Someone remind ElStud of the purpose of numbers.

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Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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Seriously though, I know I can get them easily, but recently I've just stopped going for them. I just don't see the point because you can get a girls number and there's a possibility she'll still flake on your ass. Today I did a ton of approaches in several of them I got interest and good reactions from girls. But I don't go for their numbers, because I just don't see the point anymore. I'll even still go for Facebooks, but I've stopped going for numbers cause I just don't see the point anymore.

Right now I'm just trying to go up to a random girl and escalate a kiss close. Basically for me it's kiss close or nothing. And I haven't gotten a kiss close off of random approaching yet. To be honest though, the only thing holding me back from actually getting a kiss close off a random approach is me, myself and I. See, I never GO for the kiss close, therefore how can I get in a sucessful kiss close if I never try and go for it?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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well the purpose of a number is for a future kiss close or something more. Walking up to a random target in motion is rather difficult to extract a kiss is getting digits.

For a small few getting digits is a form of self that I say just carry around a phone you got everyones number.

Its not how many #'s you get, it comes down to quality and sincerity of those numbers extracted. On average 33% of them women who hand numbers to men FLAKE. BREAKDOWN-1 will be sincerly interested, 1 will be on the fence, and 1 will be a waste of time.

Its your interactions/looks and the individual perception of you that will determine your flake stats. You can concentrate on the 2 out of the 3 and forget the 3rd flaky chic altogether. Sales people know that not everyone will be a solid close, gamblers are aware that aint going to win everytime. Just as long as you get the odds in your favor.

There are those among us that FORGET THE DIGIT EXTRACTION ALTOGETHER.......they approach the target and try to extract a INSTANT DATE........then if she meets his standards, he might get her number.....AFTER THE INSTANT DATE. Far more easier to get the kiss close on a instant date. Phone numbers are for future dates!!!.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
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The purpose of numbers is to set up a day2 where you can properly run your game.

The girls flake because you're not actually getting interest. Your approaches are stupid.

You know how I know you're not getting interest? Because when you call, the girls flake 100% of the time. You haven't seen real interest yet, where a girl hands her number over without you asking, or where she follows you around. So, you construe politeness or general amuseness at your buffoonery as interest. It's not. If you don't believe me, call those numbers and ask them out, then rack up the rejections.

As always, we try to help you, but you don't give us anything to work with. If we had a detailed field report where you explained what you said, we could work on your DHVs, negs, maybe recommend some books on conversation. If you posted a picture, we could suggest a certain look to get you more attractive, or maybe you could head over to health and fitness and work on a fitness program.

You're not providing any of these things. You don't really want to change, you just do the same laughable approaches, then complain on here about how you're not getting action. You've been told 20 times that a kiss close off a cold approach is extremely rare, and when it happens, it's almost always a seasoned DJ who knows what he's doing. Yet you keep doing it. Everyone suggests getting some friends in your social circle who party, so you can meet girls that are more open to *closing. You refuse to do so, and instead you cold approach, skip the number, and go for a kiss close (or more often than not, you don't).

ElStud, clearly what you're doing isn't working, so why don't you fvcking want to change? You've posted up 30 field reports and have nothing to show for it, that's pathetic.

I'm not even trying to troll your thread. If I wanted to troll this, I could start a flame-war and get it closed. I'm diagnosing your problem. You aren't willing to do anything about your lack of success with women, so instead you complain and flame people on here. Until you make a conscious decision to change yourself, and let us guide you on a proper path to self-improvement, you'll be wasting both yours and our time by posting on Then, you'll wake up and find yourself a virgin at 30, wondering where everything went wrong.

Wake the fvck up. You're a loser, chicks don't want to be with you, regardless of how many times you approach them, and unless you man up or accept this, you will very likely be a lonely person for a long time. Sadly, it's up to you to grab your balls and fix yourself, but your FRs prove you're not good at making bold moves.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Flabbergasped? said:
The purpose of numbers is to set up a day2 where you can properly run your game.

The girls flake because you're not actually getting interest. Your approaches are stupid.

You know how I know you're not getting interest? Because when you call, the girls flake 100% of the time. You haven't seen real interest yet, where a girl hands her number over without you asking, or where she follows you around. So, you construe politeness or general amuseness at your buffoonery as interest. It's not. If you don't believe me, call those numbers and ask them out, then rack up the rejections.

