Social pressure thread


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score

This is a question I ask to my fellow single men.

I would like to get your point of view on something.

See, I'm not shy by any means, but I'm no extrovert either. I see no need to go out of my way to please women like buying their affection or appearing of facebook pics with them.

I'd like to know: whenever you're in activities with other people such as family suppers, how do you deal with them constantly pressuring you into finding a woman by showing their couples in your faces?


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Never bothered me, I put more pressure on myself than my family did. Like any social pressure, just ignore it. That's usually what I do.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2016
Reaction score
Spokane, Wa
Laugh at them for being tied to each other. The single life is your baseline to happiness!
This might be a good read for you.
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Book by Robert A. Glover

first post :) woo


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score

This is a question I ask to my fellow single men.

I would like to get your point of view on something.

See, I'm not shy by any means, but I'm no extrovert either. I see no need to go out of my way to please women like buying their affection or appearing of facebook pics with them.

I'd like to know: whenever you're in activities with other people such as family suppers, how do you deal with them constantly pressuring you into finding a woman by showing their couples in your faces?
So they are showing you facebook photos of themselves and they happen to be coupled up. And you are translating that into "they are socially pressuring me to couple up".


Why do you feel insecure and socially awkward about being single?

You're not that comfortable in your own skin are you?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
I found that telling to the guy of the couple in front of hig gf/wife that I like the single life style cause I can experience an unbound sexuality to be very effective.

They usually dont bring up the topic anymore, he feels frustrated from that and she feel threated from such talking.

You can do in a softwer way by saying that you dont take pictures of your girlfriendS cause you mostly meet them for activities rated R.

For some reason being an unapologetic assho0le earns you more respect than being a diplomatic civil man.

Also remember that anytime someone makes you feel uncomfortable for some reasons gets it back at him, he will think twice before doing it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I havent had any pressure on me for about 10 years. For one thing, baby boomers are getting wise to the game(they see what I go through) and millennials and gen-xers don't really care anyway.

I challenge you to find a single married man that advises you to settle down. Even my mom told me "well at least you get to sleep with new women" after my last breakup.
From my marriage I messed up in 2003 I had the following benefits:

1. Sex every night if I wanted
2. Cooked for every day
3. Someone who had my back, very defensive of me
4. Intelligent enough to be a foundation for me to grow

So to me that was better than hopping around and being with a million different females.

Champ Slice

Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
From my marriage I messed up in 2003 I had the following benefits:

1. Sex every night if I wanted
2. Cooked for every day
3. Someone who had my back, very defensive of me
4. Intelligent enough to be a foundation for me to grow

So to me that was better than hopping around and being with a million different females.
What happened to that? If you don't mind.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
What happened to that? If you don't mind.
I thought the grass was greener, as I got big for my britches, and left my "Michelle Obama" to go into the single game with all it's glitter and sparkle. I didn't realize how much BS those guys deal with on a norm. Also the babes don't really give a $hit about you. My wife was my foundation that I built a lot of success on. After her, I took a tumble like most men do. But coming back strong, and sosuave has really helped my mindset.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
So in other words, while you were married, your advice to me would have been "don't settle down"
No... I followed the "mirage" of the single game, and set my life backwards. I would've said find a lady who is crazy about you, who would drive 4 hrs to see you, who will cook for you, phvck you daily, will pay some bills, will have your back. Cohabitate a couple years for the inhouse pvssy, and inhouse d1ck for her... Perhaps get married later. I wouldn't tell no one to get married without living together first and it's no race at all. You never know what you got till your living with them.

I save a lot of time by having in house pvssy, and if she is supportive and positive it adds to my confidence and attractiveness to the world.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles

This is a question I ask to my fellow single men.

I would like to get your point of view on something.

See, I'm not shy by any means, but I'm no extrovert either. I see no need to go out of my way to please women like buying their affection or appearing of facebook pics with them.

I'd like to know: whenever you're in activities with other people such as family suppers, how do you deal with them constantly pressuring you into finding a woman by showing their couples in your faces?
After you've internalized a-lot of the stuff you've read on this website and others (particularly for me, Rollo's 'Rational Male' Blog) you begin to realize that a-lot of these people who are "showing their couples in your faces" aren't in as a fulfilling of a relationship as you think they are or as they'd like you to believe they are.

My point is that once you've ran game on a woman and gotten into an LTR with her and done it the right way where she's willingly wanting to and enjoying submitting to you and your male/female ying yang ratio is right where it needs to be you realize that just because two people "have each other" doesn't mean that behind closed doors that relationship isn't totally f*cked up or unfulfilling for one of them or both.

Case and point. I have a really good friend of mine who I grew up with, hell me and him were in preschool together. His is about as "straight and narrow" as a guy my age gets. Super religious, has lived in our same hometown his whole life and is very "blue bill". I don't really like using the terms blue pill and red pill to describe men but I know everyone on this forum will know what I mean by that, so be it. But, yes, he's very blue pill. He's also 27 and recently got married.

My friend has always been a reserved quiet guy. Didn't talk a whole lot. In fact we played baseball growing up together and his nick name on the team was "silent Joe". But he never minded. I could tell it was due to social anxiety because I was the exact same way but he never acknowledged that. It was always "hey man, I've got nothing to say". Again, a blue pill "things are the way they are, God's in control, I got nothing to say, etc." type of view point.

So I show up to his wedding rehearsal and I'd never met his wife before that day. Good god almighty...

