Somebody kick me in the ass.....


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
for being so AFC. I'm getting more p*ssy right now than I ever had in my life. I've got a lawyer chick and an Italian giving it up constantly. Life is good, except for one problem. For some unGodly reason, I still want my ex. I've moved on, screwed many many other chicks. I have no contact with her, no interaction at all. We've broken up a few times and gotten back together, and so on. We really didn't even date that long. I really think she has that socialistic personality that makes all guys fall head over heels for her, regardless of whether she's good or not. Either way, I'm strung out bad on her. My game gets rattled if I see her in the bar, and I end up leaving.

Like I said, I've done everything to move on. I even left her the last time we broke up, about a month ago......NO contact since then, and the Italian has been f*cking my brains out ever since. Maybe it takes time. On the outside I've done everything right. On the inside, I still want to be with her.

She's popular in this town and maybe it's the fact that I like being with a chick that's well known (She's been around, but she's not a dirty *****). Most guys have not been able to hold on to her, and maybe I like that challenge, who knows.

Wondering if any of you have a certain chick that you just can't shake off and what you did to deal with it....


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
she has that socialistic personality that makes all guys fall head over heels for her,

Would you feel as strong for her if she didn't have all these guys falling for her? Something to think about...

We've broken up a few times and gotten back together, and so on.

Feeling like you have unresolved issues with her making you want her back? Something else to think about...

Either way, I'm strung out bad on her. My game gets rattled if I see her in the bar, and I end up leaving.

It's not a very good thing when someone has this much power over you, bad, bad, bad...

I even left her the last time we broke up, about a month ago

Good for you bro...

Most guys have not been able to hold on to her, and maybe I like that challenge,

I'm sure that is a big part of it....

Wondering if any of you have a certain chick that you just can't shake off and what you did to deal with it....

We've all been there. Ex means 'past', live in the present (lawyer chick)...
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Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Nov. 04-Feb. 04, broke up, back together in July and broke up last month...

We know alot of the same people and her name always gets back to me somehow...

I think it's just the social syndrome....all her friends love her, guys want her, her dad's got a big name here, that sort of thing....


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score

The reason why you think of your ex is because she pretty much fit into 90% of what you want in a girl: Personality, Looks, etc. What about the other hos you're banging? They match less than that, and because of that that Ex will always be in your mind. Deep down in your brain, you want someone better than your current bangs - Someone equivalent or better than your ex. You are "just not" into those girls you're banging


Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by speedo_meme
Nov. 04-Feb. 04, broke up, back together in July and broke up last month...

We know alot of the same people and her name always gets back to me somehow...

I think it's just the social syndrome....all her friends love her, guys want her, her dad's got a big name here, that sort of thing....
Boy, that sounds oh too familiar...Kinda went through the same sh!t you did. You must live in a small town as well. It's like a constant reminder from your past, seeing them and here people talk about them all the time.

Why did you break up with her? Did you really love her? Or is it just your pride that has been hurt? Ask yourself yhis question: Did you want to be with her this bad when you two were together?? If not, then if you do get back together you would quickly return to the way you felt towards her before the breakup. Just something to ponder....


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
I think it's just the social syndrome....all her friends love her, guys want her, her dad's got a big name here, that sort of thing....

Doesn't it bother you that one girl can have this much of a hold on you? You should be looking at this as a bad thing. She has a spell on you bro, she's got you (along with everyone else) right where she wants you.

She goes to bed with a big smile on her face knowing she can have whatever and whoever she wants. You may be thinking 'no, she's not like that', but I promise you, ANY girl living the life she is would be the same way.

That may be a hard pill to swallow, but think about it, let it sink it... Maybe then you will find the motivation to break away from the hold she has on you.


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
I definitely agree. I broke up with her because I knew she was going to cut me loose as soon as she found someone better in her chick mind. I didn't want to, but I had the Italian girl hot and ready so I said the h*ll with it.

She's just a classy sl*t anyways....I need to get my act together....


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by speedo_meme
I definitely agree. I broke up with her because I knew she was going to cut me loose as soon as she found someone better in her chick mind. I didn't want to, but I had the Italian girl hot and ready so I said the h*ll with it.

She's just a classy sl*t anyways....I need to get my act together....
You knew she would break up with you after she found someone better? HA!! Who the hell is she? Hey, if you can land a lawyer, you got it going on bro.

#1, you are the prize here, not her. SHE is the one that is missing out. #2, You don't want to waist your time with someone who has that type of mentally.