So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2007
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Luke, god uses your mom as an oracle?

For fvck's sake man, run to the therapist now, you remind me of a character from a movie. He owns a motel.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
Deal with the issue on the other thread that I put the link on or shut-up. Obviously I must have said something there that you cant even reply to. I'm not going to waste my time on here, I'm out.
How very un-superior of you Luke.

So let's break it down.

You are/have;

- 32 years old
- can't get laid. not even once.
- can't talk to people. not even on a forum.
- can't talk to women
- live at home
- mother who is 'an oracle'
- career? not likely
- no car
- no future
- religion and martyrdom? not likely. i don't think you've even read the bible or follow what it says
- and lastly a coward. can't stand this discussion because you are obviously losing ground and might have to reconsider your behaviour, so you bail out

You are officially at ROCK BOTTOM. Yes you are.

Now my question for you is: What are you GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

I will bet money, that you will do nothing.
May 23, 2006
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Alle_Gory said:
How very un-superior of you Luke.

So let's break it down.

You are/have;

- 32 years old

Alle_Gory said:
- can't get laid. not even once.
I did not admit to that point on any of my zillion posts. Anybody can get laid.
Keep citing Nov 29/06 as a reference date that I aborted a hookup with a girl who wanted to deflower me as a case in point.

Alle_gory said:
- can't talk to people. not even on a forum.
Wouldn't be in Real-Estate for over 10 years if I couldn't.

Alle_Gory said:
- can't talk to women
Sure I can as long as I know them. Lots of very successful people on here who cant do cold approaches. Take slickaz for example, he's successful with the ladies, but doesn't rely on cold approaches and chatting up strangers.

Alle_Gory said:
- live at home
So what? I know a Real-Estate guy who lives at home to and gets laid all the time.

Alle_Gory said:
- mother who is 'an oracle'
That's a good thing.

Alle_Gory said:
- career? not likely
So what? There is a thread here about a homeless man who is successful with the ladies.

Alle_Gory said:
All Real-Estate agents have a car.

Alle_Gory said:
- religion and martyrdom? not likely. i don't think you've even read the bible or follow what it says
Sure I do. You keep twisting scriptures and don't know what you are talking about.

Alle_Gory said:
- and lastly a coward. can't stand this discussion because you are obviously losing ground and might have to reconsider your behaviour, so you bail out
No, I don't have to repeat something I already wrote on another thread. I did provide the link to that thread so I didn't back out.

There is nothing that you have written that there wont be a counter-example of someone, somewhere who is still successful with ladies.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Luke Skywalker said:
You have to be married in order to commit adultery. Since I'm not married I can look at any woman lustfully since I wont be committing adultery to anyone. Whatever.
Luke it doesn't say you have to be married. It says any man who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Alle_Gory said:
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8

For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Thessalonians 5:9

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. Proverbs 6:16-19

Even the bible is telling you to stop being a douche Luke.
Allegory that's not fair for because he shares a counter point of view and is expressing it that means he's sowing discord amongst brothers? WOW! I'm not surprised this is just the way or the world.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
I did not admit to that point on any of my zillion posts. Anybody can get laid. Keep citing Nov 29/06 as a reference date that I aborted a hookup with a girl who wanted to deflower me as a case in point.
You're not a flower.

Wouldn't be in Real-Estate for over 10 years if I couldn't.
So why do you still live with your mother?

Sure I can as long as I know them. Lots of very successful people on here who cant do cold approaches. Take slickaz for example, he's successful with the ladies, but doesn't rely on cold approaches and chatting up strangers.
Talking to people. Not cold approaches. Talking means communicating. Have you even read your own posts? They're all over the place.

That's a good thing.
If it were true. It's not. You believe it to be true but that doesn't make it so.

You keep twisting scriptures and don't know what you are talking about.

If you want the true definition of the scriptures, learn ancient Hebrew and read the original manuscripts. Until then you are quoting a bible that has been re-translated through a few languages. Things get lost in translation, meanings become twisted and things become vague.

