Staying out of the friend-zone with an inexperienced girl who needs to be led slowly?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Cali
Well my question for you all is simple and to the point. Please no keyboard jockey advice, I only want responses from men who have actual field experience.

One of the girls I'm currently gaming (in my previous thread) is 20 and a virgin (told to me by a mutual friend). She has strict parents and not a lot of dating experience. She is a really sweet girl but somewhat shy/bashful (last time I hung out with her she was turning red constantly when I'd say something good).

Unlike the other plates I'm spinning, this is the only girl I'm currently seeing who I think is relationship material for reasons which are irrelevant. She's not a virgin for moral or religious reasons so I'm pretty sure I could crack her if we dated long enough, although as I just said that's not my only interest in her.

I realize that I have to take it pretty slow with her and spend extra time building comfort, but my concern is how to do this without friendzoning myself. I definitely tease and flirt with her a lot, but if I'm too sexual with her off the bat I know she will get uncomfortable and eject.

I have a date with her on Saturday, I'm going to take her to an early dinner at the beach and then she suggested that we see a play in the city.

Besides the usual kino, does anyone have any ideas for what I can do to gently move this girl onto the romantic tip and not the friendship tip? It's a fine line to walk because I am absolutely sure I will blow myself out if I'm too aggressive at first. This will be our first date not counting a brief coffee date we had after class one day. How many dates, adjusted for a shyer/inexperienced girl, should I wait to try and kiss close? I'm also a much more dynamic personality than her and I think she is slightly intimidated by me, though definitely interested.

Edit: I realize this is crazy hypocritical of me to post because I have slammed traditional "dating" in the past, but this is unfortunately a different case because of the nature of this girl's personality. My usual method of going caveman and trying to get her back to my place as soon as possible simply will not work on this girl, she's kinda old-fashioned that way. But when it comes to a girl this hot, as Doc Holliday says "It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds"

What kinds of things can I do to make sure I don't friendzone myself with a girl who needs to be led slowly? I don't usually date girls this type, but she's too cute not to try.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
She doesnt need to be led slowly, she wont eject if you go too fast.

Thats commercial bs thinking.

You need to go as fast as you can. The only thing limiting your progress is yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Cali
I understand your intentions when you say that but I think that coming on too strong too fast with her will scare her away, even if she's interested in me. She's a shy younger girl and I'm one of the most dominant/visible personalities in the class we have together, not to mention the 5 years I have on her... there's a definite difference between 20 and 25. She's very very inexperienced, as in she's only even kissed one other guy before. This isn't the type of girl I normally go after; my general rule is to kiss by the second date, but I think the stakes are a little higher for the kiss in her mind considering her lack of experience.

I should clarify and say that I am escalating relatively quickly in terms of getting the number, getting her out on a date, etc (I've only known her a few weeks), but I'm apprehensive about trying to physically escalate her too fast because I think she will bail.

I suppose it's possible that this is my own self-limiting belief, but surely there are girls like what I've described who probably do need to be led a bit more slowly than the usual skanks?