So what exactly is Paul Janka's appeal?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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Don Juan
Jun 5, 2012
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we should bring in our resident female dj.

where's gpshields... lol

honestly tho, i only watched the first vid and i do that stuff too. getting a number that way is no biggie.

I can see that he's tall and white and he's a normal friendly guy. A lot of guys arent "normal" so just from that, he stands out.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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He's dresses and talks like a trust fund kid...a characteristic prized by the female of 2012

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Thin, tall, good-looking, nice teeth, has voice & body language control.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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All these videos are of him getting a number. You think getting a number means anything? I can't even count how many times I got a number or my friends got a number and it led NOWHERE. Not even a first date.

If you speak friendly to most (normal) girls, you will get a number. 95% of the time, you will also get a flake.

Getting a number doesn't mean that she is into you. Don't forget that.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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To the guys here who claim he's good looking - the dude's got a beard, shades and wearing a baseball hat. He's skinny and dressed scruffy. The girls really have no idea what he looks like. Wouldn't this be a testament to the fact that looks matter little if your rap and non-verbals are tight.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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He is tall and slim, you can tell he stands out from most of the other guys in the videos. That triggers a certain automatic reaction from girls. He may look a little scruffy but the facial hair and flannel shirt communicates masculinity, and he isn't try hard.

Like Atom Smasher notes, he has good voice and body control, he looks very calm, confident, and relaxed. Maybe he feels protected by the shades and hat, gives him something to hide behind. I don't think the baseball hat is a good look, though.

And as TillTheEndOfTime says, numbers mean nothing. Women give out numbers like water these days. Maybe she thinks she's found a new texting buddy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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He's a normal looking dude with all of his hair (aka not balding- this helps with youthful appearance), so I am sure that doesn't hurt his chances with women. What works for him is that he just goes for it. I doubt very many people do just that on a daily basis. It doesn't hurt he can actually hold a conversation and doesn't seem to get awkward at any point. All the people who are haters probably can not do this, or do this as well as they think they can. I myself have been practicing and trying to improve random conversation, but its not easy by any means...

If I had to guess the appeal, its that he goes for what he wants. women respond well to positive approaches. Did you see the girl in the last video? she couldn't stop engaging him, but the control of the conversation was clearly his.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Only watched the first one... Unless the others are different - he doesn't make his sexual intentions known, and doesn't receive any innuendos whatsoever. He is acting strictly friendly, and asks for her number in a friendly manner. He even says she is friendly, and makes his intentions known as friendly. There is no sign of sexual interest given by either party. No touching, flirting, asking for dates... Nothing. Of course people like to have friends - it doesn't mean they're interested.

Unless the other videos are different - this is a very bad example of women finding a guy appealing. All I see is a 100% friendly encounter. Talking to a girl and getting her number like this means nothing whatsoever.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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How often have you spent hours and hours chasing what seems to be a "Quality" girl only to find out she doesn't want to have sex with you?

A method in itself does not get you girls.
You, using the method, get girls.

It's your choice which girls you want to approach. Want to approach quality? Go after quality. Want Quantity? By all means.

Paul Janka:

- Direct game.
- Shot gun approach to approaching. ( he gets 20-40 numbers a week)
- Quickest game I know: from meeting girl for the first time to having sex with her. Personally, I don't see a point to be in the game and pickup women if you're not going to have sex with them as soon as possible.
- A non-PUA game. He does not use openers, DHV stories, FTCs, excessive comfort building routines, etc. If you are naturally good with women you will like his method.
- His game works best in bigger city. The amount of girls he approaches per day would not be feasible in smaller town.
- It's strictly a day game. There is a good explanation in his product why he doesn't do night game.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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floydb25 said:
Only watched the first one... Unless the others are different - he doesn't make his sexual intentions known, and doesn't receive any innuendos whatsoever. He is acting strictly friendly, and asks for her number in a friendly manner. He even says she is friendly, and makes his intentions known as friendly. There is no sign of sexual interest given by either party. No touching, flirting, asking for dates... Nothing. Of course people like to have friends - it doesn't mean they're interested.

Unless the other videos are different - this is a very bad example of women finding a guy appealing. All I see is a 100% friendly encounter. Talking to a girl and getting her number like this means nothing whatsoever.
Watch the other videos. He explicitly asks them out to coffee before getting the number.

And no random dude approaches girls to be friends. Every girl knows what's up when a random dude asks for her number.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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Only the last girl in the videos really showed interest in him. It's probably because he was more direct and fun (with the talking to the mom). He was also kinda sleezy in how he was saying he was a law student to try and look more high value with a lie. The other ones were just giving the number out socially vs. Romantically. Gotta say though he had solid dominance / controll in a couple of those videos which was pretty solid.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Alright, I watched the other videos. #2 was strictly friendly. #3 was a clear rejection / blow off... He had to keep pestering to get what is probably a fake number. Saying you're a lesbian, you're busy for 3 weeks, and asking for your number (in defense to asking for theirs) are all bad. #5 was put on the spot. #4 is the only one who seemed interested in the idea of going on a date, but didn't seem too enthused about him. I can see it not going very far already.

