Spinning plates? Who needs em'. I don't.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
yes, but here you all give the impression that you spin plates just because you like to spin plates. I've even read some guys here saying that a typical AFC is afraid to spin plates because he might loose 'the one'. This is true in my opinion, if you're pretty sure about a girl you like you should stick, or I would do this.
I mean, how many plates you need to spin to find a pretty good girl? or would you spin till you find a unbelievable good girl? wtf?
It is quite common to date a few girls and then find a quite good one so it becomes a relationship. Then, if after some time it goes wrong...after some more time, some more dates, you find another one which is pretty good. So in the end how many girls did you date? how many did you bang? as I said, if my friend had found an awsome girl years ago he would have stopped spining plates, but he did not. But he prefers to say that he prefers to spin instead of settling. Yeah sure. I've seen what he bangs, not so amazing.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
pyros said:
yes, but here you all give the impression that you spin plates just because you like to spin plates. I've even read some guys here saying that a typical AFC is afraid to spin plates because he might loose 'the one'. This is true in my opinion, if you're pretty sure about a girl you like you should stick, or I would do this.
I mean, how many plates you need to spin to find a pretty good girl? or would you spin till you find a unbelievable good girl? wtf?
It is quite common to date a few girls and then find a quite good one so it becomes a relationship. Then, if after some time it goes wrong...after some more time, some more dates, you find another one which is pretty good. So in the end how many girls did you date? how many did you bang? as I said, if my friend had found an awsome girl years ago he would have stopped spining plates, but he did not. But he prefers to say that he prefers to spin instead of settling. Yeah sure. I've seen what he bangs, not so amazing.
spinning plates just became my defaco mindset until I met my wife. I told myself unless I met a girl that that fits my settle down criteria I will spin plates. as i stated, some of the girls I spun i'm sure I could have settled down with short term but if i know i am not going to marry you why am i wasting your time playing house?

I'm not saying there weren't times I only had one plate, but if that plate did not meet all my cretiera, i did not stop my self from spinning another when it came along. though usually i had more than 1 plate

In short I am not anti relationship (ovbiusly) but for me to settle down I was not going to settle for anything. if she didn't fit the standard keep chugging along until you find someone that does. might take 1 month might take 10 years.

again I can think of a few girls that were "quite good" that I dated that 9 out of 10 men would have probably dated long term but I did not beucdase they did not fit what I was looking for 9in a partner. it's a preference thing. in other words, a man has to actually define what he wants out of a woman before he can put his plate spinning actions together. a woman can be very very good but not necessarily what you want.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Perspective folks, perspective.

The idea is not falling into AFC behavior patterns/traps by becoming hyperfocused on one girl. The idea is to date multiple women so you can experience different women and so you can see what you like and also see if the girl you like the best is really all that or just putting on an act.

One of the biggest things that can kill your attractiveness to a woman is becoming too focused on her.

The key is keeping perspective about women you are interested in and not creating scenarios or projecting futures with a woman.

It's very hard to do this when you focus on one hence the reason to see multiple women at one time.

Also good to keep yourself busy with projects, events, etc.