@Tall Guys (6'2''+)


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
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I'm 6'3 and I think girls generally like it, but for the most part, I think girls don't care much whether you're 6 foot or 6'3...So being 6'3 isn't really that big of an advantage with most girls.

However, Ive realized tall women seem to care about it A LOT. After all the majority of women want a guy who's taller/significantly taller than themselves, which for women who are 5'10/5'11 isn't easy..their choices are very limited..whereas the choices of a tall guy are not, because he can date women from all heights really (Ive never been with a girl over 5'7 actually). I know a girl who is 6ft and would complain about there not being any guys she's attracted to, because none of them was really taller than her (of course many were a bit taller than her, but not significantly taller). I also know I get a lot more EC from tall chicks.

Have you tall guys noticed the same thing? That usually the 5'10/5'11 chicks will go for you over most other guys? I think I'm generally good-looking (but not superhot), but that to the women who are 5'10/5'11 it takes me off the scale, because of their limited choices.

And just as important: Where in the world could you find tall (+hot) chicks??? I've been thinking shops for tall people (but then again I dont want to attract extremely tall women), volleyball games, tall dating sites. Any other suggestions?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
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My ex girlfriend says she loves my height by the way I'm 5'11" and she's about 5'2". I've had alot of girls tell me they find tallness in a guy attractive.

I remember when I got into an elevator and a real tall guy about your height came inside along with this babes. I thought they were gonna be admiring my handsome looks but they were behind him and the girls we're all giggly like turned on.

And one of em built up courage and asked him " hey how tall are you?" like she was trying to open him.

So inside I knew height is attractive to a female like big t!ts are attractive to guys.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2007
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United States
I'm close to 6'11" -- I get the "hey, how tall are you?" question a lot, and I generally don't feel it's an opener so much as it is an object of genuine curiosity. In fact, it's not a question limited to women; I'll get random strangers, even guys, on an elevator or on line at a store that'll ask the same thing. On average, I get asked around 3-4 times on a weekday and twice that often on the weekend.

I don't consider being my height an advantage at all. Most women, it's been my experience, are looking for a guy between 6'0-6'4. If you fall into that range, you're cool with just about any woman you might want to date. Bigger or smaller, and you're probably narrowing your field to some extent.

I wish I knew some secret or had some advantage picking up taller women, but from what I've see it's just not there. I'd love to be able to date someone I wasn't towering over all the time.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2007
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Sadly I never knew that "tall" world.

I'm 5'5. And as a result of that I had to work really hard on my game thanks to my short height.

I had to punch through so many times. But i guess thats what made me so grateful of a thing called "human courage".

Have a good one and don't let things predetermine at birth affect your life one bit.


Oh and if you want to find tall women. Try and find runways being hosted at malls or other places. Runway Models are always usually tall since its a standard in that industry.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
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I am 6'5 and i have noticed that i get looks from tall girls too. As a matter of fact i am sure this 6'1 tall HB9.0-9.5 had the hots for me in college but i was too wussy to approach.

I also had pretty short girls interested in me because i was tall telling me they lover tall guys. I guess they feel safer with someone who is tall.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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I have 1.90m and I have to say... Man, girls don't give **** to height if you don't have anything else! I've been Djing for a while now, but most of the guys in my group are extreme. I have one really small guy who plays football and is a total mess whenever there is a game, he just destroys everyone... Too much testosterone! I'm not saying he has high self esteem, but he gets more attention with girls then most guys, with his genuine C&F persona. More two or three guys are also sort of short in my group, and they have "it".
Altough there is a other guy who is like 15 cms higher then they are and gets little attention, and one fat guy who is like the rest of them but his personality isn't that strong... It's about dominance.

Height isn't THAT important...The only thing it matters is if the guy is taller then the women. You almost never see a tall women with a short guy.

I read in a book, it had a chapter that talked a lot about height, it's called the definitive book of body language by allan and barbara pease.
It said
a Polish anthropologist, Dr Boguslaw Pawlowski, found that -
in an ideal relationship - trust, money and respect are less
important than the height difference ratio 1 to 1.09. His study
in 2004 found that, to ensure marital bliss, a man needs to be
1.09 times taller than his partner. This formula fits in the case
of failed romances, for instance Nicole Kidman (5 feet 11
inches, 1.8m) and Tom Cruise (5 feet 7 inches, 1.7m).
Couples who fit this success ratio include the following:
Cherie Blair and Tony Blair = 1.10
Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt =1.11
Victoria Beckham and David Beckham = 1.09
Those who technically fail the test ratio include:
Camilla Parker-Bowles and Prince Charles = 1.01
Penny Lancaster and Rod Stewart = 0.97


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
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I wasnt trying to turn this into yet another height-thread. And personally, I think height is somewhat overrated. Being taller than the woman is usually very important, and being significantly taller than the woman is usually even better. However, most women of average height do not care all that much whether a guy is 5'11 or 6'3.....because both are significantly taller than her.

However, with tall chicks who are in that 5'10, 5'11 (or even above) range, being 6'3 seems to be an enormous advantage. That being said, if I was skinny, or fat or ugly then my height wouldn't help with them either, I guess.

I really think the thing is that tall women don't have many guys to pick from. So when they see someone who qualifies as being tall enough for them (and good-looking) their IL is usually high right away. It's a supply-demand kind of thing...Tall guys my height can date girls of any height really, whereas tall chicks (Im talking 5'10+) can almost only date guys my height, so it's hard for them to get a guy who's (quite a bit) taller than them and good looking at the same time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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GamePlan said:
I think height is somewhat overrated.