This isn't how girls act when they're genuinely interested in someone. Maybe you never had a girl be crazy about you, but its definitely not this. I do give him credit for being confident and social, but if he had the looks to back it up, girls would be all over him. But, they're not... At all. The lack of looks is dampering his success big time, and it shows. He's doing all of the work, and they're not reciprocating his interest. This should not be. And, it isn't when girls are genuinely interested. You go up to them, they have a big smile on their face, play with their hair, maybe fidget around... You ask questions, they answer with enthusiasm, and keep talking and talking without you needing to follow up... Then asking you questions in return... After a short while, they start touching you and flirting... This is genuine interest. This is how I get girls, and they always ask me for my number (not vice versa). Actually, a lot of what he does is what girls do when they're interested in someone. He's not getting any strong vibes in return, however.

I still don't see any girls finding him appealing or attractive. He does have solid social skills, but maybe pushes too much to keep a conversation going. You don't have to ask one question after another after another. That's kind of annoying. But maybe that's the only way he can keep them interested, and talking about themselves. Because, they don't ask him much - he just tells them about himself - then goes back to asking about them. Like, he's making up for their lack of interest by answering questions no one asked him. "Yeah, I'm from here... I'm going to there... I just did this." Again, not how it works when there is genuine interest. They ask you lots of questions. Work with what you got, I guess.

But definitely, not a good example of a person being successful with women based solely on confidence. Quite poor, actually, and kind of reiterates the fact that looks matter more than people want to admit. Maybe because they don't have them, and want to believe. These girls also aren't super hot, like all the guys seem to want, and believe they can get without looks.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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floydb25 said:
Alright, I watched the other videos. #2 was strictly friendly. #3 was a clear rejection / blow off... He had to keep pestering to get what is probably a fake number. Saying you're a lesbian, you're busy for 3 weeks, and asking for your number (in defense to asking for theirs) are all bad. #5 was put on the spot. #4 is the only one who seemed interested in the idea of going on a date, but didn't seem too enthused about him. I can see it not going very far already.

This isn't how girls act when they're genuinely interested in someone. Maybe you never had a girl be crazy about you, but its definitely not this. I do give him credit for being confident and social, but if he had the looks to back it up, girls would be all over him. But, they're not... At all. The lack of looks is dampering his success big time, and it shows. He's doing all of the work, and they're not reciprocating his interest. This should not be. And, it isn't when girls are genuinely interested. You go up to them, they have a big smile on their face, play with their hair, maybe fidget around... You ask questions, they answer with enthusiasm, and keep talking and talking without you needing to follow up... Then asking you questions in return... After a short while, they start touching you and flirting... This is genuine interest. This is how I get girls, and they always ask me for my number (not vice versa). Actually, a lot of what he does is what girls do when they're interested in someone. He's not getting any strong vibes in return, however.

I still don't see any girls finding him appealing or attractive. He does have solid social skills, but maybe pushes too much to keep a conversation going. You don't have to ask one question after another after another. That's kind of annoying. But maybe that's the only way he can keep them interested, and talking about themselves. Because, they don't ask him much - he just tells them about himself - then goes back to asking about them. Like, he's making up for their lack of interest by answering questions no one asked him. "Yeah, I'm from here... I'm going to there... I just did this." Again, not how it works when there is genuine interest. They ask you lots of questions. Work with what you got, I guess.

But definitely, not a good example of a person being successful with women based solely on confidence. Quite poor, actually, and kind of reiterates the fact that looks matter more than people want to admit. Maybe because they don't have them, and want to believe. These girls also aren't super hot, like all the guys seem to want, and believe they can get without looks.
You do realize he's slept with 100+ girls from day game right?


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
spinaroonie said:
You do realize he's slept with 100+ girls from day game right?
What's your point? Talk to enough girls, and you'll eventually find some who are interested - or at least desperate and not appalled enough to sleep with you. Doesn't mean women find him appealing. Most people have lower standards when it comes to sex vs relationships. You don't have to be hot to get laid. Especially if you approach tons of women. But his odds are still ****, and none of those women showed any interest. I know what interest looks like, and that's not it.

This all just confirms everything we already knew already. If you're not attractive - keep approaching and talking to women. Eventually some will bite, and you'll get laid. Where's the ground-breaking revelation, here? It doesn't mean they genuinely like you, find you appealing, or want to keep you around.

I knew people just like this. They got laid it based solely on the amount of approaching they did - and nothing else. Of course, they thought they were big time sexy stud pimps, but they got rejected more than non, didn't get the hottest girls, were left for better looking guys, and so forth. They were just confident, and didn't care. Doesn't mean they necessarily "won", or that anyone approached them, or that anyone wanted them for more than a ONS. That's basically all they got, and could get.

