Since everyone beta bucks for women why not guarantee yourself an HB10


Jul 23, 2015
Reaction score
Since everyone else is beta bucking for women in some way or another why not guarantee yourselves a stream of 10's and date escorts? The cost might be effective.

You don't have to worry about drama etc.

You don't have to get into a relationship with them.

You can pick the HB10 of your choice, blonde, brunette, redhead, etc.

You are guaranteed sex and different kinds.

You don't have to take them to dinner or buy them gifts on holidays.

You can post many field reports and not need to learn game or worry about it. Every field report will end up in you getting sex and green K reps.

You can get two to have an easy threesome.

They don't have to see your place.

You don't have to spend your beta bucks on drinks, gym memberships, nice clothes, taking them to fancy dinners, vacations, letting them move in or worry about trying to impress them.

They don't care about your social circle.

You can talk to them and they won't mind if you're socially awkward.

They don't care about your job.

They won't talk about you to your friends or other women who may know you.

You can get different ages that haven't hit the wall yet.

You can get different ethnic women to learn about their culture without having to pay to actually visit their country.

You never get married to one so you don't have to worry about them taking half of your things.

You never have to meet their families or worry about jealous ex's.

The benefits of beta bucking for high priced escorts might just outweigh continually spending your beta bucks in urban bars trying to get entitled women drunk or else they aren't DTF or paying strippers who want you for your money and what else they can get out of you pretending to love you, getting married to entitled women etc.

Beta bucking for high priced escorts could be the answer to all your problems while still going your own way.


Don Juan
May 3, 2015
Reaction score
The only thing that I disagree with you is that is not the same satisfaction when you get results with women because of your effort than just buying their services.


Jul 23, 2015
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Casillas said:
The only thing that I disagree with you is that is not the same satisfaction when you get results with women because of your effort than just buying their services.

According to many prominent posters on SS with large followings of agreers putting any effort into women is being a pandering beta. Beta bucking then going your own way sounds like beta bucking to get high priced hb10 of your choice escorts with no rejection would be a perfect match.


New Member
Apr 19, 2015
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I had a hooker last night, lost my v to her.

I wouldn't do it all the time but the realization that you can get no effort sex whenever you want it for a modest fee means in all honesty I'll never get played again.

The amount of times I've been friend zoned and spent loads of money on a girl only to get nowhere.

From now on I'd never do that again. Sex first money after, hooker or normal slut, don't give them anything unless they are giving you what you want


Jul 23, 2015
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Beta bucking for HB10 high priced escorts is where it's at gentlemen. The benefits far outweigh the costs.

Unless you are all pretending to not want to do the negatives I've mentioned for entitled everyday women which are positives when getting HB10 high priced escorts?

Are you still searching for your HB9-10 NAWALT's pretending to dislike all the negatives that come with entitled everyday women while living in Disney inspired blue pill delusions?

If not. High Priced HB10 Escorts are the way to go with your beta bucks. Cut to the chase and go straight to the HB10 high priced escort beta buck for secks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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cant say I've ever used the services of a working girl. but with the ever increasing attention wh0ring, entitlement issues, narcissism, and mental health issues of a lot of women I can see the upside and dont judge anyone who is going that route. Not for me though.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
A lot of escorts are nasty looking, and too loose for me.


Jul 23, 2015
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
A lot of escorts are nasty looking, and too loose for me.
Stop using craigslist for "high priced" escorts. Problem solved.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2014
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yannick43 said:
First you are not a beta because you call an escort, second i got many cell numbers from escorts that i saw again for free.

Yet remember there is the GFE but not all will kiss you, and not all will give you amazing sex.

In the last 2 y i called a few, i saw 4 of them afterward and i did not pay nothing.

If someone decides to go that route, and does not want a LTR, its all good but remember this, they are escorts, and they will tell you exactly what you want to hear, you are so hot for your age, you could get younger women and so on.

They goal of the escort because she has very limited time in the business is to have as many regular clients as she can, usually a women will work in the biz for 3 months to 6 months, she will stop when she meets an idiot that is ready to go out with her, then come right back after she breaks up or worst most of them do have steady boyfriend. Which is like cheating if you ask me.

Don't fall into this game, have sex have fun then forget about her, what ever she tells you is a dream, sure if she french kisses you, your not ugly , women won't french kiss a man they find unattractive, some who offer the GFE will tell you straight off the bat i don't kiss i don't do this and that.

If you follow theses simple rules you will have a great time.

I stop ordering escorts, for the time being. And all the ones i used to really like don't work anymore.

But still there is no shame in doing this, respect her while she is with you and she will treat you well for it.

But remember they sell there bodies, its all a marketing strategy so don't fall in love........

u paid chicks high prices for sex?


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
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People like Stugots and a couple others in this thread, just don't get it, huh? They don't get this site.

A real Don Juan, doesn't do what is recommended, documented, advised on this site... just to get women.

They do it to better themselves as men.