You think height is overrated because you have height. It's like someone with money saying "money is overrated" or someone who has alot of sex with a hot girl saying "sex with a hot girl is overrated".

However, most women of average height do not care all that much whether a guy is 5'11 or 6'3.....because both are significantly taller than her.

True, but more is always better. 6'1 is better than 6'0 and 6'2 is better 6'1. Just like $500 is better than $100 and $1000 is better than $500
Girls love height because they want to feel protected. They want to feel safe around you. I'd give anything to be 6'0, let alone 6'3.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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I'm 5'10 at best and don't care the least bit about height. I pull plenty of tail, and that's all that matters to me.

Have I been overlooked by women who are really into tall guys? Probably. Have my 6'2 friends been overlooked by women for other reasons that are just as silly? You bet.

The point is that no matter your height, build, hair color, eye color, money, car, job, penis size, game, etc., there are going to be women that are attracted to you and women that aren't. The goal is to identify the ones that are and work it from there.

The Master Disaster

Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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I'm 6'3" as well, and women don't seem to mind it.

I generally like girls to be about 5'3"-5'8" but I mainly want to avoid dating women that are too short. 5 foot women is just too short for me.

My Dad is 6'6" and my mother is 5'3" and they get some looks every once in awhile.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
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"The point is that no matter your height, build, hair color, eye color, money, car, job, penis size, game, etc., there are going to be women that are attracted to you and women that aren't. The goal is to identify the ones that are and work it from there."

I agree with this perfectly, which is why I started this thread. I think I'm an overall good-looking person, but think that my being 6'3'' tall is by far my biggest edge. Many girls I know seem not to care whether the guy is 6 foot or 6 foot 3 really, so with the ordinary girl it's not like a huge advantage. However, I feel that it is a tremendous advantage with tall women that I'm trying to leverage if I can find away


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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Girls love height because they want to feel protected. They want to feel safe around you. I'd give anything to be 6'0, let alone 6'3.
I think it's important to look at WHY girls find height attractive. DonJuan11 hit it on the head. Now to all you small guys if you make a girl feel safe and protected your height wont matter much to her.

You tall guys have an advantage there. Your height does the work for you! But don't let that make you slip up on your game ;)

The point is that no matter your height, build, hair color, eye color, money, car, job, penis size, game, etc., there are going to be women that are attracted to you and women that aren't. The goal is to identify the ones that are and work it from there.
This is pretty much Bible material.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2008
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height is totally important but its not everything, if you think a girl likes you because of your height and not who you are then you are stupid.....
Basically what you have to do is put yourself in a girls body.... if i was a girl... what kind of guy would i want ? The question is would u **** u? get it ..:)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
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Again in my opinion, a guys height to a female is like big breasts to a male. It would be nice to have but not crucial.

I still date girls with small t!ts.

It's all about the masculinity and femininity that attracts each other. And for a guy his height is just one aspect that can be overlooked by females if he's packing masculinity traits elsewhere.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
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This was *not* supposed to be another "Is height important or not"-thread. Please look at the initial post...


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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jacob said:
Again in my opinion, a guys height to a female is like big breasts to a male. It would be nice to have but not crucial.

No way dude. Height is way more important to a girl than a small chest to a guy.

It's all about the masculinity and femininity that attracts each other. And for a guy his height is just one aspect that can be overlooked by females if he's packing masculinity traits elsewhere.

Why do you think guys care so much about height? Because its something you can't change. Money you can change, body type you can change, eye sight you can change, you can even change the length of the most important part of the male anatomy. But height? Nope. That's why its so important to girls and dating.

I've had hot girls tell me they wouldn't go out with a guy who was short, even if he was the Son of God!! Tall guys have it going on no matter what.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
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DonJuan11 said:

Why do you think guys care so much about height? Because its something you can't change. Money you can change, body type you can change, eye sight you can change, you can even change the length of the most important part of the male anatomy. But height? Nope. That's why its so important to girls and dating.

I've had hot girls tell me they wouldn't go out with a guy who was short, even if he was the Son of God!! Tall guys have it going on no matter what.
Nah I've had some short friends but because they lacked in height they made up for in other masculine traits like confidence, toughness, humor, not push overs to girls or tall guys, etc.

Infact even if you had the height but was gay or afc, highly unlikely it's gonna get you anywhere with the chics.

Again same analogy with the breast thing, even if a female didn't have it as long as she had nice thick @ss, cute toes, pretty face, feminine behavior, guys would look pass it, the same way females would look pass height.

Oh and to the OP, try visiting the Amazon.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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a Polish anthropologist, Dr Boguslaw Pawlowski, found that -
in an ideal relationship - trust, money and respect are less
important than the height difference ratio 1 to 1.09. His study
in 2004 found that, to ensure marital bliss, a man needs to be
1.09 times taller than his partner. This formula fits in the case
of failed romances, for instance Nicole Kidman (5 feet 11
inches, 1.8m) and Tom Cruise (5 feet 7 inches, 1.7m).
Couples who fit this success ratio include the following:
Cherie Blair and Tony Blair = 1.10
Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt =1.11
Victoria Beckham and David Beckham = 1.09
Those who technically fail the test ratio include:
Camilla Parker-Bowles and Prince Charles = 1.01
Penny Lancaster and Rod Stewart = 0.97
Haha, Polish Fail. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Being tall is like being attractive, it makes things easier. FIN.