So I got this 25 year old friend who's a virgin


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
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Basically, I ask him, how come he doesnt go out, talk to girls and get laid.

here's the laundry list of his excuses:
-He's too pure for it
-Most girls arent pretty enough for him, because he watch too much porn, and gets too picky.
-he gets bored with girls easily
-He could've get laid a bunch of times in the past but chooses not to

The thing is, almost all virgin have the SAME ****ing list of bull**** excuses on why they dont get laid. Until they man up and admit they're a social failure, they will never learn how to get laid and connect with women. The biggest example in this forum is luke skywalker, 32 year old virgin still living with his mom.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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The fear. I know I lost my vcard at 19 and was terrified as hell to do it. I had passed up tons of opportunities and really what it comes down to was fear. My parents put the fear of God, pregnancy and disease in me. I was so full of fear I didn't even enjoy it until my third time. But deep down I knew I wanted it. I couldn't lie to myself about that. I think the longer you wait the more the fear builds up. These guys are probably gonna go nuts after they get their first piece. The farther back you draw the bow, the further the arrow flies.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
iambrian81 said:
Basically, I ask him, how come he doesnt go out, talk to girls and get laid.

here's the laundry list of his excuses:
-He's too pure for it
-Most girls arent pretty enough for him, because he watch too much porn, and gets too picky.
-he gets bored with girls easily
-He could've get laid a bunch of times in the past but chooses not to

The thing is, almost all virgin have the SAME ****ing list of bull**** excuses on why they dont get laid. Until they man up and admit they're a social failure, they will never learn how to get laid and connect with women. The biggest example in this forum is luke skywalker, 32 year old virgin still living with his mom.

He sounds like he's in denial. You can drop a few hints about the site or something similar but it will be his decision, and his only if he wants to do something about it.

By the way, I doubt he is too picky if he's watching porn.

Ambition Now

Don Juan
Jun 22, 2008
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Yeah, i was like that too, lost my V Card at 19 also, with a prostitute and was scared as s*it also...

I used to be so scared of girls in my youth, i couldnt even talk to them...

The main reason i decided to go for it was that i was suffering from oneitis a lot and was so frustrated about not connecting with girls at all.

I remember i was in so much emotional pain at the time that i told myself that i just needed to go for it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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He's scared of failure. At 25, if he's really bad, it's going to look really bad. And it's a vicious cycle, he'll avoid it, age, and it will start to look even worse.

Does he have money? He should probably have sex with prostitutes. I imagine the nice ones are understanding. Does that sound crazy?

Otherwise, older women are the way to go. They are also understanding and more mellow.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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Heh, used to be me. My friend used the excuse that he doesn't look forward to it and he could care less about it even though he watches loads of porn and recommends me a video once a week to watch.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2008
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iambrian81 said:
Basically, I ask him, how come he doesnt go out, talk to girls and get laid.

here's the laundry list of his excuses:
-He's too pure for it
-Most girls arent pretty enough for him, because he watch too much porn, and gets too picky.
-he gets bored with girls easily
-He could've get laid a bunch of times in the past but chooses not to

The thing is, almost all virgin have the SAME ****ing list of bull**** excuses on why they dont get laid. Until they man up and admit they're a social failure, they will never learn how to get laid and connect with women. The biggest example in this forum is luke skywalker, 32 year old virgin still living with his mom.
All virgins say they could've got laid in the past but chose not to. Usually, this is either a gross exaggeration (e.g. a getting her number suddenly becomes a lay opportunity, or a make-out in a club) or it didn't happen and was only said to make them appear less desperate.

And also, how the hell could he get bored with women if he's still a virgin?


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
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He sounds like he is full of excuses.
But I do know a 21 yr old Virgin who could pull pvssy anywhere and has always had a girlfriend and fools around, but really is committed to waiting till marriage for intercourse...


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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^^ That goes for me too. I'm not making excuses for my "virginity" (what a stupid word for a man, anyway) because I "can't get laid." I'm just sticking to what I believe in. Some say it's hypocritical to expect women to adhere to standards you don't keep yourself...well, I don't have that problem

That being said, it would be nice to actually have that possibility of having sex. I mean I wouldn't do it, but having the skill to get to the point where I could do it if I dropped my moral code would be nice.

