Solo clubbing success. Virgin/cougar hookup.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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I don't post here much outside of the health and fitness section but anyone who has read many of my threads knows I'm a mid 20's virgin who has no success with girls beyond a few club makeouts, anyway....

This last weekend I had to attend a work training course way up north up the country where they keep one of their more central offices.

After I did the course I tried out a spot of solo clubbing in one of their local clubs. It was a bit strange at first but after several drinks I relaxed into it a bit more and on the crowded dance floor it didn't mean much.

At one point I ended up dancing around 2 women, 1 of whom I was getting subconscious signs was open to an advance. I attempted dancing up to her a couple of times and got closed out, her friend was blocking me. I tried again and got in, I danced with her for a bit and went in for the kiss. Soon we were making out hard but her friend came and took her back a couple of times. I went again and started making out with her again - her friend did not look happy. I took her hand and led her to a different part of the club away from her friend and she came with me. Away from her friend we spent an hour or 2 grinding on each other and making out hard, hands going all over ;)
I could tell she was a bit older but she was still quite hot and looked good for her age (plus cougars are my fantasy). I later found out she was 42 (I'm 25) - living my cougar fantasy ;)

I suggested we go back to her place so we left the club and walked to her house during the walk she boosted my ego a bit by telling me a few times that I'm a really good kisser and she liked my body.

Now I don't know my BF% but I'd guess less than 10% as my abs are visible and I've put a good amount of muscle on through my gym efforts. She was a real confidence booster as she kept telling many times that I have an amazing body and kept licking my abs and pecs and touching my biceps.

Now given that I'm a 25 yr old virgin I'm low on confidence and I don't even bother taking condoms out as I never expect to have any use for them. If I had bought some..........I would have lost my virginity last night. But I had none :( She looked genuinely gutted that we couldn't have full sex but we carried on having fun in other ways.

Its the first time I've sucked on a pair of tits and that was obviously a lot of fun, first time I've gone down on a woman (that was a bit disgusting but hey), first time I've had my d1ck in a womans mouth (that was nowhere near as good as I've imagined it to be).

I fingered her for a while and she was squirming and moaning and than began squirting at which point she launched herself at me and rammed her tongue back down my throat again so I guess I must have bought her to O.

She didn't bring me to O though which was unfortunate, she sucked it for a while which as I say wasn't as great as I imagined all these years and was giving me hand action for a while but not enough to O.

So yeah If I had had a condom on me last night I would no longer be a virgin but oh well, I had an amazing night, I thougoughly enjoyed her body, its the furthest I've got yet and her compliments about my body and kissing skills were greatly appreciated.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
ALWAYS have a condom on you, always!!!
Even if you think you won't have sex for your entire life, have one ready. You just never know when it happens, but it sucks to not have one when it does.

Anyways, great story and congratulations.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Nice work, but you could have easily fvcked her without the condom...


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I'd rather stay safe.
Just go get checked out after if you are that concerned. And condoms aren't that much least not to the degree everyone thinks...

preventing pregnancy, pretty effective.

Preventing STD's, not so much.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
Instead of criticizing you OP, I'm going to applaud your success. Good for you. It's got to be tough to be confident - and to keep any insecurity internalized - when you're inexperienced like that. Good for you. Keep it up and sooner or later you'll be a master.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
awesome job bro
most women who are somewhat active are on a contraceptive
the only reason for a condom in most cases is to prevent preggo

Q: did she know you were a virgin? (I bet not)