Stupid people at your gym


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
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1) Men on steroids. Yeah, I could get upto your weight if I just popped pills. Congratulations.

2) Guys that hang round your machine until you've finished. Go. Use. Something. Else. Now you just made me add another set out of spite.

3) People that come for the social. I don't want to know the staff's name or their plans for later - why do you. They're only being friendly because they're paid to. They don't really want to talk to you, about whatever nonesense your on about.

4) Half reppers. Yep, 100kg bench press, but you're just kinda shrugging it, no?

5) Fat guys that just lever their own bodyweight against the weight and lift it. No, you're not strong, you're fat, stop looking round like your Pudzianowski.

6) Guys that want to "jump in sets" with you. Do I "jump in your shopping cart", to make my shopping trip smoother? Do I jump in your car because you're going past my house. No. Wait your turn.

7) Men that wear straps to do things that don't require straps.

8) "Super-setters". Nothing wrong with it in itself, but don't get pissy with me because you "were using that". Leaving a bottle next to the station/machine/bench doesn't make it yours when you're THE OTHER SIDE OF THE GYM.

9) Husband and wife duo's. No idea why this annoys me, but it does. Men (for some reason usually dressed in camo trousers, anyone explain this?), standing over their wives whilst they swap about doing military presses with 5kg. No, just no. Also spotted side by side on cross trainer, and using the cable machine in tandem.

10) The fact that for the most part guys are on rest between sets, but a fit bird comes in and they break their necks to show they're working.

11) The "20" setters. Why are you doing 20 sets of benchpress? It's a mystery. But this guy will be dammed if he's going to let you near the bench press in the hour you;re here. Best go do something else

12) The female orgasm guy. Always garunteed to ruin your day, the guy lifting, and making the "oooooooooooOOH" sound, like Amy Reid being taken roughly from behind. Make it manly or STFU.

Phew, I could go on for hours, but that'll do for now.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
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WesCottII said:
12) The female orgasm guy. Always garunteed to ruin your day, the guy lifting, and making the "oooooooooooOOH" sound, like Amy Reid being taken roughly from behind. Make it manly or STFU.

Phew, I could go on for hours, but that'll do for now.
ROFL!! That post just made my day.

The first time I walked into a gym I had no idea what to do, so after a few minutes of "warming up" on a stationary bike I just walked up to the dumbbell rack and picked up what looked like a light weight. Turns out the thing wasn't so light after all. I dropped it, jumped out of the way, and watched the dumbbell roll halfway down the gym while everyone stared at me with that "godd*mn mor0n" look on their faces. :kick: Then some skinny staff member picked the dumbbell up like it was a mars bar and put it back on the rack with a smirk on his face while I watched like a zombie. Eck!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2004
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Crap I'm the small guy doing weighted crunches. Oh well.

The only thing that bugs me when watching other guys are the cheaters. People who throw their weight into their reps to get the high numbers at the cost of....just about anything you can name (form, injury, etc). Ugh.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
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New Jersey
Quagmire911 said:
I would get into this, but I try so hard to forget. It would be too depressing.
Its not's HILARIOUS! :crackup:

Now workout clothes people wear are even more funny!!

-fat women dressed up in shiny black garbage bag shirts

-old guys fully clothed in wearing fishing jackets on treadmills

-guys in muscle shirts who's black arm hair goes up and down their nasty blob arms

-Extremely Fat guys in tanktops and camo shorts + wearing a bandana

-guys lifting in extremely tight bicycle shirts while there stomach hangs out when doing overhead work

-buisness attire idiots...yeah your too important to change

-there is also an influx of guidos at my gym(think 'my haircut') running around like they own the joint with their puny 135 lb bench press and quarter repped smythe machine squats

-the 14 year old girls who wear skin tight abercrombie clothes flirting with the 21 & up guys...and whats worse they look like they are 14 too. Sick men at my gym

-Sometimes their is a goth or two (think black lipstick and chains) who look like should be at home slitting their wrists to death metal than taking space up on the leg press

-Old guys wearing extremely loose stained white V-shirts with their gut and chest hair everywhere...please buy a new shirt

-Decent sized Guys in Hulk Hogan shirts who are their just to pose and try and look good...but just look like imbeciles

Its a downright circus at my old gym. Add some music by madonna, nickelback, smashmouth, sean paul, and various other horrible chick music, purple and yellow equipment, and you are in heIl my friend.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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Once on a Friday night 3 guys in jeans and dress shirts came in, each did 1 set of bench press, then they left.

I guess they just wanted to get a "pump" before they went out to the club :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
Whats wrong with some of you guys?

In Australia we dont have issues with guys "jumping in"

if your in your rest period, it is social courtesy to let somebody do a set, and then you just alternate between your rest periods

their set isn't going to take 60-90 seconds


grow up


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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That's what I thought, I sometimes have 3 guys alternating with squats when the racks are full.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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The worst is these same guys in the locker room. If you think they are bad on the gym floor..

1) Guy today comes out of the shower/swim area, naked, shorts in hand, struts to the middle of the locker room...and then rings the water out of his shorts right on the floor.

Now there's dirty old guy water in the middle of the floor. Great.

2) I go into the locker room for a quick pit stop one time, and come out to the sink area, and there's a naked guy drying his crotch with the air hand dryer. WTF!

That's just wrong. I haven't used a hand dryer since. There really ought to be a law.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
- People who think they are cool because they squat and deadlift while others don't.

- People who don't know how to tolerate other human beings and their habits in an enclosed area.

- People who think they own the gym and can't fathom the idea of sharing the equipment during their rest breaks.