I have a lot of work to do. I still want to get a lot of girls, and kissing and making out.....


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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iambrian81 said:
Basically, I ask him, how come he doesnt go out, talk to girls and get laid.

here's the laundry list of his excuses:
-He's too pure for it
-Most girls arent pretty enough for him, because he watch too much porn, and gets too picky.
-he gets bored with girls easily
-He could've get laid a bunch of times in the past but chooses not to

The thing is, almost all virgin have the SAME ****ing list of bull**** excuses on why they dont get laid. Until they man up and admit they're a social failure, they will never learn how to get laid and connect with women.
Your statement to "man up" is completely illogical. It's not one life changing realization that's going to make virgins say "Oh, ok, I should just man up. I can't believe how easy it is to sleep with women now." It doesn't happen that way for them because you can do it. Some are scared, some have image issues, some have body issues, some have family issues, some have girl issues. It's a work in progress for them as with anyone who is good at something. Can you tell a tennis professional to "man up" and go to the US open? Can you tell a musician to "man up" and produce a top ten hit? Can you tell a hockey player to "man up" and make the NHL? Of course not. You can't be so judgmental because you are good at something.

You need to get some compassion in you bro. I could say the same thing to you, just "man up" and get rich, it's damn easy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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Obviously, he is in denial. If he was celibant cause of his religion that would be different. But, he doesn't mention that.

Make a bet with him one night. Tell him you will bet him you could get more numbers than him in a bar. If he says no cause he doesnt want trashy women or some lame excuse. Say its just for fun and you dont have to hook up with them. See, how he reacts or does if he takes you bet.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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I.A.F.Y.B. said:
If he was celibant cause of his religion that would be different.
Not that different. Most of those dudes are only using their religion (or culture, in some cases) as an excuse, because they can't get laid to save their lives. If nobody finds out and they have a willing woman, you bet their religion means sweet bugger all to them then.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Jitterbug said:
Not that different. Most of those dudes are only using their religion (or culture, in some cases) as an excuse, because they can't get laid to save their lives. If nobody finds out and they have a willing woman, you bet their religion means sweet bugger all to them then.
Can't hide from God...
May 23, 2006
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Jitterbug said:
Not that different. Most of those dudes are only using their religion (or culture, in some cases) as an excuse, because they can't get laid to save their lives. If nobody finds out and they have a willing woman, you bet their religion means sweet bugger all to them then.
I don't think so. First of all, people who have truly given their life to the Lord will bring their lives into subjection to God. For example, my Bible does not take fornication and pre-maritial sex lightly and takes an uncompromising position: (I rushed this, but I can back up everything I'm saying by scripture and verse if requested).

1) Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit -- if you have casual sex you are effectively joining the Temple of God to the temple of Baal as your spirit becomes one.

2) A Christian is to present his body as a living sacrifice unto God.

3) Let not fornication be named ONCE among you as becometh saints (Ephesians).

4) It's good for a man not to touch a woman (Corinthians)

5) A hoe is like a deep ditch (proverbs) -- talks about older married women seducing yonger men or literal hoes.

6) The marriage bed is honourable to all, but hoemongers and adulters will God judge.

7) Do not eat with a fornicator. (should be disfellowshiped from the church if their fornication or sins are known) (New testament)

8) Ultimately, if a professing or born-again Christian, habitually commits these types of sins without real repentance, they are going to hell (Galatians 6), irrespective of what they are professing.

If you think the Bible is taking this lightly -- I don't think so. Believe me, I was looking for a way out to sin -- there is no loophole anywhere in scripture. Back in 2006, and even today, I was looking for scriptural justification or loopholes to do something, and I could not find anything.

This is definately not an excuse -- it's a direction. Getting laid and fornication is the devil's path and road, everybody is following it because that's where the world is heading. However, Jesus leads into paths of righteousness for His name's sake. (Psalm 23). Jesus path is narrow and straight -- few people follow it. We are called to a life of purity, not corruption.

Find me any point of scripture, especially in the new testament, where there is any light stand where it says that "you shouldn't do it, but if you mess up God will understand". It says more like "Hazard, do not touch the electric wire or you'll get shocked" in it's treatment of fornication.


