"In conclusion, there is no scientific evidence that the use of tanning beds and booths is any less damaging or harmful than exposure to outdoor sunlight. To the contrary, the evidence suggests that indoor tanning may be even more damaging and dangerous, especially because some people become addicted to maintaining a deep, dark tan irrespective of the season."

Dumbass. What do you think a tan is? SKIN DAMAGE. That means any amount of tan you have is due to your skin is trying to protect itself because it has been damaged. Therefore there is NO AMOUNT OF TAN THAT IS HEALTHY. Exposure to sunlight without tanning or burning can be healthy. Being in the sun with sunblock on can still "brighten your mood". Learn to f*cking read and take a f*cking health class before you open your mouth.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
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Jaxon said:
"Many people today still want a tan despite the fact that sun exposure is known to be associated with skin cancer and premature ageing of the skin. A tan is often seen as cosmetically attractive and as an ******d sign of good health.

A tan is actually a sign of skin damage. Skin cells that have been damaged by ultraviolet (UV) radiation produce more of the pigment melanin and that is what produces the tan."

"In conclusion, there is no scientific evidence that the use of tanning beds and booths is any less damaging or harmful than exposure to outdoor sunlight. To the contrary, the evidence suggests that indoor tanning may be even more damaging and dangerous, especially because some people become addicted to maintaining a deep, dark tan irrespective of the season."

Dumbass. What do you think a tan is? SKIN DAMAGE. That means any amount of tan you have is due to your skin is trying to protect itself because it has been damaged. Therefore there is NO AMOUNT OF TAN THAT IS HEALTHY. Exposure to sunlight without tanning or burning can be healthy. Being in the sun with sunblock on can still "brighten your mood". Learn to f*cking read and take a f*cking health class before you open your mouth.

your still an idiot, your getting information from an uncredited source. Are you a doctor? Do you know anything on the subject other then what your brainwashed to believe?

Lets break down what you just wrote:
Jaxon said:
What do you think a tan is? SKIN DAMAGE. That means any amount of tan you have is due to your skin is trying to protect itself because it has been damaged.
Ever hear of something called evolution? Everything that happens in our body is for a reason. Tanning is the human body’s natural and intended response to ultraviolet light exposure. Throughout human evolution a tan has served as the body’s natural acquired protection against sunburn and overexposure... so actually you have a tan to protect you. Why do you think skin cancer is more common among people who have a paler skin tone(irish, scottish, etc) its because they aren't protected from the suns UV rays as well.

Jaxon said:
Skin cells that have been damaged by ultraviolet (UV) radiation produce more of the pigment melanin and that is what produces the tan.
hahahah since when does melanin cause skin damage or cancer? I guess black people are doomed to have cancer and all must be permanently damaged...

Jaxon said:
"In conclusion, there is no scientific evidence that the use of tanning beds and booths is any less damaging or harmful than exposure to outdoor sunlight. To the contrary, the evidence suggests that indoor tanning may be even more damaging and dangerous, especially because some people become addicted to maintaining a deep, dark tan irrespective of the season."
Natural light actually is composed of energy waves that are transmitted 93 million miles from the sun to the Earth. Each energy wave (or light ray) occurs in a different part of a complex light spectrum based on its length in nanometers (nm), which is one-billionth of a meter. Different forms of light are differentiated by the length of the waves – the wavelength. That means that no two types of light are the same. As I mentioned earlier, the amount you get from inside a tanning salon is controlled specifically to a healthy level. Not only sitting outside in the sun do you get a higher amount of these rays, you also have other rays coming down on you...

I'm not going to call you a dumbass...because by now you must feel like an idiot, but heres a little more info for ya:

UVB is responsible for the natural Vitamin D production in your body, this is why many older people tan to stay healthy.

Saying that UV light damages the skin, and therefore you should avoid UV light, is like saying that water causes drowning, and therefore you should avoid water. Just like water, we need UV light to live. So calling UV exposure “damage” is an oversimplification that misrepresents what your body as a whole is designed to do.

I really can't stand misinformed people who insist on what they read must be the right answer, because it has been written. If anyone wants some more information on tanning, send me a PM.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 27, 2007
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Yes, limited exposure to the sun is healthy in order for your body to receive Vitamin D, but saying that a tan reflects this and is in fact healthy is BS, along with pretty much everything else you spewed:


"Despite its association with good health and good looks, a tan is actually a sign of skin-cell damage, which can increase the risk for skin cancer and accelerate skin aging. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using self-tanning lotions and sprays as an alternative to tanning in UV light from the sun or an indoor tanning bed."


"The American Academy of Dermatology, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have all discouraged the use of tanning beds and sun lamps, because the ultraviolet radiation from these devices can damage the skin, cause premature aging and increase the risk of skin cancer."


"There is no such thing as a safe tan. The increase in skin pigment, called melanin, which causes the tan color change in your skin is a sign of damage."


"And despite the popular notion that tanning beds offer a 'safe' alternative to getting a tan, nothing could be further from the truth."


"The radiation produced by tanning devices can damage your skin, just like sunlight. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation, whether from a tanning device or the sun, increases your health risks."

Like I said, take a f*cking class, dumbass.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
your repeating the same stuff I just disproved you on earlier......I don't understand what your trying to get at, your just making yourself look like an idiot.

Someone delete this guys posts please.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 27, 2007
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eminence said:
your repeating the same stuff I just disproved you on earlier......I don't understand what your trying to get at, your just making yourself look like an idiot.

Someone delete this guys posts please.
rofl! Dude are you mental? You expect people on this board to take you at your word and believe some BS you pulled out of your a*s on evolution and the sun being 93 million miles away?

I think I'll take the word of The American Academy of Dermatology and the FDA over yours, thanks.

Oh and by the way, if you're going to call someone an idiot, at least spell the word "you're" correctly.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2007
Reaction score
yea, keep tanning

most chicks seem to dig black guys, so get as dark as you can


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Jaxon said:
rofl! Dude are you mental? You expect people on this board to take you at your word and believe some BS you pulled out of your a*s on evolution and the sun being 93 million miles away?

I think I'll take the word of The American Academy of Dermatology and the FDA over yours, thanks.

Oh and by the way, if you're going to call someone an idiot, at least spell the word "you're" correctly.
The FDA, AAD, and any other skin care lobbyists are all influenced by pharmaceutical corporations. SPF lotion and outdoor suncare products are a multi-billion dollar industry. They want you to believe this and hire all these "medical experts" for a reason. To make more $$$$$$$....otherwise they would be out of a job if people stopped using their products. Infact these corporations spend millions of dollars a year alone just to put this information out their so people like you spread their "truth."

I have nothing else to say to you except that you are misinformed. I shouldn't be angry at you for that, so I'll apologize for any offensive comments I directed towards you. Most people are too proud to change their views and admit they are wrong, so if you'd like, send me a PM and I'll answer any questions you have.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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HAHAHAHA delete this thread NOW

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
You're a goddamn moron and you should be banned for giving out false advice that could potentially lead to someone's skin cancer on this forum, you fvckin sh1t for brains. Moderate sunlight exposure is needed for vitamin D production, no sh1t? Roasting yourself in a tanning booth enough to maintain a tan is FAR, FAR more than you need to produce enough vitamin D. For fvcks sake, you're talking about evolution? Are you really that much of a retard? Enjoy your melanoma years down the line. Of course, you'll probably be stupid enough to blame it on genetics and bad luck when it happens.

Why does this board attract the dumbest of the dumb?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
your right, this community is full of idiots. Oh, hi "master bates"