So it’s been a few months , is COVID a bunch of bologna or still think it’s a real threat?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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And here I thought it was an Australian University. Where are you getting that from?

Beside, there is tons of bull**** in liberal academia. Are you not familiar with Grievance studies affair?

I've asked for sources three times (excluding ones with small/nonrandom samples) and you haven't linked anything yet, so idk how you can claim selective exposure.
The article cited was not scientifically peer reviewed. I already explained why. Your original comment to the thread was entirely misinformation regarding COVID-19. If you want to continue believing bullshvt like “masks don’t work” That is on you but don’t suggest other people do the same. Hence, why multiple posters have deemed your comment reckless.

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
I’m Covid positive and it was 3 weeks of hell (rapid heart rate, insomnia, diarrhea, anxiety attacks that mimic heart attacks, inflammation, fever, cough, and chills) but surprisingly never had any lung issues or difficulty of breath despite viral pneumonia.

The past 2 weeks have been back to normal. It really pushes you to the brink and in week two (the virus incubation period is 5-9 days) you will know if you are a mild symptom 3 weeker or a 3-6 week severe symptom icu patient. I personally know 4 icu Covid positive people who at one point looked like hell that all recovered thanks to remdesivir and dexamethasone. One guy had a blood oxygen level of 80. That’s organ failure level. Mines was always 97+.

The severe patients got all the good meds. I was given absolutely nothing and was told to just quarantine because all the good stuff is for people on the brink of life and death. They even make you sign a waiver form before they can administer the emergency meds.

My recovery was good old fashioned DayQuil and NyQuil and meditation, yoga, tai chi, and kickboxing cardio for women. I couldn’t do the hardcore excercises for men for 3 weeks.

Also, vitamin d, astaxantin, elderberry, vitamin c, zinc, turmeric, l Theanine, garlic, green tea extract, and Hawthorne supplements and self prescribing myself Xanax. I found a research paper that found Xanax naturally prevents Covid from binding to certain receptors in your heart and relaxes it at the same time. I took a leap of faith and took it and slept like a baby and woke up the next day feeling completely refreshed and all chest pain was gone. Don’t quote me on this though. Do your own research.

I even confirmed with my doctor and she told me that that Covid attacks your nervous system along with your coronary system (and just about every other system. It’s not just a simple lung disease) and Xanax can help with both to relax you and slow down your rapid heart beat and relieve it of overworking.

Many people have died from heart attacks/ suffered panic attacks that mimic heart attacks and difficulty of breath because of the stress Covid puts on your heart and nervous system, and this doesn’t get talked about enough.
I just started the l theanine mentioned here

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
I want you to witness the frail attempts to out frame me. It will be a lesson in " How to be dominant". Lol.
My dear, I don't want to learn how to be more dominant.

I always just wanted to see all men be more so. Looks like its a biochemical, social technology and lack of leaders to look up to problem.

I have just enough strength to take care of myself. Just find it too hard to also be masculine for men too.
Kind of abstract, it would take a long time to describe the witnessing of the decline in masculinity, in men.

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
But sadly Spaz will not address me when it comes to seduction.

No one actually will.

I don't know if you realize, but I have forgotten more game than the 10 best men in so suave will ever learn across 10 lifetimes. There are real legends in this forum. And I am one of them. And so is Spaz. I respect him. But I don't think he will waste his time arguing with me, lol.
he ebbs and flows, I noticed. We all do.

Its true. You have mad game, much respect. Curtsy and a low bow, Sir

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
I'm the irresistible force. And he's the immovable object.

We both self-insert each other.

Do you know that I cannot exist without him and he cannot exist with me? Lol.

We are polar opposites in the matrix.

Obviously we CAN exist without each other. But it's just more epic that we oppose each other.

If you don't believe me, listen to his neck of the words. He will "Huff and buff and blow the doors down."
yep, I've already seen that. Its an ok technique but not balanced.