From the second she stormed into the sanctuary I was so sad for my friend. This girl was loud, arrogant and I could tell she was just a bossy person overall. The dynamic between her and my friend was clearly one in which she was proudly wearing the pants. During the actual rehearsal she at one point, in a bossy tone, snipped at my friend to "put your shoulders back!". Later on that day at the rehearsal dinner she went on to tell how my friend proposed to her and the way she told the story sounded like she was more annoyed with him than anything. "Well he called me one day and I was at home on the couch watching TV. He asked me if I wanted to go get pizza and walk on the beach. Sure...I said". It was the same way and with the same tone someone would describe buying a f*cking blender for their kitchen. "Well I wanted to make a smoothie and I knew that the Wal-Mart on the state line probably had em, so what the heck I went and got one".

Another case and point. I grew up with a guy and was good friends with someone who was the total opposite of the my friend who just got married. This other guy was a natural. He was knee deep in ***** all through out middle school and high school and has been ever since. He's currently got 3 different kids by 3 different women. For guys who have never had sex or had a relationship you can see why they'd envy him quite a bit, despite having 3 kids to take care of and no education outside of high school. But even with his new woman, he told me that they broke up for a month before they got married and she had sex with 2 other guys in that time. But now they're back together. Also, she's pressed charges on him for "strangulation" which she later dropped because it was "just a fight".

My point? If you look at both these 'couples' on facebook, ANYONE would get jealous. But the dynamic in the relationship isn't always so cut and dry in real life. Is getting laid easy? Yes it can be. Is getting into a relationship easy? Yes it can be. But what about finding a woman who actually likes you? A woman who respects and loves you and wants you to lead in the relationship? A woman who comes from a good family and shares the same types of values that you do? A woman who understands that a relationship is about commitment and doesn't put herself into situations that would encourage cheating? A woman who actually enhances your life and makes you a better man as opposed to simply increasing your facebook likes? Is that easy to find?

Hell no it isn't.

Now am I trying to sound high and mighty compared to my two friends I spoke about above? Of course not. I'm 0/2 in LTR's and have a-lot of stuff I need to work on in my life. But I refuse to hide behind the facade of a "glorious union" to act like my life is perfect. Do I want a relationship? Of course. But am I going to overlook some red flags I've ignored in the past or disrespect or diminishing interest levels from a woman and try to save the relationship because I simply want to be in a relationship? No, I'm not.

So to the OP - not everything is what it appears, especially when you have two people shoving their "wonderful life together" down your through online or in person. You've gotta look out for yourself and if you decide to be exclusive with a woman it must be because you want to and she is genuinely excited and happy to be with YOU. Social pressure has probably caused so many people to get married and then ultimately divorce that it would be overwhelming to know the real number.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
You look at them squarely in the face, and with confidence, you tell them you are happy, that you haven't found a suitable female, and that you don't want to settle


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for the replies. Much appreciated.

My issue isn't about being single as I'm quite happy with celibacy . I'm not a relationship kind of guy and want nothing to do with one.

It's more about how to get those who actually pressure me to leave me the hell alone.

S Disko

New Member
Dec 2, 2016
Reaction score
No... I followed the "mirage" of the single game, and set my life backwards. I would've said find a lady who is crazy about you, who would drive 4 hrs to see you, who will cook for you, phvck you daily, will pay some bills, will have your back. Cohabitate a couple years for the inhouse pvssy, and inhouse d1ck for her... Perhaps get married later. I wouldn't tell no one to get married without living together first and it's no race at all. You never know what you got till your living with them.

I save a lot of time by having in house pvssy, and if she is supportive and positive it adds to my confidence and attractiveness to the world.
Did/do you have kids with the ex? If not, how come?


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
From my marriage I messed up in 2003 I had the following benefits:

1. Sex every night if I wanted
2. Cooked for every day
3. Someone who had my back, very defensive of me
4. Intelligent enough to be a foundation for me to grow

So to me that was better than hopping around and being with a million different females.
I agree.
My ex i just let go a month ago was very good about sex with me we had a great connection. However, she never cooked for me even when i asked her to all the time she cooked once this ****ing year, once, but bitched about what she wasn't getting all the time. Was manic and talked to me beyond horribly in her rages which is just disrespectful though part of the disease, unstable emotions. She would also lie during arguments and twist **** not to be wrong. And then admit it after when she came back down to reality.

God God man I'd give anything to find a girl like u had
What happened to your marriage?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I agree.
My ex i just let go a month ago was very good about sex with me we had a great connection. However, she never cooked for me even when i asked her to all the time she cooked once this ****ing year, once, but bitched about what she wasn't getting all the time. Was manic and talked to me beyond horribly in her rages which is just disrespectful though part of the disease, unstable emotions. She would also lie during arguments and twist **** not to be wrong. And then admit it after when she came back down to reality.

God God man I'd give anything to find a girl like u had
What happened to your marriage?
Got somewhat successful in my industry then got big for my britches and got a mistress. Those usually have bad endings.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Sorry to hear.
Learned my lesson. I was cheated for 7 years afterwards so I know what it feels like. I never knew the pain and devistation could be that great. I wouldn't intentionally do that again unless there was a very good reason.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
I'd like to know: whenever you're in activities with other people such as family suppers, how do you deal with them constantly pressuring you into finding a woman by showing their couples in your faces?
So these family members or whoever are shoving some type of lifestyle down your throat of what they want to see? Flip the tables on them instead. Tell them, "Nah, not really looking to be tied down right now. I've actually got a date with 2 chicks next Friday that I'm trying arrange logistics back to my place for a threesome".

And when you say that, you don't smile, you don't laugh, you say it with complete and total seriousness. Why the f*ck shouldn't you be having a threesome? Don't let people put you down because of what they think you should be doing. For all you know, they are miserable in their relationships and misery loves company.