What I will agree with is that there is a pseudo-form of Christianity going around where God is viewed as a loving forgiving God that is essentially a big nice guy pushover where you can sin and get away with it, and that people have a license to sin and ask God for forgiveness afterwards. For example, I believe there is a poster who is a drummer in a church, and he's seducing the girls in the church. Bad example of how things are supposed to be.

Phineas and Hophnie did that (seduce Jews in the old temple where they were priests) -- in the book of 1 Samuel, and guess what -- Israel was defeated by the Philistineans -- the Ark of the Covenant did not defend them when those in authority were playing games with God.

However the point that Jesus came was to deliver people from their sins -- when you are delivered it has no control over you. In a sence, fornicators are sex-addicts or have an addiction -- because their passions control them.

There is no weak stand here.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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Man the minute a man says his standards are too high is bull**** cuz when your horny for real,for real..there's few women you WOULDNT tap.

Some dudes just think they're too good looking to even be talking to women,that women should be tripping over there words for them.

But what they dont know is you gotta let them know your approachable though.They dont understand women would take a good personality over looks and money and even love..

Thats what these "Im too sexy to get sex"(lolololol)type posters are about...Nothing.Just hot air...They're too busy looking themselves in the mirror to see the truth....


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
I don't think so. First of all, people who have truly given their life to the Lord will bring their lives into subjection to God.
Sins. I take it you've never masturbated or drank alcohol. Suuuure you haven't.

I doubt your God will care what you are, as much as what you have done in your life. What good things have you done lately to help your fellow human being, and follow this path of Jesus you preach about?

Being a virgin does not make you a saint or a martyr. I'm sure there's a scripture about that. Read your bible again.
May 23, 2006
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Alle_Gory said:
Sins. I take it you've never masturbated or drank alcohol. Suuuure you haven't.
Masturbation and drinking alcohol are not listed as sins anywhere in the Bible.
Drunkeness is (that is EXCESSIVE consumption of alchohol). The term masturbation is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

The Bible is black and white in matters of human-human intercourse, not really clear in matters of doing yourself.

Alle_Gory said:
I doubt your God will care what you are, as much as what you have done in your life. What good things have you done lately to help your fellow human being, and follow this path you preach about?
Fundamentally, first and foremost God cares exactly what you have done with Jesus. If you have not received Jesus as your saviour, then no amount of good works in the world can buy your own salvation.

The Bible says that there is no righteous person, and that God views our good deeds, (without Christ), at best, as filthy rags.

Alle_Gory said:
Being a virgin does not make you a saint or a martyr. I'm sure there's a scripture about that. Read your bible again.
Well, it appears that you keep raising an issue about that. I'm stating what the Bible is saying. The Bible says not to let fornication be named ONCE among you. It didn't say TWICE, or THREE times, or FIVE times, it says ONCE. There is an expectation on a Christian to stay the heck away from fornication as it's not good.

As a matter of fact, I'll even go as far as quoting the scripture:

Ephesians 5:3 "But FORNICATION, and all uncleanness, or coveteousness, let it NOT be ONCE named among you, as becometh saints..."

So you know what -- being a virgin could be named among a saint -- if someone has fornicated in the past and repented of it, they are not expected to do so again once they have become a saint, however, if you choose to continue to fornicate as a lifestyle, even once, then you are contravening this passage of scripture.

No loopholes -- Bible takes a strong stand.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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If it makes you feel better to use the Bible as an excuse not to approach, relate, and have sex with women, more power to you!


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Luke Skywalker, aren't you the guy who made a thread here a while ago about how great fleshlights are? Come on, get off that crack. You're no more serious about the Bible than some random infidel. You're engaging in pre-marital sex, it's just that you're banging a fake pvssy cos you can't get a real one.

The Bible may or may not have loopholes for God-fearing virgin guys to exploit and get some pre-marital pvssies but the point here is that those guys are just using that as an excuse.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I think the problem is, too many guys going into a club or a bar and thinking everyone is looking at them or knows he is a virgin etc. Look, when you're in a bar or club, people don't give a **** about you. Do whatever you want.