stuck on a plateau - how to move ahead


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
After getting out of my first LTR I have started sarging regularly again.

I've been quite successful at opening girls, getting initial attraction and getting first kino. I #closed a couple and arranged dates with almost all of them.

and this is were I stuck. whereas I find the attraction game easy and I totally control the situation, on the date I sort of have to put in a lot of mental effort to keep conversations going. obviously this depends also on the girl and her level of selfesteem, if she's talkative or not.

now from the last 5 new dates I haven't been able to extract a kiss close. I easily kiss and bj closed a girl I hadn't seen in 1.5 years but had already slept with. I just totally had the frame.
I also have a great vibe with her and there's never an akward moment. she also gets all my ****y funny jokes.

General question: can the real pros vibe with anyone or are some girls just really boring / on a totally different level where you can't connect with them (not getting c&f, not interested in your stories and your not really interested in theirs)

for example I asked this girl today "where do I have to go so that you don't follow me?" and she replied "so you already want to get rid of me?" but not in a funny way rather an insecure way.

My game works best with HSE chicks who get ****y funny and also tend to talk alot. but with the girls I can't connect that fast I just don't seem to get real attraction / interest although already on the date.

what would you recommend as readings / mindsets / techniques for someone who can easily get a date but can't get the kiss close consistently?

how do you game a girl with rather low self esteem?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Sometimes you just have to accept that some girls aren't your type. It's a good thing. It's good to be picky about women (if you can be). It seems to me like you're pretty successful at everything but sealing the deal.

But sometimes sealing the deal to just seal the deal is just showing a lack of insecurity. We've all been in positions where we didn't really like a girl, but chose to seal the deal just to do it. It's okay once in awhile to get you back on your feet, but in the long run you're just fooling yourself.

Another thing to think about is time. If you've been seeing this many girls and you have yet to vibe with one of them, sometimes it just takes time. I didn't really start vibing with my ex-gf until I was seeing her for a month or so.

Just be patient and don't go out of your way to make nothing into something. Remember, it's a man's job to bring out good qualities in a woman. But if a woman doesn't have much to offer, then she isn't worth the time.

Keep sarging.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
thanks bro. your response makes sense to me.
kiss closed a girl yesterday and the day before yesterday ;).

guess there's just these moments where you are in the "zone" and everything happens as you want it to be. would be nice to have a switch to get in the zone whenever you feel like it.

anyway thx and keep up the spirit!


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
Why do you want a girl with low self-esteem anyway? she'll just mess up your energy and cause you problems in the long term. But if you find yourself going for or meeting alot of girls with low self esteem, then this quite likely is a reflection of how you think of yourself. It's possible that you have low self esteem too, and in this game, like attracts like.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
NoMoreTapDancing said:
Why do you want a girl with low self-esteem anyway? she'll just mess up your energy and cause you problems in the long term. But if you find yourself going for or meeting alot of girls with low self esteem, then this quite likely is a reflection of how you think of yourself. It's possible that you have low self esteem too, and in this game, like attracts like.
thx for the analysis.
I hate low self esteem girls. but if they're hot I'll sleep with them. obviously anything further does not make sense.

so my question still hangs there, if you can't make a girl laugh with c&f cuz she's so insecure, what frame you set yourself just fluff talk / comfort and know she's already attracted.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
If you KNOW she's attracted, then you don't have to talk to her at all.
Just do that Marlon Brando thing and sweep her off her feet, push her up against a wall and slip your hands up her top and then throw her down on the bed, or pick her up. She's attracted so why we feel the need to HAVE to say something to her? lol.