As always, we try to help you, but you don't give us anything to work with. If we had a detailed field report where you explained what you said, we could work on your DHVs, negs, maybe recommend some books on conversation. If you posted a picture, we could suggest a certain look to get you more attractive, or maybe you could head over to health and fitness and work on a fitness program.

You're not providing any of these things. You don't really want to change, you just do the same laughable approaches, then complain on here about how you're not getting action. You've been told 20 times that a kiss close off a cold approach is extremely rare, and when it happens, it's almost always a seasoned DJ who knows what he's doing. Yet you keep doing it. Everyone suggests getting some friends in your social circle who party, so you can meet girls that are more open to *closing. You refuse to do so, and instead you cold approach, skip the number, and go for a kiss close (or more often than not, you don't).

ElStud, clearly what you're doing isn't working, so why don't you fvcking want to change? You've posted up 30 field reports and have nothing to show for it, that's pathetic.

I'm not even trying to troll your thread. If I wanted to troll this, I could start a flame-war and get it closed. I'm diagnosing your problem. You aren't willing to do anything about your lack of success with women, so instead you complain and flame people on here. Until you make a conscious decision to change yourself, and let us guide you on a proper path to self-improvement, you'll be wasting both yours and our time by posting on Then, you'll wake up and find yourself a virgin at 30, wondering where everything went wrong.

Wake the fvck up. You're a loser, chicks don't want to be with you, regardless of how many times you approach them, and unless you man up or accept this, you will very likely be a lonely person for a long time. Sadly, it's up to you to grab your balls and fix yourself, but your FRs prove you're not good at making bold moves.
Is that so? Is that why I'm still talking to a group of girls I approached like 2 weeks ago, actually had lunch with them and are still talking about em'? Yeah. And flakes are flakes, they don't really matter to me. If I even think a girls a flake, I delete her number. Her loss not mine.

And basically all that stuff you listed are just stupid techniques. And I can already open sets and get interest without them, so they don't really matter to me. Seriously dude, I talked to a girl about freaking VIDEO GAMES today and she showed interest, mostly since she was a huge video game fan herself. And no this wasn't a geeky girl, quite the opposite, a hot blonde girl that any of you guys saying all gamer chicks are geeks, WISH you could get.

Oh no, my words aren't getting women to instantly take off their clothes, they must not be working. And in the end, who cares.

And I'm ignoring the last part where you basically call me a loser and blah blah blah. Yeah, you can call me a loser, but the girls who are willing to talk to me and hang out with me OBVIOUSLY don't think the same thing.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Lol, so wtf do you need this site for stud? You have it all figured out and seem to be happy getting high fives and hugs.

You really don't make sense. You come on here and ask about the "point of getting numbers" when you obviously know the answer, then you say you are only focused on kiss closing, yet at the same time you never go for a kiss close.

So seriously what are you looking for here?


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, these two girls you met two weeks ago, have you kissed any of them? Have they said anything that clearly says they like you outside of friendly relationship? If you answered No to one or more of these questions in your in the friendzone. You better move quick on one of them before they totally forget you have a penis.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
Kiss close is something intimate. Its not like kissing on the cheek, or high five, or hugs, or spin arounds, etc. Ideally, you should build some rapport and trust and get legit IOIs before doing something like that.

Don't be too hard on yourself. But don't be over ambitious. Get more day 2s before trying to kiss close, and get lays.

You haven't seen the REAL side of game that is played in comfort. When a girl is in your arms, and you are intimately talking to her, and conveying your interest.

Aim on getting day 2s. And another thing, UNLESS you get IOIs which are absolutely legit, do not assume that they like you. A girl who really likes you (just as a fun cool guy she met, not intimately of course) will NEVER flake on you.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ElStud again.



Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Is that so? Is that why I'm still talking to a group of girls I approached like 2 weeks ago, actually had lunch with them and are still talking about em'? Yeah. And flakes are flakes, they don't really matter to me. If I even think a girls a flake, I delete her number. Her loss not mine.