Until you read the original 'word of God' you are quoting text that is at best somewhat accurate.

Anyway, I can see this isn't going anywhere or you for that matter. I don't understand why you are here. If you refuse (to yourself) to make any improvement, why are you here on

I'm starting to believe you are not supposed to get laid. That would mean you can possibly have kids one day. I would feel sorry for children being raised like that.

Anyway, see ya. You've given me enough material for at least a few jokes and maybe a short story.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
jafyk said:
Luke it doesn't say you have to be married. It says any man who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
The defination of 'adultery' implies that you are married because you can not cheat on your spouce if your are not married. Adultery is cheating on YOUR spouce. It involves deception, lying, doing something behind your spouce's back.
In ALL Old Testament instances of Adultery, the guy was married -- unless you can prove a counter-example, I can not accept that arguement.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
Luke is pretty good at ignoring points made by allergory, such as if he's a successful real estate agent, why is he living with his mom.

However, me and the rest of the members of this forum NOTICE that douchbag.


iambrian81 said:
Luke is pretty good at ignoring points made by allergory, such as if he's a successful real estate agent, why is he living with his mom.

However, me and the rest of the members of this forum NOTICE that douchbag.
There seems to be a vendetta against Luke Skywalker. He lives his life the way he wants to and if you have a problem with that, go eat ****. Kudos to you, Luke! :up:
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
iambrian81 said:
Luke is pretty good at ignoring points made by allergory, such as if he's a successful real estate agent, why is he living with his mom.

However, me and the rest of the members of this forum NOTICE that douchbag.
What points? I've responded to all of them but the reality is that it is my points that are being ignored by allergory. Such as I know another Real-Estate agent who also lives at home -- that's right with his parents - and he's getting tail. Does not interfare with his game. There are also plenty of people who are successful in their careers who cant seem to connect with women. There is no black and white that you have to be a certain way or be successful in order to get laid. Heck, you could win the lottery and still not be able to win your oneitis.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Energizer said:
There seems to be a vendetta against Luke Skywalker. He lives his life the way he wants to and if you have a problem with that, go eat ****. Kudos to you, Luke! :up:


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
So in other word, we're suspose to trust that you have ANY level of success in your life despite being a 32 years old virgin, living at home with your mom.

And you also think that sex is dirty, evil and tries to cite the bible against any form of sex in this forum on pickup artist who obviously go here to learn how to get laid?

Then you try to give advice on how to get laid on people who are ALREADY getting laid and more experience than you?

ROFL. What a fricking hypocrite and a pathetic forum troll.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
iambrian81 said:
So in other word, we're suspose to trust that you have ANY level of success in your life despite being a 32 years old virgin, living at home with your mom.
I think I have been honest with whatever I have represented about myself on this forum.

iambrian81 said:
And you also think that sex is dirty, evil and tries to cite the bible against any form of sex in this forum on pickup artist who obviously go here to learn how to get laid?
I'm merely quoting what the Bible says. Someone on this thread made a claim that people are hiding behind religion or the Bible who do not want to get laid. My response is the Bible takes a firm and uncompromising position about that. If someone chooses to be a virgin for religious reasons it's totally sick to say that this is a cover for the fact they can not get laid.

In this case, if your friend wants to remain pure, and does this for religious reasons, you should just back off.

iambrian81 said:
Then you try to give advice on how to get laid on people who are ALREADY getting laid and more experience than you?
I do not give advice on how to get laid anywhere other than the parameters of whatever experience I already have. Again that's a false statement.

iambrian81 said:
ROFL. What a fricking hypocrite and a pathetic forum troll.
You can say what you want -- but neither you or alleygory has proven anything. Just full of bandwagon talk and rhetoric -- I ain't taking any of you seriously since you are just making assumptions, talking black and white and are just making total nonesence.

Captain Harlock

Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
The Netherlands
I don't know about the topic starter but for me there are bounderies about caring about my friends. It's none of my business whether they have sex or not and it's their problem if they can't get any, unless he'd come to me for advice or something.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
I've responded to all of them but the reality is that it is my points that are being ignored by allergory. Such as I know another Real-Estate agent who also lives at home -- that's right with his parents - and he's getting tail.

