Staph Infectiuon drama!


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
Right so this chic i been seeing just found out she got a staph infection.

the doctor says she got it from someone she shares a bed with etc.
Which turns out to be me. So she thinks she got it from me. I dont have a staph infection but maybe a carrier?

anyway, i been trying to help her out as much as possible, making sure she takes her meds and just being there for her.

Today she rings me and says she is having an ellergic reaction to the antibiotics the doctor gave her and somehow she blames me for it and goes off at me.

I ask her how is it shes mad at me? she says its coz im inconsiderate and hangs up. I dont ring back when people hang up. so i just left it and will wait till she comes begging for forgiveness.

Anyway are women just retarded like that? to accuse people of BS? and try to start a fight?

What you guys think?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe she is just pissed at the situation and not really you, it all might just blow over.

However if she continues to guilt trip this over your head then you know what to do - NEXT!!

Maybe you should go to the doctor and have yourself checked as well just to be sure.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Staph infections are highly contagious and extremely dangerous.

I've never heard of someone simply being a carrier of this without realizing they were infected somehow and then going to the doctor to get treated for it.

Then even after being to the doctor and getting treated for it you can be contagious for a long time afterwards.

So yeah this chick probably got this infection from someother guy but get yourself checked out just to be safe and ditch her because not only is she a b!tch who likely rode some other guy's c0ck, she's also a verifiable health hazard to you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
the doctor says she got it from someone she shares a bed with etc.
How would the doctor know she got it from a bed??? If you dont have a staph infection, there is no way she got it from your bed. Do either of you have dogs by chance? I've heard of people getting staph from contact with an open sore of theirs coming into contact with dog shyt( which may not even be directly) . Or...unless you guys are into some kinky scat play or something. People get staph, from not washing their hands after they shyt. All kinds of things, mostly involving shyt in one form or another.

DO you wash your sheets frequently? Does she? Form what I've read online, hygiene is a HUGE factor. She may have handled an iunfected dollar bill, didnt wash her hands, then scratched and open sore on herself. Its that simple.