This is also why women get involved with bad boys. Even though they seem like bad news, and you'd think they would only be good for the short-term - they're attractive enough physically to want to keep around. The women just think they can change them into being emotionally appealing, as well, and that's where the problem starts. It still comes down to looks.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
I've seen plenty of other vids of this guy and he virtually looks nothing like many of that parade of snapshots. He has the ability look look incredibly good. I can see why women would instantly be attracted.

One huge advantage he has is the lack of a "sing-songy" voice. His tone is carefully measured while avoiding being monotone. In the past I have had to fight the tendency of a "sing-songy" voice, one that reveals too much emotion. Too much gesticulation and too wide a vocal range. Women subconsciously perceive that as having a feminine feel to it.

Janka has mastered vocal tone. It probably comes completely natural to him.

On another note, I have a hard time figuring out you guys and you "getting her number" schtik. What is the meaning of collecting numbers? When I'm out and about and I tell a women to give me her number she gives it me as commanded, and clearly it's because she hopes I will call. I've honestly never once had a flake.

I think it must have to do with my prep work. I don't go for the number until I've totally prepared my prey and I know when to go in for the kill. This might come off as bragging in some way but I'm saying it due my lack of comprehension of the idea of getting numbers with the understanding of the likelihood of flaking.

I guess some of you guys work within a shorter time frame so a quick hit is essential. As for me, I play the conversation for as long as is appropriate and then strike. A man can tell when a woman is smitten. I suppose the number collectors are working volume while I'm working quality and sure shots. I never pull the trigger until she's square in my sights, essentially already mine even before I pull. The result is zero flakes, but perhaps less volume.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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Here's Paul Janka's dating philosphy:

"Take my word for it since I’ve spent years doing the research (or do it yourself and waste time): you will gain nothing by talking longer and possibly you’ll torpedo the opportunity. Once you’ve gotten her number, move on. First of all, it’s likely that you’ll say something that works against you. The “stranger” light is blinking in her head and plenty can disqualify you. If you’ve got the number, you’ve already been qualified – what more do you want? As I’ve said, women travel this world looking for reasons to disqualify otherwise decent men. If she’s given you the digits, you’re done for the moment. Save that funny line you’re dying to use.

The other reason to move on is that there are other girls around, and since it’s a numbers game, you need to get to work. On a good day, I may get seven numbers of women I think are quite attractive. I’ve found that I sleep with 11% of the women whose numbers I get (more on this later). That breaks down to two girls for every three days of numbers, more-or-less.

But back to the categories in women’s heads. They’re like bins, these categories. And what I’ve found is that you can’t move from stranger to intimate or even friend/acquaintance by bull****ting on the street. You’re better off saving it. When you text her that night, you’re still the “guy from the street,” whether you spent 30 seconds saying “hi” or thirty minutes sharing about where you went to school and what you do for work. This has been corroborated by another player here in NYC. Accept your loss ratio and work on top-line. Trying to make an “impression” on each girl also is futile because you’re up against another tenet of the game:

A difficult woman remains difficult.

Basically, if the girl is fun and carefree, the forty-five seconds you spend are sufficient; she’ll respond and you’ll meet and shag. If she’s difficult – which is a general term for women who are skeptical, suspicious, haughty, *****y, condescending and/or rude – no amount of chatting is going to overcome her normal disposition. You won’t **** her with a 30 second stop-and-chat, but you won’t **** her with the investment of an hour of top game. Let her go. That’s the beauty of the game. Next!"

- Paul Janka, Attraction Formula (p. 24)


Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
What Paul Janka had working for him was the fact he lived in NYC. He'd walk around during the day and was able to make tons of approaches because of how many people live there. Girls were also under the impression he had money because he lived in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. He would frequently mention this while chatting these girls up.

Janka works more of a "status" game with older women. The guy's in his mid 30s, and clearly doesn't do as well with college aged girls.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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The guy friend in video #2 was clearly very uncomfortable lol. He probably had a secret crush on his friend and watching some random dude talk to her with ease and get her number probably pi$$ed him off.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
spinaroonie said:
To the guys here who claim he's good looking - the dude's got a beard, shades and wearing a baseball hat. He's skinny and dressed scruffy.
What do you think "good looking" is supposed to be? 225 lbs of muscle, clean shaven, and wearing a tuxedo? Not every girl goes for the clean-cut, Atkins diet, 8-pack, overachiever.

Wouldn't this be a testament to the fact that looks matter little if your rap and non-verbals are tight.
He looks like a dude. Girls like dudes. Not breaking your balls, man, but you make it sound like he has a hunchback.

I mean, I don't walk around rocking sunglasses while conversing with people, but I don't see any reason why this guy shouldn't be attractive enough to get girls.