And basically all that stuff you listed are just stupid techniques. And I can already open sets and get interest without them, so they don't really matter to me. Seriously dude, I talked to a girl about freaking VIDEO GAMES today and she showed interest, mostly since she was a huge video game fan herself. And no this wasn't a geeky girl, quite the opposite, a hot blonde girl that any of you guys saying all gamer chicks are geeks, WISH you could get.

Oh no, my words aren't getting women to instantly take off their clothes, they must not be working. And in the end, who cares.

And I'm ignoring the last part where you basically call me a loser and blah blah blah. Yeah, you can call me a loser, but the girls who are willing to talk to me and hang out with me OBVIOUSLY don't think the same thing.
Oh snap man, you talked to a girl two weeks ago and had lunch with her and her friend. Congrats.

It's sickening that you think doing that kind of thing is an accomplishment. Have you closed either of them? Have you asked them out on a date/to hang out? Have you taken them out to a party/to your room for drinks? Have you fingerblasted them? Of course, the answer to all these questions is no, which means you've made no romantic move towards these girls. I do congratulate you, though, you apparently don't creep out these girls so much that they won't have a meal with you.

Girls aren't born flakes. There's no girl who innately just flakes on every guy that asks her to a function. The flaking is a sign of low interest. You've yet to post a FR of an interaction that has come out of you calling the girl. You get their numbers, and they all flake. Wonder why?

So, the gamer chick showed interest. You proceeded to not number close, not kino, since I know for a fact you never kino, and you probably asked her to play video games with you. Thanks to your common interest, she wasn't weirded out, but at least you're on the fast track to the friends zone. You have no comprehension of the game, if you think you're getting "interest" by plowing about mundane topics. You know who really got interest? The guy who's currently getting his d!ck sucked by that gamer chick because he elicited values, talked about sex, touched her provocatively. Meanwhile, you play the role of her Halo 3 buddy, and you come in here trying to tell us numbers have no purpose, or that words don't matter, you can get interest by talking about band and making Yoshi noises.

ElStud, don't use a lunch you had with two female friends (let me guess, you saw them eating lunch together, so you just sat down and talked about yoshi?) to validate yourself. These girls don't want anything to do with you sexually, which is what matters. All you've told me in that obnoxious response is that you're not a wierdo. Is that an accomplishment?

You can go ahead and keep cold approaching. Let me know when some chick touches your penis.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Flabbergasped? said:
Oh snap man, you talked to a girl two weeks ago and had lunch with her and her friend. Congrats.

It's sickening that you think doing that kind of thing is an accomplishment. Have you closed either of them? Have you asked them out on a date/to hang out? Have you taken them out to a party/to your room for drinks? Have you fingerblasted them? Of course, the answer to all these questions is no, which means you've made no romantic move towards these girls. I do congratulate you, though, you apparently don't creep out these girls so much that they won't have a meal with you.

Girls aren't born flakes. There's no girl who innately just flakes on every guy that asks her to a function. The flaking is a sign of low interest. You've yet to post a FR of an interaction that has come out of you calling the girl. You get their numbers, and they all flake. Wonder why?

So, the gamer chick showed interest. You proceeded to not number close, not kino, since I know for a fact you never kino, and you probably asked her to play video games with you. Thanks to your common interest, she wasn't weirded out, but at least you're on the fast track to the friends zone. You have no comprehension of the game, if you think you're getting "interest" by plowing about mundane topics. You know who really got interest? The guy who's currently getting his d!ck sucked by that gamer chick because he elicited values, talked about sex, touched her provocatively. Meanwhile, you play the role of her Halo 3 buddy, and you come in here trying to tell us numbers have no purpose, or that words don't matter, you can get interest by talking about band and making Yoshi noises.

ElStud, don't use a lunch you had with two female friends (let me guess, you saw them eating lunch together, so you just sat down and talked about yoshi?) to validate yourself. These girls don't want anything to do with you sexually, which is what matters. All you've told me in that obnoxious response is that you're not a wierdo. Is that an accomplishment?

You can go ahead and keep cold approaching. Let me know when some chick touches your penis.
Blah blah blah. You know you guys do focus too much on sex. First off like I stated in the thread that covers that particular interaction, I'm not even sure if I want to go anywhere with any of them. Right now, I'm just hanging out with them real friendly like. You can hang out with girls without having the intention of getting in their pants.