Disclaimer: Spoken from the spectator stands, no interest in debate or battle just in encouraging character formation. By repeating and recording observations. Contrasting emotions raised(in myself) with the technique of confirming observations with what others see and experience. Find out if they feel same emotions as me.

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
Hey we will see baby girl, lol. I survived Covid. This is all childs play to me. I actually cannot wait to hear what any one has in store.

I cannot wait to hear your stories as a super masculine and sexy man. Yeah. Give me all your excuses, lol.

And I won't be impressed.
You don't write outside of here? With all this valuable material here?

Just the other day someone wrote something profound that I wish could get picked up by university researchers. I'll go find it. That would be a nonfiction story. It was by member lamath...fellow Canadian... sniff, so proud...


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
I usually I agree with you. But not this time. Since I was 14, I've known what made me healthy and what was bad for me. And after having survived Covid, knowing people who have survived Covid, and literally beiong responsible for Covid mitigating in my state, I know for a fact that it is 100% dependent on the person. Aka personal responsibility. You preach a lot about masculinity. But it seems like you are giving an out for old and unhealthy people. Just because you are old does not mean you have a right to tax the system and let yourself go.

You cannot have it both ways. They are responsible for their own health. You cannot preach about self responsibility and in the same breath, talk about vulnerable people. Ultimately we are all responsible for our own well being. This is the ultimate masculine mindset.

A warrior does not seek death. But he does not AVOID it. If anything, being on the brink of death is an awakening experience. If you've had this experience, you would know what I am talking about.
What r u talking abt?

For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die - that's my standard.

For my culture, teachings, and general reverence to my direct elders and those at large - that's my standard.

Now you know my standard and we know yours.

My standards are extremely high, why should I lower myself to the level of an ant?

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
I've reached a new level of confidence and inner self dominance after overcoming covid. It's oozing out of me. Perhaps I need to step my platform.

Debates on this site seems like 5th grader stuff in comparison to my life experiences. It's amusing to see these guys try to get a reaction out of me, lol.

If I am perfectly honest, I think I purposely provoked @Spaz just because I know how over reactive he is.
What would bring satisfaction and fun? What platform?
Scriptwriting would be fascinating.
History book writing.

Literature for beavers/boy scouts if they're still called that.

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
I don't want to derail this thread but I am thinking something along the lines of spirituality and enlightenment.

There is a lot of needless drama in the world because egos can't get along over the smallest things.

That would be a challenge for 10 lifetimes. To overcome the egocentricity of man.
I'm sorry to derail; excuse me please OP, I get carried away.

Yes Storm, very good but what avenue? where to reach the ones you want to reach? The medium you choose probably can't be the narcissistic social media or maybe it should be the medium.
Have to make it simple. In short bursts of brilliance. Has to be like a logo, or brand name. Memorable and repeatable cultural VOCAL meme, not visual meme. People taking action by 'talking' it brings them out of the feminine passively viewing it.
Just randomly brainstorming.....


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
Yes everyone knows my level and yours.

My level is to debate the topic.

Your level is to attack the person. Obviously this comes from a place of over-reactivity,

When you get to my level one day, perhaps you will gain some respect.

In your effort to "minimize me", you actually give yourself a way as taking me seriously.

Lions don't interact with ants, let alone fire shots, remember? lol.
Was that a debate at ur level?

Nah, you just stated ur standard and I mine, that's ur level.


Lions don't keep 10 year old pictures of their Ex in their phones only to whip them out in Sosuave, just to show how ugly they were.

Even ant's don't do that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
mods you can close this thread when you ready.. the children ruined it.. again
Just so you know, cola, I kept my mouth shut a few times in this thread solely out of respect for you, because you asked.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Pretty funny regardless.

Funny stuff. Ironically "Karens" are more likely, in my experience, to complain to the manager about Black folks and White men with their masks off. But White women are the worst people in the world apparently so hey, have at it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
My facility is COVID-free as of this past week. All staff cases have resolved too. The grass is definitely greener on this side.