Single, Not Lonely


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Copied from my blog, A Dark Heart

A very common go-to response aimed at men, particularly those on the upswing, who have elected to remain single is that there must be something inherently wrong with them. They must possess socially undesirable traits preventing them from ‘securing’ a long term partner. Taken one step further, these men are apparently doomed to a life of loneliness, misery, misogyny, lack of purpose, and an inability to love. This, of course, serves the female imperative perfectly and coincides with that of asexual betas who are all too happy to wallow in their own feces.

None of it is surprising. After all, western society is primarily about her. And what is a woman’s prerogative? Long term commitment from the best man she can acquire, current mate notwithstanding. The brainwashed, untaught, indifferent males (the same who allowed, nay, promoted the ‘equality’ of feminism) like nothing better than to mindlessly support the objects of their desire in hopes that they will someday reciprocate. So when you upset this ‘balance’, there’s an expected backlash.

Not only are most people eternally bound by their own incomplete paradigms, but passive aggressive jealousy is manifest in endless ways. Simply put, the higher you rise in whatever pursuits are important to you, the more opposition you’ll face. Take notch counts for instance. If you happen to project enough value (whether in mindset or truth) to fill your phone with nudes, you will immediately experience a gale of criticism from those privy to your indiscretions. You’ll hear things like:

‘Stop picking up sluts in bars.’ Newsflash: women of all moral ranks, including your ‘good girls’ frequent these establishments. The same girl you met at the bookstore, the coffee shop, church – goes to bars, statistically speaking. And if she put out so easily, she must be promiscuous. But how do you know your woman, if you have one, hasn’t done the same? Maybe not with you, because she correctly estimated that you were ‘the kind of guy I’d marry’, but didn’t feel compelled to breed with on first sight. Unless you’ve been following her her entire life, you’ll never know about those crazy nights she had if she’s halfway attractive. Your inability to bring out the slut in her does not preclude its existence.

‘Stop picking up girls online, they all have STDs, baggage, and are damaged goods.’ Because there’s a giant sign that says ‘register here if you’re diseased’ and girls in the real world have no such ailments. While there are women from certain predicaments you want to avoid – those into intravenous drug use, parts of town where the majority doesn’t have proper medical attention and isn’t very concerned with hygiene, and so on – there’s no sure fire way of predicting one or the other in advance. As for the rest, it’s the same regardless of where you meet.

‘Stop manipulating women, that’s so misogynistic’. As if women are dumb and so easily misled. Of course she’s the victim, she had no idea what was going on, she didn’t even like you, you just pushed some hind brain buttons and ‘it just happened’. If this were true, everyone would be doing it and this site wouldn’t exist. When something comes easier to one person and the other is unwilling to accept that their methodologies aimed at a similar outcome are inferior, they are quick to rationalize it as manipulation, cheating, or some other inherent immoral advantage.

‘Stop picking up girls at all, you’ll never love.’ Although deeper emotions take time to develop, it is a misguided stab to assume that love equates to love of a woman. Love life first, yourself second, and a woman (or women, heh) thereafter. A very common rationale, with some scientific backing regarding pair bonding (much more pronounced for women than men), is that continued bedding of women somehow eliminates your ability to open your heart. Au contraire, it hones your ability to pinpoint secondary traits you seek (and seek to avoid) in a woman of your fancy.

If you have limited experience with a handful of plain janes and a real fox suddenly gives you the time of day, you will be quick to forget your morals, ‘requirements’ for a relationship, and generally be willing to put up with mountains of drama for access to her intimacy and attention. All baggage mysteriously vanishes. Ego assuaging is a powerful tool. If you’ve had this happen, you can attest to it. If you haven’t, don’t bother rationalizing that ‘I’m above that’. You’re not, you just don’t know any better.

Numerous experiences with hot women help desensitize you to their main agent of power – their beauty – which in turn allows you to view them in a more critical light (does she have a personality? Is she nice? Does she cook? Is she vulgar in public? Would she be a good mother?). More importantly, it will allow you to interact with them in a more natural state, unfazed by their looks.

And so it goes. A lot of guys are unwilling to look in the mirror critically and acknowledge that they don’t truly love themselves. Women can’t stay single because they require physical ego validation which comes from male attention. Evidence of this can be found at your local bar, club, Facebook, or any social outlet. Men require accomplishment ego validation, which can come from a variety of sources, but most relationships (on the man’s side) are unfortunately treated from a woman’s perspective. The man is seeking validation from her and finds comfort and escape from the game of life in turn. And he dare not look outward, for fear of what he may discover: that he’s not all that and a cherry on top.

As a result, these same men inaccurately posit that if they are lonely and unhappy when single and have now found a woman to ‘complete’ them, that others must be as well. Which is, of course, garbage of the foulest degree. It may surprise some that staying single can be a choice, backed by pursuits of self development which supersede lengthy commitments to women. If you can be responsible for only yourself, make the money you want, do what you want, when you want, develop your character how you want, and – here’s the kicker – have female companionship to a limited degree of your choosing and on your terms, why don’t you? Answer: because it’s harder to realize your dreams than to drop them for the first woman who’ll have you, because it doesn't happen overnight and you can’t think your way into it.

While there’s nothing wrong with long term, loving, monogamous relationships, there’s plenty wrong if they’re sought as a means to complete one’s own inadequacies rather than compliment a developed character and life reflective of it. If women are pushing marriage and children back to 30 (an unwise decision given a rapidly closing fertility window and the inescapable wall), why is it that men are so quick to fall to one knee before realizing their own potential? For most, this is an exercise in futility. For the few, I salute you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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hmm curious, its true several times I had woman asking why I was single, normally I would say didn't find a good enough woman for me.

to let it simple what you would answer on that kind of question?

also another point, because well I take that from my experience I saw with a cousin, she pretty much only choose garbage guys with pretty much would, last one all our family was thinking he was banging his own mom (true, sometimes both would look more like they was dating not mom and son), and now this last one looks ok and all and she told him all about her, so he tells us and to her "good thing its was me who choose you, because you don't know how to choose men".

so I think that is true, if you let woman choose things will not be nice, if you the guy the men choose it would work far better.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
Your answer to that question is a good default response. 'I just haven't found the right girl yet' keeps the door open for any girl you're conversing with. Also - don't talk bad about your ex's. If asked, just say 'it didn't work out' and if pressured tell her 'the past is done with' and change the subject.