- People who get upset because someone else doesn't "squat as low as you."

- Racists who determine that other human beings shouldn't be in public gym because of the way they look or dress.

- People that actually find this thread amusing

- People that care about how a complete stranger trains.

- People who think they are the center of the universe "and everyone should act like you".

- Myself for contributing to this thread.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Drum&Bass said:
- People who think they are cool because they squat and deadlift while others don't.

- People who don't know how to tolerate other human beings and their habits in an enclosed area.

- People who think they own the gym and can't fathom the idea of sharing the equipment during their rest breaks.

- People who get upset because someone else doesn't "squat as low as you."

- Racists who determine that other human beings shouldn't be in public gym because of the way they look or dress.

- People that actually find this thread amusing

- People that care about how a complete stranger trains.

- People who think they are the center of the universe "and everyone should act like you".

- Myself for contributing to this thread.
You are the naked guy who dries his crotch with the air hand dryer!!

Don't do that anymore, it's really not sanitary.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
I-tallionStallion said:
Its a downright circus at my old gym. Add some music by madonna, nickelback, smashmouth, sean paul, and various other horrible chick music, purple and yellow equipment, and you are in heIl my friend.
Welcome to Planet Fitness - The Judgement Free Zone :up:


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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Drum&Bass said:
- People who think they are cool because they squat and deadlift while others don't.

- People who don't know how to tolerate other human beings and their habits in an enclosed area.

- People who think they own the gym and can't fathom the idea of sharing the equipment during their rest breaks.

- People who get upset because someone else doesn't "squat as low as you."

- Racists who determine that other human beings shouldn't be in public gym because of the way they look or dress.

- People that actually find this thread amusing

- People that care about how a complete stranger trains.

- People who think they are the center of the universe "and everyone should act like you".

- Myself for contributing to this thread.
Hmm... which one are you?

I'm willing to bet you're one of the crazy bicep curl guys.

Like many of the guys on here, I'm the lone dead-lifter at my gym. I'm only 5-10, 165 pounds, but I give it my all. I used to max out at 265, until I hurt my back playing basketball.

The crazy thing is, there is one ass wipe who has the nerve to look down on me when I deadlift. He is one of these female orgasm grunters who "ooooohh heee haaas" while he lifts. He gives me dirty looks when I dead-lift, like I'm wasting my time or something with what I'm doing. All the while, he comes in every Thursday night and does lateral press sets and nothing else. Seriously, I watched him do at least 10 sets of lat presses and then leave one night, and he screamed like a woman the whole time.

One time, he walked up to the dead-lift cage when I was there and took a bunch of my weights. I gave him a dirty look, and he smirked and kept walking. I avoided the confrontation, but I was tempted to say something.

He is one of these guys who is about 5-9, 190 pounds and is all bulk (no tone to his muscles, has kind of a gut). All of his muscle is in his shoulders, chest and forearms, and he has chicken legs of course. Yet still, he has the nerve to strut around and take weights from people like he runs the damn gym.

He had some guy in there with him one day who was big and out-of-shape looking. I guess the guy (my nemesis) was helping the fat guy get into shape. I watched and repressed laughter as the two of them did five or six sets of lat presses, then moved on to eight sets of flat bench press and bicep curls.

Also, this obnoxious guy, whenever he is in there, he always has chew tobacco in his mouth and spits in a bottle the entire time he works out. Is this a pretty clear indication that he is on some sort of steroid and needs the chew to keep him relaxed? Me and another guy I workout with are pretty certain of this.

You have no idea how insane this guy makes me. He looks down on me because he is stronger than me in upper body lifts, but I'm like six times the athlete he is. And I don't have a gut like his does, either.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
I was just inspired and wanted to add

-people at the gym and this board who have no sense of humor
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
The Bat said:
Welcome to Planet Fitness - The Judgement Free Zone :up:
Haha another fan :D


Don Juan
May 20, 2008
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Mr.Positive said:
2) I go into the locker room for a quick pit stop one time, and come out to the sink area, and there's a naked guy drying his crotch with the air hand dryer. WTF!

HAHA wow if I actually saw that I would prob have to stop and just look in awe at the guy. I just started going to the rec center, not sure if you guys consider those gyms or not but nothing is better than walking into the facility to take a piss while having a few naked 60 year olds walking around the entire locker room.

Also one thing that already annoys me are the dirty people (usually mid aged dudes) who are too arrogant to clean their sweat off the machines. Nothing better than hoping on something only to grab on to a sweaty handle. I have since started wiping things down before and after use.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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That's another benefit to not using machines. I only use the free weights and bodyweight exercises, so I don't have to deal with that :)

I never use the locker room but the few times I've gone in there I've also seen the old guys who just hang out in there naked all day... what is with that?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
Drum&Bass said:
- People who think they are cool because they squat and deadlift while others don't.

- People who don't know how to tolerate other human beings and their habits in an enclosed area.

- People who think they own the gym and can't fathom the idea of sharing the equipment during their rest breaks.

- People who get upset because someone else doesn't "squat as low as you."

- Racists who determine that other human beings shouldn't be in public gym because of the way they look or dress.

- People that actually find this thread amusing

- People that care about how a complete stranger trains.

- People who think they are the center of the universe "and everyone should act like you".

- Myself for contributing to this thread.

But seriously, it's fun to have a good-hearted ***** about people!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
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the people who scream while doing the lat pulldown, while leaning back almost vertically makes me laugh

also, the guys who wear vests, do a quick set then check themselves out in the mirror for 2-3 minutes before doing another set and returning to the mirror