Social Value.Looking for the indifferent to uncool/uncool


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
I see time and again references to social value. If you're the leader of the gang you look best and get all the girls. Makes sense.

** There are a few on this forum who aren't overly concerned with getting the approval of their friends when buying a car and yet also know how to network diplomatically; the mature man. It is your opinion only that I seek. **

However, I've done a few personality tests and I always come up as individualist. That's my strength. I'm not a sheep. I'm not a loner because I'm a loser. I choose to do things on my own because the majority of people piss me off. This isn't to say I can't get by quite well. It's just to say that I have few true friends who I'd like to spend time with - the others are just there as a means to an end and I'd prefer to be alone if possible.

Now, this is a problem. Part of the DJs success is social status. I can see this first hand. Often all I have to do is get in a social circle and be accepted and my foot's in the door.

Most of you on here really considered `DJs` are the snobs of cool. I've always hated people like you. Posts like "Too many wusses in here" show that you're arrogant, unwise, selfish and stupid. You are the kevs, the beez, the janners, the pikeys, the chavs. You probably have spoilers and large exhausts (i.e. ones that don't work) on your cars. If not you drive **** sure cars; beemers. You've never considered the wisedom of waiting to speak. You've never heard of Budda but he sounds like he had his head up hi sarse. But you've got mates and you know sluts. You love to dance and blow your money at the closest megaslutclub. And with your social power you do well with women. You also do well because the AFCs don't have that social power that women love.

I have had my opportunities to hang out with the `cool`. I haven't always taken them. Why? - because even the nicer ones are shallow pigs. They won't like you for what you are but who you know. Examples include when I did JuJitsu simply because I wanted to a challange at something that wasn't really me. These people were very in-crowd. I got on alright, it was a laugh. But they bored me after a while. They had no real thoughts of any depth. No sensitivity.
Now the same thing is happening with surfing and I have the opportunity to meet some new people; good for women. Another example was at school. I generally hung out on the `uncool` table during class. I was spending my lunchtimes playing football with the `cool`. Eventually the `cool` guys asked me why I hung out with those nerds. That's were I felt accepted and I damn well wasn't selling my ego and grades to hang out with them. By then I had observed the strong social circles but I wasn't truely in them. I could win thier acceptance with some work but I never felt at home in any social setting at school; just a guy getting along.

The really `cool` people piss me off. Eventually they either annoy me or they discover I'm not `one of them` and they quitely disappear.

So I'm considering being social for a while purely for women. And I think, that's not good. It doesn't feel quite right. There's a market for maturity but I'm ignorant of how guys in this circle do things. Reading clubs? winebars? Good grief nowhere sounds like social home. I'm not interested in the `cool` girls, or the girls scraping off the barrel from the `uncool` circle. My indifference to those groups is my friend. The question is, how do apply this to women?

Now the AFC may indeed be uncool and no social circle. This has always been his way. Should he shunn his lifetime friends and start associatating with the `cool`? You can't be cool if you're seen or heard talking to the uncool. Should the AFC go it alone?

** There are a few on this forum who aren't overly concerned with getting the approval of their friends when buying a car and yet also know how to network diplomatically; the mature man. It is your opinion only that I seek. **


Don Juan
May 27, 2005
Reaction score
There is a group between cool and uncool. That group can assume characteristics of either side. People in that group are cool enough to not be garbage losers yet not conformist enough to be in the typical "cool" group. Theres not too much flexibility in either. You just have to find other people who buck the trend.

As far as your question about AFCs and whether they should start shunning lifelong friends you dont need to do that man. Naturally though as you start moving away from what you were before you will make new friends and some of your old friends will disappear. Others will stay. They might even start emulating you subconsciously to kinda of have a friendship evolution. For example that one AFC who was a homebody might start coming clubbing with ya. At first he wont enjoy it much but then once you start giving him DJ tips or if hes a covert natural then he'll start having fun. Once he enjoys himself in the new environment he'll stick around and you wont need to shun him


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Your already defeating yourself by thinking in these terms of "cool" and "uncool". Set this is your flaw in logic, on the one side you describe yourself as independant, not a sheep, on the other side you use the terms "cool" and "uncool" which are both defined by "everybody else".

You may not be as independent as you think.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
You sound like you're still in high school. School is a place where you have to fulfill the need to be socially acceptable. Teenagers are concerned about what "group" they hang out with, and how it looks to other people. However, usually when you finish school and get out into the real world, social acceptance no longer plays a huge part in your life. You begin interacting with people who are of different ages who basically couldn't give a 5hit if you fit in with them or not. Friendships start solely based on how well you and another person "click" together.

As for your AFC friends, you don't need to ditch them. As you change, some of them will see your change as something good and support you, but some of them may feel offended or even threatened by the way you're changing, and they'll end up staying in their comfortable location on the road of life, shouting obscenities and insults at you as you keep moving ahead.

Also, if you stand your ground on what you think is "cool" and what isn't "cool", people may not agree with you but will respect you for what you believe in, and the things you're interested in. At least, after you're done school.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Thank you. You are absolutely right. I need to move on and grow up.

If I was truely independant why did I choose to move back to see old friends?

(I'd moved back to where I was at college to find people still in the same sort of groups. I need to stop classifying people and get on with it. Moving on with a change of scene may help. I'm not getting too old for this...)