So be it


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
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StevenR has asked a question about alpha males. I have seen the answers from the high school forum, and from the general forum. What is the response from the mature men?

Do you have an opposing point of view, or do you agree that you are a "beta geek" like Steven has classed himself?

StevenR said:
Nothing personal, but I don't entirely agree with this post. I think it is a little more complex then this. First, is there any consensus on what the exact definition of a human alpha male is? Is it a guy who gets chicks? Is it a guy who is a leader in some capacity? Or is it an extraordinary individual akin to Nietzsche's Ubermensch?

Was Winston Churchill an alpha male? Was he physically "fierce"?(actually he was short and fat) What about FDR? He was a paraplegic. Abraham Lincoln was just ugly, certainly no Brad Pitt in the looks department. So who is more alpha, Lincoln or Brad Pitt? How about Ghandi, who preached non-violent resistance, was he not an alpha male?

Last but not least, there were other great men in history, such as Einstein, DaVinci, Edison, Galileo, Darwin, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, etc. None of these men were leaders, they were all "thinkers" something the OP just instructed is not alpha, yet they all profoundly changed the course of mankind and the history of the world. Centuries from now these men and others who are truly changing our world for the better will still be household names, wheras Brad Pitt and Van Diesel will probably be almost completely forgotten.

My point is that I think your definition of Alpha Male is too one dimensional, and there are many different types, or definitions, of a successful male and many ways to achieve that success. Your definition mostly seems to be successful in the sense of how to be the guy who gets the bimbo chicks in high school and college. Which, I guess, is the central goal of most men on this site lol, so your definition would make sense to them. I am not this kind of guy and never will be, nor do I want to be.

I look up more to a guy like Thomas Edison or Ghandi, the Dali Lama, Galen Rowell, or Galileo then I do to the the captain of the football team, Van Diesel and whatever other pretty boy, muscle bound movie stars are the current hearthrobs of chicks these days. If this makes me a beta geek, so be it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Alphas lead, betas follow. It's that simple. Someone who's an alpha in one group can easily become a beta in another.

It's all an issue of whether what you do in life is dictated by those around you or by what YOU want.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Damn, I so do not want to go here...but , man...I feel for Steve. I really do.

IMO Steve is "benching" himself. He's resigning himself to failure, and not accepting reality with women.
His post looked totally like beta rationalizing.

"This is no good. What I'm doing is good enough for me. I can't do this stuff anyway. This stuff just doesn't appeal to my "personality". Therefore, I don't have to do this stuff."

Goddamn, Steve.
Why do you do this, bro?

You really think we're that stupid?
You think we can't see thorugh your words, man?
You're trying to fool US, and yourself?Not happening.
Steve, my friend, my bro....
Re read Alpha King's post.

I know you don't want to. I know you don't want to accept it.
Man, Steve..I am telling you from the heart..this is the way it is.
You don't have to be some sort of video game or comic book superhero, man.
But let's be realisitic, at it's most basic level it is ALL about exhibiting Masculine Traits.

You see why you're not going to win this one, Steve?
You are denying and eschewing Masculinity.
Do you resent the jocks from your high school?
Do you resent the buff, good looking guys who get the girls?
Do you laugh at the "insincerity" of "macho" guys?
Do you see where I'm going with this?

As such a highly, highly intelligent cannot convince me, you , or anyone on this board that your presumption (roughly "Alphaness is a vague concept, indefineable and inable to create any opportunity for me personally.") is correct, logical, and at the very least is going to be a successful, working formula.

Dude, you can get there.
You can get there from here.
And we can help you.
If you let go and let us help you.
Trust us.

Here's what I would like you (and anyone else interested) to see and read, and THEN decide if you really want to stick to your "conclusions".

It's information from Dr. Paul Dobransky.
Who goes so far as to describe an even superior model of Masculine Ideal, the Omega Male.

I also want you to read this from David Deangelo, and watch the videos at the bottom of the page:

I don't want to come off as inconsiderate or short tempered, it's not my intention. I am frustrated at this outcome.
I don't think Steven really thought this through. I think he's denying himself something he truly has inside of him all the time. He's gving up.
And that seems wrong, and unfair, and unjust to such a good, intelligent, and truly worthy man.
I see this all the time. It's wrong. It's a conditioned, programmed, brain washed view. It's not the REAL "Steve" talking. It's the hobgoblins of the mind that have been there so long, that Steve actually thinks it's himSELF.

I wrote this on the go. I gotta go now. But I really, really want to stay involved in this particular thread and topic.

Talk to me, guys.

Trust me.

Keep an open mind, Steve. Don't give up.
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