So my gf is clingy....

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Okay so basically my girlfriend is WAY WAY TOO clingy to me.
She gets mad for the stupidest reasons and watches my every move when I'm around other girls (i'm a bit of a flirt, so i'm told)

But I can't help being a flirt, its just the way I am. I treat girls and guys the same, I like to make people laugh, I like to make people smile, I like it when lots of people are around me. I do it without even knowing!

She thinks I'm not treating her special and what not. I'm going to have a talk with her tomorow. About how silly these things shes noticing is.

I'm just going to fricken shove it in her face and prove that she is at fault, not ME! Stuff like what I said above and statements like "I'm with YOU, not them!" will hopefully open her eyes abit.
Any tips? I need more strong arguments to TOTALLY shut her the **** up. Ideas? :D

PS. It might seem like I don't like this girl much from this post, but she is probally one of the most funniest girls I have met. (and very attractive HB9)
Only thing is, this is HS and she hasn't been with much guys yet and thinks we're going to be in love forever and ever and ever and ever....grow up missy.
But bottom line is, I don't want to break up with her (not yet anyways), I just want to show her that its her thats getting jealous and what not. I'm not the one at fault here.

Maybe I can use this to my advantage somehow? Ideas??? :up:

Thanks DJs
3T :cool:


Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Your creeped out by her neediness same way girls are creeped out by guys being chumps.

I dont know anything about relationships, so its your call buddy :) good luck

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
yea, I might break up with her. Dunno yet, depends how pissed i get tomorow when I talk to her.

But before I break up with her, I want to basically show that it is HER that is at fault, not ME.
I already have a bunch of strong arguments in my head when she first told me these things. But I want to load up my arsennal even MORE! I want to just BLOW HER AWAY, and then dump that little jealous ass of hers.

Soooo....any ideas? :)

and listen up AFCs :trouble:
Your getting a first hand experience as to how a hot chick usually feels when needy guys come to her.

If you have any questions about how I feel right now feel free to ask away! :yes:
Its most likely how the HBs feel when the clingy guys come to them. (or close to how they feel anyways)
Its a good learning experience for me and I want to share it with the site as well.

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Just tell her to relax because at the end of the night you are with her and not anyone else.

Pretty much leave it at that and be glad you have a girl that is crazy about you. Your in complete control of this relationship so feel good.

Also try mabye some public affection with her. Hand holding or a kiss on the forehead every once in a while when you are with friends. It will make her feel special and safe=less b1tching

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Yea thanks 5-1.
I'll use that statement, that a good one. :up:

And I already do show public affection. I touch her, I fkiss her, sometimes the both of us get so carried away people are like "haha, get a room you two! :p " or "...I'm gonna, be....over there...", all the while backing away slowly...haha, good times. :cool:

And, when I'm with her, we're almost ALWAYS holding hands or my arm around her or her holding onto my arm and what not.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2007
Reaction score
It sounds like you enjoy the attention she gives you....

Triple T

Senior Don Juan
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
ChapStick said:
It sounds like you enjoy the attention she gives you....
somewhat, I could care less tho. Shes not a big part of my life right now, I've got other stuff to worry about.