Stay or leave?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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ok here's the deal. I'm currently a graduate student that's set to finish in spring of 09. I've decided in order to ensure success, I don't work a full-time job until my work is complete. As you know, this means that my flow of income isn't great. However, I do have a few part time jobs one of which contracts me to install networks for local companies, usually weekly. Even though I make just enough to afford my own place, I chose to stay at home since I have just as much privacy there then I would at my own crib. My mother pretty much stays to herself and doesn't get in my business. I also stay with my GF throughout the week. I feel at my age, not having my own place may hurt my chances, but I have to do what I have to do to succeed.

Anyways, recently I've started having the urge to meet new women. I've been in a LTR for about 4 years with a good woman, however, she has began to bore me and I feel it'd be best to just end it. The reason it's hard for me to leave is because she does everything I want. Cook, f*ck, s*ck on demand and she takes good care of me if I'm sick or something.

Reason why she turns me off is due to her shortcomings in the brain department. I wouldn't say she's a dumb f*ck by any means, she just doesn't know a great deal about the world. For example, she didn't know who Osama Bin Laden was until I had to tell her and she isn't a college grad, even though she is slowly making progress in school. She also seems sleepy a lot. She has a 5 year old daughter and steady job but doesn't have any outside interests. Most of her free time is spent catching up on sleep or we'll go to the movies, dinner every now and then.

Now here's the wierd issue, I'm completely loyal. I find it hard to try to hook up with other chicks simply because I respect my girlfriend so damn much. I've received a lot of numbers but never follow through - I'd feel like it was cheating so refrain from doing it. I haven't hooked up with another woman since we've been together and continue to find it hard to meet them while still being "committed" to her. As such, I've developed this mentality that I won't initiate any convo with other chicks unless they give me something to work with. For instance, eye contact or something similar to that. Real women will let you know indirectly if they're initially interested anyway, but not all.

So anyways, the options I came up with are 1) dump her and move on(which is hard to do - you know why by now)
2) Stay with her, but cheat. (may have too much respect for her to do that)
3) Try to hang in there with her. Maybe she is the right one and since she is pursuing doing something with her life, it could work out.

I know it's my choice, but I'd like to hear some other opinions on this. My buddies of course say to leave her, but that's expected. Maybe some more mature guys on here have some input on this.

Btw, I'm not some new troll. I've been reading these boards for a long time now, in fact I read these boards before I met my girlfriend and got a lot of p*ssy before diving into LTR thanks to the numerous columns and posts.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
There are a couple of things to take into consideration.

How old are you?
Have you sowed your oats? aka how many women have you been with?
If she was more intellectual and had more drive, would you be content with one women? aka are you ready to settle down?

Remember the grass is always greener on the other side. It also depends on your priorities and what you want in your life.

I was in a very similar situation as you when I was 21-24. Had a great women, who did everything right, would be the perfect wife in terms of standing by her man and doing all the things a good women should. However I was young and wasn't ready to settle down.

However at the time, I didn't think about being young and ready to settle down. The big debate for me and the reason I left was because she could never stimulate me intellectually. She didn't have any drive to do anything besides having a loving home and family.

Now that I'm older I realize alot of things. I can find stimulation elsewhere. If I were to settle down at this point in my life, I would prefer to do it with a simple women who's priorities are her family (me & our kids), not her career. Its very hard to combine the two and if you have a career women, I bet she'll always want more. You show me a man that has everything and I'll show you a man who wants more. With feminism, women are in that same boat.

So it comes down to your priorities. Answer the questions above and figure out where you and here lie within that matrix.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
"How old are you?"

I'm 26 years old.

"Have you sowed your oats? aka how many women have you been with?"

I've been with around 15 women since the age of sixteen. I was careful about who I had sex with.

"If she was more intellectual and had more drive, would you be content with one women?"

I believe that's the only thing holding me back from proposing to this woman. She doesn't stimulate me the least bit intellectually. Often I find myself telling her what certain things mean or having to describe things because she can't comprehend. It almost seems like coaching.

"aka are you ready to settle down?"

This is the hard part. I still feel I'm too young to tie myself down especially with all of the hot a$$ out here. However, I feel that it's tough to leave a good thing and at times thinking of marriage after I finish grad school.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
I'm 26 years old

I started having sex at age 16 I think. I know for sure I've been with at least 15 different chicks. The woman I'm with right now is great except she doesn't stimulate me intellectual. If she were smarter I'd probably would consider proposing. The problem I'm having is judging her value. When I think of marriage I'd like to have someone I can relate to about a lot of topics.

Maybe I'm the problem. Not quite ready to settle down, but don't won't to lose a good thing either. Something has to give though one way or another.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
GuanYu said:
I'm 26 years old

I started having sex at age 16 I think. I know for sure I've been with at least 15 different chicks. The woman I'm with right now is great except she doesn't stimulate me intellectual. If she were smarter I'd probably would consider proposing. The problem I'm having is judging her value. When I think of marriage I'd like to have someone I can relate to about a lot of topics.

Maybe I'm the problem. Not quite ready to settle down, but don't won't to lose a good thing either. Something has to give though one way or another.
Good posts GuanYu, you write quite well.

I can relate to you on several aspects.

The intellectual compatibility aspect bears considerable weight, especially for someone in serious graduate education or with well-developed cognitive ability. Your gf sounds like she would make an excellent wife per se, based on what you have told us. Leaving her could be a difficult or even regretable choice.

But at the end of the day sometimes you want to come home to someone who you can share your musings, ideas, and technical problems without have to "package" what youre trying to say in a way that is understandable or interesting to them. I personally enjoy being with a woman who is on a comparable intellectual plane.

One thing I would NOT advocate, however, is cheating. Dont compromise your own integrity so you can have your cake and eat it too.

So it seems what you need to ascertain is whether your intellectual disparity with her is based on ability, or on other mutable factors like education, nature of work, or simple lifestyle things.

Let us know what you decide. :rockon: