Surviving the Cut: Special Forces--- on the Discovery Channel


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Pretty bad ass show (2 seasons) that came out about 10 years ago.

Each episode covers a specialized unit in the Military and the grueling stuff these soldiers, airman, sailors and marines go through. It doesn't cover their full training, but usually the Indocrination phases, which last a few weeks to weed out those who don't have it in them.

Some episodes included Army Rangers, Navy Seals, Marine Recon, Marine Snipers, Army Sappers, Air Force Pararescue and Army Night Stalkers (160th soar)

While I admire all these guys, I really like the Air Force Pararesue. Their motto is "So that others may live". PJs (as they are called) focus on maintaining and preserving life instead of ending a life. They also have the highest attrition rate (90%) out of all the special forces. It's ironic since other branches "laugh" at the Airforce for having the easiest standards.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
Reaction score
It’s 95% a mental game. The human body can stand most anything. Having a tough a$$ father helps.
It’s the day in, day out grind that wears on a man. It’s a cumulative factor. Anyone can survive the first day.
Good memories.
Cool man. Were you SF?