And really words don't matter. This is why even if I COULD somehow give you guys a word by word report of my interactions, it wouldn't help. How do I go up to girls? A simple "Hey, buddy" or something like that. Then blah blah, I just start asking questions about what she's doing and maybe ask her name and sometimes the girl will ask my name.

The end result is usually always the same, even if I DO get interest(Girls laughing at what you say when it's not even funny = interest), I just eject out of that sh*t. But yeah sometimes I'll just talk about f*cking rapport or just talk about my major and that's enough to get the girls willing to listen to me.

And overall, I don't care about interest. If she's disinterested, so what, she's disinterested. That's all it freaking means. And I honestly just ignore it. And overall, yeah, you might get laid man, but is there anything else to your life than sex? Honestly? From your post, it looks like you worry WAAAAAY too much about girls.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Blah blah blah. You know you guys do focus too much on sex. First off like I stated in the thread that covers that particular interaction, I'm not even sure if I want to go anywhere with any of them. Right now, I'm just hanging out with them real friendly like. You can hang out with girls without having the intention of getting in their pants.
If you could actually attract a girl that was willing to jack you off and put your d!ck in her mouth, you wouldnt be talking so much sh*t. Get a clue man, youre a joke. Since you obviously have no interest in girls, maybe its time to get the f*ck out of your closet...either that or man the f*ck up and get your **** wet. I guarantee that we dont focus on sex to much; i can assure you we focus on it a healthy amount, like males our age should. I havent had sex in three days and when i see a nice ass i get all reved up. But you...maybe youre just asexual. If you COULD get women, then you cant so you post dumb **** and play video games. When you start to listen to anyone here youll be much better off than you are now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
oakraiderz2 said:
If you could actually attract a girl that was willing to jack you off and put your d!ck in her mouth, you wouldnt be talking so much sh*t. Get a clue man, youre a joke. Since you obviously have no interest in girls, maybe its time to get the f*ck out of your closet...either that or man the f*ck up and get your **** wet. I guarantee that we dont focus on sex to much; i can assure you we focus on it a healthy amount, like males our age should. I havent had sex in three days and when i see a nice ass i get all reved up. But you...maybe youre just asexual. If you COULD get women, then you cant so you post dumb **** and play video games. When you start to listen to anyone here youll be much better off than you are now.
And I reiterate it man, you guys care too much about sex. Sometimes, I just go up to girls to hang with them. And talking sh*t? No, I was simply asking if you guys worried about anything BUT sex. I myself have times where I don't even give a f*ck about the sex and just approach for the hell of it or approach just to socialize. I myself yep I got a lot of other things than sex that I focus on, video games, music and schoolwork being a few of them.

And yeah, I have no interest in women. Go you, you know everything. In the end sex aint everything. Infact, there are many things in life that are far harder and much more rewarding than getting laid and talking to girl. Take learning an instrument, that's more rewarding than getting laid. Take playing video games, that's probably more rewarding than getting laid. Take graduating HS, that's more rewarding than getting laid. In the end, there are bigger things in life than getting in a girls pants.

Hell the only reason I even practice seduction is so I can eventually get the point where I can get a girl in any situation at any time, day or place. Getting laid isn't even my goal for approaching. Sure I want to get laid, who doesn't, but that doesn't make it some huge deal to me.

ElStud, don't use a lunch you had with two female friends (let me guess, you saw them eating lunch together, so you just sat down and talked about yoshi?) to validate yourself. These girls don't want anything to do with you sexually, which is what matters. All you've told me in that obnoxious response is that you're not a wierdo. Is that an accomplishment?
Nope called them up and MET them.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
Dude, you are so wishy-washy it's ridiculous. In the past month I've been on her you've gone from:

1. You guys only worry about sex. You should get to know them.

2. I'm going to the kiss close off a cold approach.

3. I'm going to ask for sex off the bat.

4. I don't want to attract girls. I just want to hang with guys and play videogames.

Now you're back to wanting a kiss close. I think some people could actually respect you're position if you actually had one. All of this posturing sounds like sour grapes to me. The first step is admitting you have a problem.