They're tired of being chumps, of being played, taken advantage of, hurt and confused. So they turned here... and follow the directions given. Some get it, some don't but the point of the site... is not just how to get/game women. Sure, there's tips on that -- you need to know how to recognize signs and play the game to be successful.

But really, this site is about gaining individual freedom. Love for one self, self respect, and to give people hope that there is a way to live without being obsessed with women and what they think of you.

This site will teach you how to be happy, with yourself, and happy only with yourself, and not need women, or sex, or anything of the sort... because you will have yourself. And that's all you need, as a true Don Juan

The irony is, when you achieve this, the women will come along as well. Because they'll see it, and want it.

So why pay for sex? Fvcking stupid and useless.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Why not guarantee yourselves a stream of 10's and date escorts? The cost might be effective.

You don't have to worry about drama etc.
You've never dated a stripper then.

You don't have to get into a relationship with them.
Once there is sex, there is some sort of relationship. Usually wh*re/john relationship.

You can pick the HB10 of your choice, blonde, brunette, redhead, etc.
There are no 10's, hardly any 9's, lots of 8's. Plus, once a girl flashes her vagina that fast (with the exception of a few random magical encounters in life) their value goes down by at least 1 point. I can't even look at the fully nude girls in Atlanta.

You are guaranteed sex and different kinds.
If they are attracted yes. If not, you will have a bad experience, trust me. That's why you have to have meet them first. And they have to like you though they are willing to let you make up the difference with an extra $100 or two

You don't have to take them to dinner or buy them gifts on holidays.
You are much better off doing it though. You have never seen the real them until you take them outside the club (and for the love of God no blind escorts from the yellow pages - I'm only attracted to 1 out of 10 strippers tops, I never called an escort but I am imagining they are the same quality? Guys?) I recommend finding a girl who approaches you at a club.

You can post many field reports and not need to learn game or worry about it. Every field report will end up in you getting sex and green K reps.
They are still women. They are going to look, walk and talk exactly like women. They don't want to be treated any different. In fact, treating them like a lady is essential.

You can get two to have an easy threesome.

They don't have to see your place.
True. Get a hotel. You can't trust them for at least a few dates/texts and months.

You don't have to spend your beta bucks on drinks, gym memberships, nice clothes, taking them to fancy dinners, vacations, letting them move in or worry about trying to impress them.

They don't care about your social circle.

You can talk to them and they won't mind if you're socially awkward.

They don't care about your job.

They won't talk about you to your friends or other women who may know you.
You hope it gets that far.

You can get different ages that haven't hit the wall yet.
No, they already hit the wall. Hard. At age 13.

You can get different ethnic women to learn about their culture without having to pay to actually visit their country.
True. Many only like one type.

You never get married to one so you don't have to worry about them taking half of your things.
False. You are just as likely to marry them as any other girl of that overall quality level. They are not the worst girls. You still want them to want to marry you.

You never have to meet their families or worry about jealous ex's.

The benefits of beta bucking for high priced escorts might just outweigh continually spending your beta bucks in urban bars trying to get entitled women drunk or else they aren't DTF or paying strippers who want you for your money and what else they can get out of you pretending to love you, getting married to entitled women etc.
It is exactly like dating strippers, if not worse. They are just as interested in money, if not more. If they have a pimp, it is really, really bad. Otherwise, you still want them to say they love you.

Beta bucking for high priced escorts could be the answer to all your problems while still going your own way.
The moderators and I are issuing a moratorium on the words Alpha and Beta. Learn the other 24 letters, please.


Jul 23, 2015
Reaction score
bigneil said:
Why not guarantee yourselves a stream of 10's and date escorts? The cost might be effective.

You don't have to worry about drama etc.
You've never dated a stripper then.

You don't have to get into a relationship with them.
Once there is sex, there is some sort of relationship. Usually wh*re/john relationship.

You can pick the HB10 of your choice, blonde, brunette, redhead, etc.
There are no 10's, hardly any 9's, lots of 8's. Plus, once a girl flashes her vagina that fast (with the exception of a few random magical encounters in life) their value goes down by at least 1 point. I can't even look at the fully nude girls in Atlanta.

You are guaranteed sex and different kinds.
If they are attracted yes. If not, you will have a bad experience, trust me. That's why you have to have meet them first. And they have to like you though they are willing to let you make up the difference with an extra $100 or two

You don't have to take them to dinner or buy them gifts on holidays.
You are much better off doing it though. You have never seen the real them until you take them outside the club (and for the love of God no blind escorts from the yellow pages - I'm only attracted to 1 out of 10 strippers tops, I never called an escort but I am imagining they are the same quality? Guys?) I recommend finding a girl who approaches you at a club.

You can post many field reports and not need to learn game or worry about it. Every field report will end up in you getting sex and green K reps.
They are still women. They are going to look, walk and talk exactly like women. They don't want to be treated any different. In fact, treating them like a lady is essential.

