Social Skills at Work - Requesting some insight


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2014
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So yesterday at work I was in a conversation with a couple of my co-workers, another dude and a woman, all around 23-25 age range. We were discussing the specifics of a product, and the other dude said it's price: "Oh it costs X," and such and such. I recalled that the price was actually different than what he mentioned (and it was important because it was the focus of the discussion), and said: "Uh wait, I thought the price was Y" The girl then said to me (in a rather challenging/rude manner) "Well why don't you go check the price then?" I was like "I mean...I could check I suppose" - I went and checked the price (and turned out to be correct >_>), kinda just giving in.

Anyway, my question is how should one respond to this kind of statement (challenging and maybe a bit disrespectful)? I feel like I didn't have the social acumen to give an appropriate retort, and kinda just keeled over without putting up resistance. These kinds of situations pop up all the time (definitely a recurring thing with women), and I'm wondering how I can effectively respond as a socially adept man.

It may seem small, but these sorts of events kinda eat at my pride (even at work, which is thought to be a purely professional environment, but even still I notice these dynamics coming into play), and it's likely I'm being too accommodating; I feel like there's a better way to stand up for myself, somehow. Do y'all have any thoughts/advice/insight?


Jul 30, 2003
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Do what she would do, file a report to HR explaining how your feelings are hurt and it stressed you out how she spoke to you. be detailed about what she did exactly. be the victim. beat these fks at their own game.

personally I wouldnt go that route, but what I would have done on the spot is "Excuse me _____, but you dont need to speak to me in a disrespectful tone like that. This is a professional setting and our actions should reflect that by using courtesy and respect when interacting. Thank you, and for 100% confirmation I will definitely go check and let you guys know." Then I would go double check, come back with the victorious information and a calm but smug look on my face. Ownage.

The point is to stop disrespect as soon as it starts. If she thinks she can get away talking to you like that, she will push it even further in the future and your other coworker there saw your weakness as well and that will effect their outlook toward you.