I think you should worry about geting one girl in one situation before you think about getting any girl in any situation. Until you kiss a girl, don't act as if you have everything figured out.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
Reaction score
ElStud said:
And I reiterate it man, you guys care too much about sex. Sometimes, I just go up to girls to hang with them. And talking sh*t? No, I was simply asking if you guys worried about anything BUT sex. I myself have times where I don't even give a f*ck about the sex and just approach for the hell of it or approach just to socialize. I myself yep I got a lot of other things than sex that I focus on, video games, music and schoolwork being a few of them.

And yeah, I have no interest in women. Go you, you know everything. In the end sex aint everything. Infact, there are many things in life that are far harder and much more rewarding than getting laid and talking to girl. Take learning an instrument, that's more rewarding than getting laid. Take playing video games, that's probably more rewarding than getting laid. Take graduating HS, that's more rewarding than getting laid. In the end, there are bigger things in life than getting in a girls pants.

Hell the only reason I even practice seduction is so I can eventually get the point where I can get a girl in any situation at any time, day or place. Getting laid isn't even my goal for approaching. Sure I want to get laid, who doesn't, but that doesn't make it some huge deal to me.

Nope called them up and MET them.
ElStud, I play piano, breakdance, go to an ivy league school, play a ton of Dota, and I get laid. You're a fvcking joke, a scoundrel. Your virgin justification is ridiculous. There's more to life than sex? I agree. Everyone on this site has a passion, something they do outside of DJ. Yet they still get laid.

You aren't being exceptional by "hanging out with girls just to be friendly." I have female friends I can hang out with, go out dancing, drink beers, hang out. I speak for most guys here when I say being friends with a girl is not very difficult. Unlike you, we can both have female friends and have girls we're banging. You just talk about rock band and claim you'd rather play video games than have sex because you're too much of a pvssy to go after what you want.

I posted an ultimatum a while back that you never complied with. As promised, I'm going to troll your sh!t until it gets closed.

You're not getting laid because you're black, haha.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Flabbergasped? said:
You're not getting laid because you're black, haha.
Haha, thats f*cked up...its not cause hes black, its cause hes goofy black. Black guys like myself, actually get tang.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
ElStud said:
And overall, yeah, you might get laid man, but is there anything else to your life than sex? Honestly? From your post, it looks like you worry WAAAAAY too much about girls.
Oh now that is just fvcking laughable. Hysterical actually. You're on here posting five threads a week about women, and you accuse Flabbergasped of worrying way too much about girls? Gimme a flippin break.

But, you know what? I'm starting to believe your BS about not wanting phone numbers and not caring about ACTUALLY getting results, because who the hell would want to see results from an activity as laborious and taxing as cold approaching women by the bulk?

The only reason you do all these cold approaches and start these dumb little threads is because you want to feel cool, and an Internet message board is the only place where that is actually possible for a guy like you, who is a nerdy and socially awkward band nerd who spends his weekends hanging out with equally pathetic individuals. Bragging about these exaggerated cold approaches on SoSuave gives you the only form of ego boost that you ever receive, because you haven't done anything to feel good about and deep down inside you aren't satisfied. I have a feeling that somehow you've actually began believing your own lies and bullsh!t, about only wanting to get to know women and that you're somehow elite because you can walk up to a girl you don't know, high-five her and then talk about Yoshi. Even then, that's not much of an accomplishment because you are too big of a social retard to be able to tell that you're making an ass out of yourself.

You're doomed to be a virgin until your late 20s. I can't wait till you hit 21-22 and you get the nuts to go out to a bar or a club. There, you'll try some of this high-fiving nonsense or a Yoshi opener on a legitimately hot club chick, only to have some true Alpha male walk up and steal her from you mid-conversation. Even if I leave this board in the near future, I will come back in three years to read your bogus account of that interaction, and how it wasn't a big deal because the girl was interested but you didn't want her phone number.

It's pretty sad when you're so lame that you can't even pass yourself off as cool on an Internet message board. Millions of nerdy guys in the history of SoSuave have at least accomplished that.

I had plans tonight and was only going to take a quick rib at you, then head out of my house. But when I saw the way you responded to Flabbergasped's good faith and legitimately good advice, I couldn't stand by idly.

Sorry ElStud, but not only are you a nerd, you're a completely d!ck for doing something like blowing off Flabbergasped's efforts to help you.
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