I didn't respond to that point because its retarded, and so is the guy.

What kind of a child-like man continues to live at home with mommy?

Energizer said:
There seems to be a vendetta against Luke Skywalker. He lives his life the way he wants to and if you have a problem with that, go eat ****. Kudos to you, Luke! :up:
Energizer said:
Tired of DJ Bible and all the **** that goes with it. You are all ****s and deserve a ****ing good slapping. Now, I know how to play women better than previously and enjoying ****ing with their emotions and head, I figured I will get myself banned from this forum. Good bye! TROLL ALERTZ!

Do you see Luke? Like people tend to band together.
May 23, 2006
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Alle_Gory said:

I didn't respond to that point because its retarded, and so is the guy.

What kind of a child-like man continues to live at home with mommy?
Like I said he's getting tail. He has the looks and has the talk to pique interest in his selected targets (although he lies through his teeth most of the time, he seems sincere about his conquests because he goes into peculiar detail such as breast-fat, and how to tell a natural from an artifiicial breast, etc.. Turns out he was taken advantage of by his babysitter and lost his virginity with his babysitter and went on to get laid in highschool by allying himself with some sort of popular in-club group of students. His last conquest I've heard him admit indirectly was in December (meeting I saw him was January). I saw him working the girls at the convention while I looked on.

Mystery method I think also lived at home too. They know what they are doing and are good at what they do. If they live with their parents, they are smart. They are saving their money rather than wasting it on some landlord and are still getting tail.

That's the bottom line because, for the purposes of this forum, thread, and any issues relating to success with women, yeah, that's a pretty important point. If one lives independently and is not successful with women, that's a waste, like big deal. You live independently if you want to, not to think about getting tail.

If that guy can be successful with women living at home, then I can to. Women only seem to care about how you can make them feel more than where you are living. The bottom line to learn here from my friend, hit the gym, improve your body and you'll get more interest -- look your best and dress sharp -- more important than being independent.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
You cannot compare it like that luke. That guy might be successful with women despite living at home with his mom(which IS a disadvantage), he has other advantages:

-Chances are, he is better looking than you
-Way* better social skills
-Does not have madonna/***** complex about sex and all other inner game issue you have. You have madonna/***** complex + religious bull**** that is keeping you from EVER getting laid man. In addition to the fact you're a 32 years old virgin and complete lack of social skills.

The fact of the matter is, you're buried under a mountain of bull sh1t and it's going to be VERY hard for you to claw your way out of it, if not impossible.

I do feel sorry that you will most likely one day die a virgin, but nature has a way to weed certain people out of existence.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
iambrian81 said:
You cannot compare it like that luke. That guy might be successful with women despite living at home with his mom(which IS a disadvantage), he has other advantages:
It's good to see that someone is actually challenging my points and this is not a total bore.

iambrian81 said:
-Chances are, he is better looking than you
To those who prefer the tall, dark, handsome type. However, I am also working up on improving my looks as I go to the gym.

iambrian81 said:
-Way* better social skills
If lying is a social skill then sure, he's a better liar than I am. I don't have a habit of lying through my teeth with women. But, I guess successful seducers do that. If that's the case, sure, that's not me.

iambrian81 said:
-Does not have madonna/***** complex about sex and all other inner game issue you have. You have madonna/***** complex + religious bull**** that is keeping you from EVER getting laid man. In addition to the fact you're a 32 years old virgin and complete lack of social skills.
He has different values than I do. Having sex with a married woman, or someone you just don't like or want to use are part of those values. If I had no values I would not be a virgin today. I was flirting earlier with a married woman who appeared into me but my mom said 'no' and I stopped. The Lord told her to tell me not to continue flirting with her and I stopped. Now I just stick to business with her. That's right -- VALUES -- a sence of right and wrong. What makes us different from monkies. Monkies have indiscriminate sex -- they have no values.

iambrian81 said:
The fact of the matter is, you're buried under a mountain of bull sh1t and it's going to be VERY hard for you to claw your way out of it, if not impossible.