You can get two to have an easy threesome.

They don't have to see your place.
True. Get a hotel. You can't trust them for at least a few dates/texts and months.

You don't have to spend your beta bucks on drinks, gym memberships, nice clothes, taking them to fancy dinners, vacations, letting them move in or worry about trying to impress them.

They don't care about your social circle.

You can talk to them and they won't mind if you're socially awkward.

They don't care about your job.

They won't talk about you to your friends or other women who may know you.
You hope it gets that far.

You can get different ages that haven't hit the wall yet.
No, they already hit the wall. Hard. At age 13.

You can get different ethnic women to learn about their culture without having to pay to actually visit their country.
True. Many only like one type.

You never get married to one so you don't have to worry about them taking half of your things.
False. You are just as likely to marry them as any other girl of that overall quality level. They are not the worst girls. You still want them to want to marry you.

You never have to meet their families or worry about jealous ex's.

The benefits of beta bucking for high priced escorts might just outweigh continually spending your beta bucks in urban bars trying to get entitled women drunk or else they aren't DTF or paying strippers who want you for your money and what else they can get out of you pretending to love you, getting married to entitled women etc.
It is exactly like dating strippers, if not worse. They are just as interested in money, if not more. If they have a pimp, it is really, really bad. Otherwise, you still want them to say they love you.

Beta bucking for high priced escorts could be the answer to all your problems while still going your own way.
The moderators and I are issuing a moratorium on the words Alpha and Beta. Learn the other 24 letters, please.
So in other words you're an expert on beta bucking for low class women who strip in front of various men for a living and this is supposedly "alpha" all of a sudden.

I mean if we are all to believe everyday women aren't good enough relationship material we might as well turn SS into a high priced escort site so everyone can order themselves a "quality" HB10 without the hassle of interrupting them "improving" themselves.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
And Pena hopes without the hassle of GETTING A CAREER.

Moderators: Stugots = Pena. Getting really tired of people who hide their age and gender and keep starting new accounts so they can have more than 10 posts per day and create the illusion of consensus.


I only pay sometimes. It's called an investment, but Pena never had one.

In my book, if you get 4 strippers to have sex with you for free, you are doing ok. 4/14 is pretty good. Beautiful women are the most precious commodity on Earth and are worth spending money on. I've been dating beautiful women since 1988. I never paid a girl in the US until I was in my 40's and you know what? There is little difference. Women are all ho's now. And I feel your pain, I didn't like my women f*cking older guys either when I was 22.

Face it: Broke men and fat women both hate the fact that wealthy men spend money on hot women. You belong together.

No matter what you do to have sex with her, if you got her, it's a good thing. The pretty boy who lives in his mom's basement or the successful business man. It's all the same. She's obviously not faithful to either. Get over it.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
bigneil said:
If you get 4 strippers to have sex with you for free, you are doing ok. 4/14 is pretty good. Beautiful women are the most precious commodity on Earth and are worth spending money on. I've been dating beautiful women since 1988.

Face it, broke men hate the fact that other men spend money on women.

No matter what you do to have sex with her, if you got her, it's a good thing. The pretty boy who lives in his mom's basement or the successful business man. It's all the same. She's obviously not faithful to either. Get over it.
This is how you "improve" yourself Neil? By spending on low quality women who dance naked and (offer more) for the right price while trying to justify your foolish actions and wasteful spending?

Are you that afraid that normal women can't tell you they love you without you having to pay low quality women to do it instead trying to delude yourself that you are "better" than the same low quality women you date?

Your "hot" stripper pictures have been seen before. No one was impressed in the least.

It doesn't matter how much one makes if they need to spend their beta bucks on women who make a living taking money from various men while dancing naked in front of countless others to tell them they "love" them.

You seem extremely confused or in full denial mode.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
This site is US based, most of the posters are from the US and fvcking working girls is illegal in the US. There is always some story about John's being arrested:

I don't know how bigneil's employers would feel if he got a record for paying to fvck ho's.

In some other parts of the world its legal. I suppose as a customer you can go fvck an escort and then boast on one of these punter websites giving an account of what you did with the escort.
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Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
mangotot said:
I don't know how bigneil's employers would feel
Maybe he is self employed. Maybe he made everything up. Maybe only Prostitution is illegal. Maybe a cop has to catch you propositioning women. Maybe that's something he would never do.

But maybe you should call the police mangostot. Tell them some posters bragged about having sex with strippers for free. Maybe they will raid some of the strip clubs. And tell them you still think some of us hired escorts even if we explicitly said we never called an escort in our life.

Remember: no matter how many things people admit to, we should still assume they are lying about anything we don't find convenient. God knows that having sex for free should also be illegal according to feminists. As should dating women who are half our age. Wait, did I get a consent form? Maybe it was rape! It's high time we arrest these men. This forum should go on our police record! Our boss should be forwarded every post we make even though we are anonymous.

This site has indeed hit a new low. Rats are the lowest life form on Earth.