Success Stories


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
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I want people here to share their sucesses and failures, their transformation from afc to Dj, despite any hurdles they faced. thank you, i believe this would be incentive for many people including me. =D


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
This almost feels like a self-improvement pissing contest.

In January of 2006, I asked a girl out from one of my classes. This was the first girl I'd ever asked out on a date. We had some good rapport goin', yet I was still clueless as to what was actually happening. I was "mashing the keypad" if you will, with no real skill or experience as to how to successfully land a girl.
She stood me up, plain and simple. I even had one of my friends come to me and tell me that she didn't want anything to do with me, and was just leading me on and being a bizatch. What I didn't realize was that I was the one with the problem, and was scaring her away.

It was then that I went in search of answers. I knew there was something more going on here, and was pretty determined to figure out what the fvck it was. Like any intelligent person would do in my place, I went to Google and typed in Dating. Found this site.


I lost my Vcard in June of 2006. It took me 5 months of learning, and building "game" to get laid. However, within weeks(quite literally, 2 weeks) of the rejection, I asked another girl out and succeeded in that. Went on afew dates, again my inexperience/insecurity burned me. But I was determined to get it right. Part of the motivation was that out of my group of 8 buddies, I was the only one who didn't have a gf at the time. So I read on, reading the Hall of Fame, The DJ Bible(never did finish that :)), the Tips, and the Articles. Soaking in everything, I gradually began to "get it".

Fast forward to now.

I've had sex countless times(I'm sure its not an outrageous number, but I made a point of not keeping track. It seems kind of vain to me, to count how many times you've had sex). I've had 9 actual girlfriends(1 month or longer). I have random girls striking up convo's with me, obviously hitting on me.

More important than the chicks, is myself. I've improved MYSELF over this time.
1. I started working out in the summer, getting pretty buff.
2. Started reading intensively, for the purpose of learning. For that reason I'd like to think I'm alot smarter now.
3. More confident with everything I do.
4. As a result, more successful with everything I do.
5. Essentially, I've improved myself to the point where I have a right to be more ****y and arrogant and cheerful than any of my friends.

6. And most importantly, I'm pulling more @ss than an old sofa :D


Took me a year to turn myself around and be completely satisfied. Trust me, I was a trainwreck before. I had bad acne, bf% of 20+, into computer games, insecure, virgin, never had a gf, total loser. [ essentially on death row ]

Now: no acne, bf% of 11, no more PC games, state tennis player, rugby winger, ****y, confident, not a virgin, multiple gfs, total winner.