I do feel sorry that you will most likely one day die a virgin, but nature has a way to weed certain people out of existence.
Keep your pity to yourself and do not feel sorry for your other friend either.

Maybe I should feel sorry for you if you have no values and think that other people who have values are bs.

WAIT -- are you trying to convert VIRGINS to have sex? Because nobody on here is going to convert me to become sexually active. Only one girl succeeded in almost doing that. It was my oneitis. She got me so angry that I wanted to lose my virgintiy with a random chick if it would mean getting even with her in some abstract way -- however, at the end of the day, even that didn't work -- but it came pretty close because there is nothing like feeling hurt and seeking redress as a motivation for losing your virginity -- words on a forum from an anonymous stranger compared to that -- drop in the ocean my friend. Nothing anyone says on here going to change anything.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
You know, i could continue challenging your point, but it has so much humor in it i'll let other people do it. IT's really easy.

However, i do have to say. You have a controlling mother. She basically dictates on who you should date and have sex with.

Also, here's something we can agree with:

"Nothing anyone says on here going to change anything."

Yes, nothing we say will help you move out of your mom's house, get a real job to make some money, take a bootcamp to help your social skills, help you get rid of your religious limiting belief and one day have a real sexual relationship with a quality woman.

You will have to help yourself.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
iambrian81 said:
However, here's the reality luke, except for you, everyone else here thinks you're a ****ing loser.
A lot of people have tons of respect for Luke, and I'm one of them.

This isn't so much about proving your statement technically wrong, which is was. This is more about questioning why you define him as a loser. Are you a loser? Think about that one carefully. I know you're trying to goad him to action, to "disillusion him" through meanness, to show him your reality which is extremely harsh.

I think your heart is in the right place, and I think your methods are pretty messed up. They do not show YOU to respect yourself.

If you were a huge winner in life, you would not need to bring other people down. Not at all. You would realize that trying to make people feel down is selfish, trying to get others to share misery.

Be a happy person. Be better than this.

Also, your posts are not showing a strong understanding of what it means to win at the game of life. The game of life is not to have sex a lot, it's to be happy. I know lots of guys who have lots of sex, and they're miserable. They are losing the game of life. And despite their infinite despair, you would think they are winning. I call on you to question a belief that would have you define some people who are miserable as losers.

Other guys aren't having any sex at all and are immensely happy. Yet to you they could be defined as losers. Yet they are winning.

Then there are guys who are having a lot of sex and are incredibly happy. These guys are winners. Not because of the sex or the success with women. They're winners because they're happy. They're winning just as much as the guys who aren't having sex who are happy. As long as they're just as happy, they're winning equally.

Are you happy?

Luke is right. Sex is not hard to come by. It is not hard to find. Happiness is hard to find. Lasting happiness is the goal of life.

If Luke is happy living with his mom, that doesn't make him a loser. That makes him a winner, because he's happy. I don't know if he's truly happy or not. My only point is that you didn't even bother to ask.

Your posts do not show a person who is winning the game of life. It shows a person who is focusing their self-hatred on another person. I think that if you were at peace with yourself, and fully satisfied with your life, your song would change. You would not need to try to make Luke feel bad.

I'm sure Luke isn't perfectly happy. And he has a lot to learn about communicating openly, especially about his own anxiety. He needs to learn that it's ok to tell people when he feels nervous. Maybe it would help to put some distance between him and mom, so he could find the self he needs to communicate.

None of this makes him a loser. None of this means he should feel bad. If he is half as satisfied with his choices and life as he sounds, he is not living like a loser. He is actually a self-aware, conscientious, thoughtful person who seems to feel a profound loneliness. But who is doing something about it now, and so he's a winner.

None of these things make him a loser. Nothing you have done makes you a loser. Luke seems to be doing very well for where he began. He will find his way. And so will you. I suggest focus on bringing him up, supporting him. I don't think insults help anybody, even you.
